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Higgs mass in gauge-Higgs unification

Higgs mass in gauge-Higgs unification. 2005/6/10 @Taipei Summer Institute. Toshifumi Yamashita (KEK). Introduction Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking Higgs mass in GHU Summary. hep-ph/0411250 with N.Haba (Tokushima)

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Higgs mass in gauge-Higgs unification

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  1. Higgs mass in gauge-Higgs unification 2005/6/10 @Taipei Summer Institute Toshifumi Yamashita(KEK) • Introduction • Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking • Higgs mass in GHU • Summary hep-ph/0411250 with N.Haba (Tokushima) K.Takenaga(Osaka)

  2. Introduction • Gauge-Higgs Unification 5D theory gauge field compactification 4D theory gauge field scalar field with KK modes Higgs 5D gauge invariance protect the Higgs mass!!

  3. Introduction • To do Higgs sector • To yield doublet Higgs scalar(s) • To reproduce a correct EWSB • To get a sufficiently heavy Higgs orbifolding To get a sufficiently heavy Higgs Quark/Lepton sector • To yield the matter content of SM • To reproduce appropriate Yukawa NPB 669 (2003) Scrucca, Serone, and Silvestrini hierarchy, mixing, large

  4. Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking • Orbifold ex) Fields may notbe invariant! ex)

  5. Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking • Orbifold breaking Y.Kawamura ex) Doublet Higgs! It is important to calculate effective potential. flat directions

  6. Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking • Effective potential M.Kubo, C.S.Lim and H.Yamashita • induced through quantum effect • 1-loop effective potential :

  7. Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking • Effective potential M.Kubo, C.S.Lim and H.Yamashita • induced through quantum effect • 1-loop effective potential : finite!! We need , because .

  8. Orbifolding & Hosotani breaking PRD 70, 1015010 (2004) N.Haba, Y.Hosotani, Y.Kawamura and T.Y. • Effective potential • appropriate bulk fields correct EWSB Higgs mass?

  9. Higgs mass in GHU • Higgs mass The quartic coupling is zero at the tree level. The Higgs mass tends to be small. We found appropriate bulk fields can also yield a large Higgs mass. PRD 70, 1015010 (2004) N.Haba, Y.Hosotani, Y.Kawamura and T.Y. • goal When?

  10. Higgs mass in GHU hep-ph/0411250 N.haba, K.Takenaga and T.Y. • Effective potential gauge sector ex) Other contributions are also written by a linear combination of w/o .

  11. Higgs mass in GHU hep-ph/0411250 N.haba, K.Takenaga and T.Y. • Approximation formulae <0 >0 >0 <0 • is dominated by , w/ . • Bulk fields w/ are required. • When , a large Higgs mass is realized. • When , a large number of bulk fields • w/ are required to yield .

  12. Higgs mass in GHU hep-ph/0411250 N.haba, K.Takenaga and T.Y. • Conclusion When , a large Higgs mass may be realized, w/o so many bulk fields. • Numerical study

  13. Summary • Summary • We investigated the Higgs mass in GHU • analytically. This analysis can be applied for many models. • A large Higgs mass can be obtained • w/ a few bulk fields, when . • A numerical analysis confirmed the result.

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