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Head and Neck Muscles

Head and Neck Muscles. frontalis. epicranial aponeurosis. Facial Muscles. occipitalis. masseter. risorius. buccinator. Facial Muscles. corrugator supercilia. frontalis. orbicularis oculi. nasalis. zygomaticus. major. minor.

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Head and Neck Muscles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Head and Neck Muscles

  2. frontalis epicranial aponeurosis Facial Muscles occipitalis masseter risorius buccinator

  3. Facial Muscles corrugator supercilia frontalis orbicularis oculi nasalis zygomaticus major minor

  4. Facial Muscles levator labii superioris orbicularis oris depressor labii inferioris depressor anguli oris mentalis

  5. Hyoid Muscles mylohyoid digastric hyoid bone

  6. Neck Muscles temporalis cut sternocleidomastoid/trapezius levator scapula splenius capitus scalenes

  7. Neck Muscles splenius capitius digastric levator scapula sternocleidomastoid scalenes trapezius

  8. Eye Muscles superior oblique superior rectus medial rectus lateral rectus inferior rectus

  9. Other Neck Muscles • Platysma - broad surface muscle covering the neck and chin muscles • Lateral Pterygoid – deep muscle attachments to the mandible and lateral pterygoid process • Medial Pterygoid - deep muscle attachments to the mandible and medial pterygoid process. • TMJ - temporomandibular joint

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