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CVS Slide Models

CVS Slide Models. Practicum Part II These slides will be used for the 2 nd part of your practical. 1 - Brachiocephalic artery 2 - Left common carotid artery  3 - Left subclavian artery  4 - Aortic arch  5 - Ascending aorta  6 - Descending aorta  7 - Ligamentum arteriosum 

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CVS Slide Models

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  1. CVS Slide Models Practicum Part II These slides will be used for the 2nd part of your practical

  2. 1 - Brachiocephalic artery 2 - Left common carotid artery  3 - Left subclavian artery  4 - Aortic arch  5 - Ascending aorta  6 - Descending aorta  7 - Ligamentum arteriosum  8 - Pulmonary trunk  9 - L. Pulmonary artery 10 - R. Pulmonary artery 11 - Superior vena cava 12 - L. Brachiocephalic vein 13 - R. Brachiocephalic vein 14 - R. Auricle 15 - R. Ventricle 16 - L. Auricle 17 - L. Ventricle 18 - Anterior interventricular artery 19 - R. coronary artery 20 - Circumflex artery 21 - L. coronary artery 22 - Apex

  3. 1 - Descending thoracic aorta 2 – Esophagus 3 – Trachea 4 - R. Pulmonary veins 5 - L. Pulmonary veins 6 - R. Atrium  7 - Inferior vena cava  8 - Coronary sinus  9 - Middle cardiac vein 10 - Posterior interventricular artery 11 - Circumflex artery

  4. 1 - Superior vena cava 2 - Ascending aorta  3 - Pulmonary trunk 4 - Pectinate muscles in Right auricle 5 - Fossa ovalis in R. atrium 6 - Inferior vena cava 7 - Pulmonary semilunar valve 8 - R. bundle branch (in interventricular septum) 9 - R. A. V. (Tricuspid) valve 10 - Chordae tendinaea 11 - Papillary muscle

  5. 1 - Aortic arch  2 - Ligamentum arteriosus  3 - Pulmonary trunk 4 - L. Pulmonary veins 5 - L. Atrium 6 - R. Pulmonary veins (entering L. atrium) 7 - L. A. V. (bicuspid or mitral) valve 8 - Aortic semilunar valve 9 - L. Ventricle 10 - L. bundle branch 11 - Purkinje fibers 12 - Interventricular septum 13 - Trabeculae carnae 14 - Myocardium

  6.  Veins (blue) 1 - Int. Jugular 2 - R. Brachiocephalic 3 - L. Brachiocephalic 4 - Superior vena cava 5 - Subclavian 6 - Axillary 7 - Brachial 8 - Cephalic 9 - Basilic10 - Median cubital11 - Radial12 - Ulnar13 - Inferior vena cava14 - Hepatic veins15 - Hepatic portal vein16 - Gastric17 - Superior mesenteric18 - Renal19 - Common iliac20 - Internal iliac21 - External iliac Arteries (red)22 - Brachiocephalic23 - Common carotid24 - L. Subclavian25 - Axillary26 - Brachial27 - Radial28 - Ulnar29 - Aortic arch30 - Pulmonary trunk (blue)31 - Pulmonary arteries (blue) and veins (red)32 - (missing)33 - Celiac trunk34 - Hepatic35 - Splenic36 - Gastric37 - Sup. mesenteric38 - Renal39 - Gonadal40 - Abdominal aorta41 - Inf. mesenteric42 - Common iliac43 - Internal iliac44 - External iliac 

  7. 1 - Inferior vena cava 2 - Common iliac vein 3 - Internal iliac vein 4 - External iliac vein 5 - Deep femoral vein 6 - Femoral vein 7 - Great saphenous vein 8 - Descending abdominal aorta 9 - Common iliac artery10 - Internal iliac artery11 - External iliac artery12 - Deep femoral artery13 - Femoral artery14 - Popliteal artery15 - Posterior tibial artery16 - Anterior tibial artery

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