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D etail activity

w ww.earthandbusinessday.wordpress.com. D etail activity. Each class will be given the capital amount of Rp . 200,000.- to buy plants.

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D etail activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. www.earthandbusinessday.wordpress.com Detail activity Each class will be given the capital amount of Rp. 200,000.- to buy plants. The committee prepare the areaaround the school yard where students can put their plants and let the students pick their garden land using a ballot system (withdraw the numbers that represent the garden area). – See the next page. Students can start purchasing the plants right after the school gives the money then they can start fill-in their garden with their plants. Each class must prepare the gardening tools required, such as: cultivator, pruner, trowel, watering can, water bucket, etc. They must maintain their garden, water the plants, keep the garden clean, arrange the plants, decorate something if necessary, etc.(They can do this every day during their free time, not during class time). Make sure all the plants are completed and ready before the day (30 April 2014) as the committee will assess their gardens. Criteria to be judged is stated in the next page. Each class will make presentation about their garden during the assessment by judges. (This presentation will be filmed by the committee).

  2. Garden site #1Next to Green-house 4 1 5 2 6 3 Sec.2C Sec 3B2 Sec 3S1 Sec 3S2 Sec 1B GAC

  3. Garden site #2Rear side of school / back side of tennis court(in front of kindergarten) 8 9 Sec 2B Sec 2A Sec 1A 7

  4. Garden site #3Rear side of school / back side of tennis court(in front of kindergarten) 10 11 10 Sec 3B1 11 Sec 1C

  5. Judging criteria Judging will take place during the month of For most categories, judging is based on three main factors: Maintenance - the lack of elements such as dead and diseased plants, well presented lawns and clipped shrubs, considered water usage and overall attention to detail. Design - aspects such as layout, colour, use of line, form and texture, plant use and once again attention to detail within this context. Intent - the active participation of the entrant, level of knowledge and enthusiasm and extent of third party assistance. 

  6. Detail Criteria Garden quality – 30 points Garden design and creativity. (15 points) Qualities that make this garden unique. (5 points) Care and maintenance of the garden. (5 points) Selection and use of plants. (10 points) Presentation quality (3-4 minutes) – 10 points(No Powerpoint slides required) Each class must make a presentation about their garden which will explain: the theme of the garden (3 points) how they choose their plants (3 points) the process of making it and the hardest part to do (2 points) what makes the garden special (2 points)

  7. Sample of garden

  8. Sample of garden

  9. Sample of garden

  10. Sample of garden

  11. Sample of garden

  12. Sample of garden

  13. Sample of garden

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