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BA 313 INTRODUCTION TO RETAILING BİM Birleşik Marketler Zinciri IZMIR UNIVERSTY OF ECONOMICS. BIM. Özge karaca,Müge Hopbaoğlu. Müge Hopbaoğlu Özge Karaca. History of BIM Bim A.Ş. first opened in 1995 with 21 stores
BA 313 INTRODUCTION TO RETAILING BİM Birleşik Marketler Zinciri IZMIR UNIVERSTY OF ECONOMICS BIM Özge karaca,Müge Hopbaoğlu Müge Hopbaoğlu Özge Karaca
History of BIM • Bim A.Ş. first opened in 1995 with 21 stores • Bim object was to offer consumers basic food items and consumer goods at the best prices and highest quality. • It, Pioneer of the hard-discount model in Turkey. • Bim has started first foreign operations in Morocco and opened 25 stores in Casablanca in 2009. History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation POSITION • Bim has 2918 stores now in Turkey. • To quality standards most efficiently by limiting thr product portfolio to 600 products • Bim mentality is minimize the management, store design, personel, distribution, marketing and promotion costs. • As of December 31,2009, the number of employees at bim totaled 14.904
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation Target Market • Bim aim is to minimize its operational costs in on effort to offer discounts to its customers. • Bim’s target audience were low-income and middle-income people. • The number of consumers has increased because of lower cost and stores everywhere day by day.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation Strategies
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation LocationStrategy • BİM generallypreferssomewherewhich is populatedandnearthoroughfaretomakepeoplestransportationeasier.Forinstancethereare at leasttwobim in onedistrict.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation PricingStrategy • Someprices of goodsarethesameliketheothermarkets on theotherhandtheprices of staplefoodproductsarecheaper.Thebadpricingstrategy of this market is no promotions.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation TheProductstheyoffer-Quality • BİM sellsbothknownlabeledgoodssuch as: ‘eti,Ülker, andunknowlabeledgoodssuch as:lecolaleporta ‘ tosellıngUnknownlabeledgoodsdoes not meanthattheyhave no qualityhowevertheconsumersdoes not say differencesbetweenthesegoodsandknownlabeledgoods.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation Variety • Variety of goods is poor, thatmeansthere is no everygoods of knownlabel on theotherhandthemostwantedgoods can be presentedtocustomers.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation CommunicationsStrategy • There is no staff in bimtodealwith a customer.ifcustomertrytofindsomethingthat s/he can not find , he shouldsearchforhim/her self.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation StoreAtmosphericsStrategy • There is no market music.There is no variety of therayonssuch as technologyrayons,hardware (nalburiye) andalsothere is no enoughspacebetweenrayons,lack of pay desk
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation Comparisonwiththecompetitorswithregardtostrategies • Locatıon is beter thantheothermarkets in terms of to be closetopopulatedareasandeasiness of transportataıon. • Price is beter thantheothermarkets in terms of staplefoodproducts. • As fortheproductstheyoffer-qualitysome of thegoodsqualityaresametheothers but most of themareworstthantheothers.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation Comparisonwiththecompetitorswithregardtostrategies • Variety is worsethantheothers market such as tansaş, kipa. • Communicationsstrategy is poorunliketheothers. • Storeatmosphericsstrategy is not as good as theothers in terms of market music , lack of pay deskandattention.
History of BIM Position Target Market Strategies LocatıonStrategy PricingStrategy TheProductstheyoffer-Quality Variety CommunicationsStrategy StoreAtmosphericsStrategy General Evaluation General Evaluation • ThepricesareverycompatibleforTurkey’seconomicsstandarts.Thequaility of thegoodsare as good as theothers.