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JasperReports. Open Source Reporting Engine. JasperReports. Reporting Engine & Compiler Various Input Options – XML, Hibernate, JDBC, CSV… Various Output Options – PDF, Excel, HTML, RTF, TXT, XML Ability to create Charts http://jasperforge.org/sf/projects/jasperreports. iReport.

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  1. JasperReports Open Source Reporting Engine

  2. JasperReports • Reporting Engine & Compiler • Various Input Options – XML, Hibernate, JDBC, CSV… • Various Output Options – PDF, Excel, HTML, RTF, TXT, XML • Ability to create Charts • http://jasperforge.org/sf/projects/jasperreports

  3. iReport • Report GUI Design tool • Built-In Compiler to create compiled reports • http://www.jasperforge.org/sf/projects/ireport

  4. Requirements • JRE 1.4 or higher • Commons Beanutils • Commons Collections • Commons Logging • Commons Digester • Itext – for PDF output • POI – for Microsoft formats • JFreeChart – if using Charts/Graphs

  5. Ant Task • Ant task is located in Tools that will compile reports • Add to build.xml to enable Jasper compiling on build

  6. iReport/Making Report Definition • Located in Tools File Types: • .jrxml – report definition (xml format) • .jasper – compiled report definition • iReport can open either version

  7. Basic Report Layout • Each section of the report is called a band • Different bands will print different sections of the report • Bands can be added, removed and resized • Not all bands are always used • Fields can be moved, stretched and resized using the mouse.

  8. Types of Fields • Static Text – non-data fields, i.e. Headings, titles, labels, etc. • Text fields – can be data and/or non-data • Variables – used for calculating of fields • Parameters – passed into the report at compile time

  9. New Text Field • View  Fields • Click New • Enter the field name – this will define it in the report • Select Class Type – String is text fields, BigDecimal for amount fields

  10. <CompleteReceipt> <Receipt> <number>0155</date> <date>255</date> <Item> <number>1</number> <quantity>10</quantity> …. </Item> <Item> …. </Item> </Receipt> </CompleteReceipt> Record Path is: /CompleteReceipt/Receipt/Item

  11. Field Description • The field description field is the path to the data from the record path • If we have a receipt, with items, it’s record path is: /CompleteReceipt/Receipt/Item • To access the Receipt number, the field description would be: ../number (the .. will go up the tree) • If a CompleteReceipt piece of data is needed, it would be: ../../data

  12. Adding a Variable • View  Variables, and click New. • Enter a variable name. • Choose calculation type, Add, multiply, etc. • Class type and Expressions should be of BigDecimal type

  13. Adding a Parameter • View  Parameters, click New • Enter name and select class type. • These are passed into the report at compile time.

  14. Subreports • A separate .jasper file that is used inside of another report. • A data source can be applied to a subreport in the report properties as shown here:

  15. Subreports, cont. • Parameters are defined on the Subreport (other) tab. • The subreport Expression field will be the path to the subreport. We pass these in via a parameter.

  16. Compile Report • Build  Compile will build the report, and create a .jasper file. This file will be used in the java code. • Ant task will also do this if added to build script.

  17. Back to Java Code • Now, our .jasper files are created. Time to compile them with the data. • Need the following imports (using XML data source and PDF output):

  18. Creating Final report • First we need to get our jasper files, main report and any subreports: • In USASWeb, we keep the paths to these files in StrutsResources.

  19. Creating Final report, cont. • Now, we need to create an ArrayList for our report(s) and a Hashmap for any paramters. • A parameter needs the parameter name, and then the data to send.

  20. Creating Final report, cont. • Now, we can get our data. This shows an xml, being input thru a ByteArrayInput Stream. • The Xml data source needs an input stream, and the record path. (can also take in a File, Document, JDBC connection)

  21. Creating Final report, cont. • Now, we fill the report. We need to pass in the main reports path, our parameters and the data source. • Then, we can add the report to our PrintList. (if using PDF bookmarks or to set the spreadsheet name in Excel, use the setName method)

  22. Creating Final report, cont. • Now, we have our report made, now time to export it. I will show the PDF exporter. • First, create a new PDFExporter instance, and get the response ready for our output.

  23. Finally, the report is done! • Now, we set the exporter parameters. Here, we need our PrintList, output method, and since we are using PDF bookmarks, we need to set the flag. • Finally, we export the report.

  24. Result • Now, it will be output to the browser.

  25. Questions?

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