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Homelessness through the Eyes of Children: A Special Needs Perspective

Homelessness through the Eyes of Children: A Special Needs Perspective. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless.

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Homelessness through the Eyes of Children: A Special Needs Perspective

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  1. Homelessness through the Eyes of Children: A Special Needs Perspective

  2. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless According to legend…If you wish to make an impact for one year, you plant corn.If you wish to make an impact for a generation, you plant a tree.But if you wish to make an impact for an eternity, you educate a child. Author Unknown

  3. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • 21% of homeless children repeat a grade because of frequent absence from school, compared to5% of other children. • 14% repeat a grade because they have moved to a new school, compared to 5% of other children. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  4. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • Homeless children • Have four times the average rate of delayed development. • Have more academic problems than other children. • Are under served by special education. • Are suspended twice as often as other children. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  5. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • Homeless children • Have higher rates of low birth weight and need special care right after birth four times as often as other children. • Have twice as many ear infections, five times more diarrhea and stomach problems, and six times as many speech and stammering problems. • Are four times more likely to be asthmatic. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  6. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Every day, homeless children are confronted with stressful, often traumatic events. • 74% of homeless children worry they will have no place to live. • 58% worry they will have no place to sleep. • 87% worry that something bad will happen to their family. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  7. Half of school-age homeless children experience anxiety, depression, or withdrawal • By the time homeless children are eight years old, one in three has a major mental disorder. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  8. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Among young homeless children: • One out of five (between three and six years of age) have emotional problems serious enough to require professional care • 16% of homeless preschoolers have behavior problems including severe aggression and hostility Among school-age homeless children: • 47% have problems such as anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, compared to 18% of other school-age children • 36 % manifest delinquent or aggressive behavior, compared to 17% of other school-age Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  9. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • Although 42% of children and youth experiencing homelessness are below the age of five, they are significantly underrepresented in pre-school programs • Of children in grades three through 12 who are homeless and participated in state assessment tests, only 48% were proficient in reading and only 43% were proficient in math Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  10. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • Among homeless children, there is twice the number of students with learning disabilities and three timesthe number of students with emotional and behavioral problems. Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)

  11. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless • 38% percent of homeless children with learning disabilities receive treatment for their disabilities, compared to 75% of housed children with disabilities • 9% are in special education classes, compared to 24 % of housed children Source: Homelessness and Its Effect on Children

  12. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Profiles of Risk: School Readiness Source: Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness (ICPH)

  13. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Profiles of Risk: School Readiness Source: Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness (ICPH)

  14. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Profiles of Risk: School Readiness Source: Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness (ICPH)

  15. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Source: Chicago Study 2010

  16. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Source: Chicago Study 2010

  17. Special Needs Of Learners who are Homeless Source: Chicago Study 2010

  18. Homelessness is usually not a solo trauma • Precedents of homelessness often include • Domestic violence • Family chaos • Economic disruptions and loss • Parental illness (physical, mental) • Isolation and lack of social supports • Patterns of high mobility • AND preoccupations that preclude reliable parental attention and awareness of children’s needs ANNE R. GEARITY, PHD .Univ. of MN. Developmental Repair 2011

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