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AFRICAN RENAISSANCE AND INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION FUND 2016/17 ANNUAL REPORT (ARF) Presentation to NCOP Select Committee on Trade and International Relations. 8 NOVEMBER 2017. Table of contents. General Overview.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AFRICAN RENAISSANCE AND INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION FUND 2016/17 ANNUAL REPORT (ARF)Presentation to NCOP Select Committee on Trade and International Relations 8 NOVEMBER 2017

  2. Table of contents

  3. General Overview • The African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund is an integral part of South Africa’s development contribution to the African continent and countries of the South. 2. The Fund has been capacitated with a dedicated Secretariat. 3. The 2016/17 Annual Report encompasses the achievements recorded in pursuit of the objectives and targets as set out in the Revised Strategic Plan for 2015 – 2020.

  4. General Overview 4. The ARF continues to support the SADC election observer missions on the continent. 5. The ARF continued to act on appeals for humanitarian assistance from African countries and countries of the developing South that are in dire need in response to humanitarian crises including natural disasters and man-made disaster. The main objective of humanitarian assistance is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity

  5. General Overview 6. Amongst the flagship projects being implemented during the financial year 2016/17 are: 6.1 The Veterinary Laboratory Network (VETLAB) project supports that the (International Atomic Energy Agency) IAEA’s efforts to strengthen animal disease diagnostic capacities in regional veterinary laboratories in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Joint FAO-IAEA Division's veterinary laboratory network. The Botswana National Veterinary Laboratory, acts a reference laboratory for SADC regional laboratories. This is an important milestone in deepening the integration agenda of SADC 6.2 The Rice and Vegetable project in Guinea Conakry, which has officially been handed over to the Government of Guinea Conakry, is a blue print for South Africa as a model for the eradication of food insecurity on the Continent.

  6. Key performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements

  7. Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements

  8. Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements • None • None

  9. Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements • None • None

  10. Key performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements

  11. Governance structures

  12. Report of the external auditor 1. The Fund maintained an unqualified audit report from the AGSA 2. Eleven out of twelve audit recommendations accepted by management in the prior year on matters included in the auditor’s report were implemented and actions taken to resolve the findings. 3. The one outstanding matter affecting the Auditors opinion is “Any money in the Fund which is not required for immediate use must be invested by the Director-General, and may be withdrawn when required.”

  13. ARF Financial Report 2016/17


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