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Explore the spirituality and support system for leaders in the Lasallian community, reflecting on De La Salle's example and applying it to our own lives. Learn from experiences, identify supports, and reflect on personal leadership.

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  2. Objectives: To learn from our experiences of leadership by:1. uncovering what “spirit” is in terms of our ministry;2. understanding the factors that “in-spirit” or “dis-spirit” us,3. reflecting on De La Salle’s example and spirituality as a leader, and applying this in our lives today,4. identifying the supports available to us as leaders.

  3. Individual and group reflections2. Personal CREDO and SUPPORT PLAN as a Leader OUTPUT:

  4. In your experience of leading a group or community, when did you feel... "MOST ALIVE" AS A LEADER? "least alive" AS A LEADER? Activity Sheet #1


  6. MOST ALIVE • good team, at peace • open communication • challenging, stimulating atmosphere • successfully completed “we did it” • tasks achieved smoothly, supportive partners • recognition • change in young person (values) • praying, serving together – more meaningful, oneness • cooperation, involvement among members • don’t give up, persevere • commitment, conviction • LEAST ALIVE • don’t move as planned • people avoid/reject me • disinterested members in the group, promise but don’t deliver • undermining behavior in the team/leader (backbiting…) • conflicting priorities • helpless, unsupported • criticized destructively • broken relationships • not appreciated /recognized • work together but not in touch w/each other’s life

  7. What is the source of your “Life”? The source of your “SPIRIT”

  8. SPIRITED We use all four energies (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual). Work is vocation Sense of connectedness to others Community or family used as metaphor Congruence between personal and organizational mission and values Work has meaning and purpose Energized, animated workers Workers involved in the activity of leadership DISPIRITED We use physical and mental energies only. Work is job Sense of separation & disconnectedness More competition than cooperation or community Lack of congruence between personal & organizational mission & values Lack of meaning and purpose Workers drained of energy Leadership exercisedin a top-down way

  9. What is Spirit? Spirit comes from the Latin word spiritus, which means breath, as in the breath of life. Spirit is the unseen force that breathes life into us, enlivens us, gives energy to us. Spirit is the “other” – the life force – that weaves through and permeates all of our experiences. Spirit works within us. It helps define the true, real, unique self that is us. It confirms our individuality. It works within us to nudge us toward what Thomas Merton called our “hidden wholeness.” We are who we are because of spirit. Russ S. Moxley, (2000)

  10. What is Spirit? Spirit also works between and among us. It connects us to everything that exists. It is because of the work of the spirit that we experience deep communion with others, experience ourselves as part of something much larger, experience connectedness to all of life… Spirit is always present, and it is everywhere present… It may be outside your conscious awareness, but it is present… It needs to be uncovered, not discovered. Russ S. Moxley, (2000) Spirit … Energy … Zeal … Power … Life

  11. SPIRITUALITY Spirituality is the way the way we organize our lives around our deepest source of energy and desire. M. Valenzuela FSC

  12. SPIRITUALITY “Spirituality is about channeling the longing and desire within us… to build up the body one leads and thus to foster the Reign of God everywhere.” R. Rolheiser

  13. A DIVIDED LIFE When our daily activities and work are unrelated to our center of value and meaning, our source of passion, life becomes fragmented, we lose heart and spirit, our energy seems to drain away amidst a thousand trivialities.

  14. The best leaders are those who combine the outer capacity for action (external power) with the inner capacity for reflection (internal power). – J. Hagberg, Real Power

  15. Luke, it is now time to initiate you in the ways of a True Leader.

  16. De La Salle's Spirituality as Leader... What was the Source of his Spirit? his center of meaning and value?

  17. What in-spirited St La Salle... in the beginning of the edu. project? (Rheims) 2 groups as the schools increased & spread? (Paris) 2 groups in the final 10 yrs. of his life? (Rouen) 2 groups ACTIVITY SHEET # 2

  18. What in-spirited St La Salle... • Rheims • Paris • Rouen

  19. Rheims… Paris… Rouen… • COMMON ATTITUDES, VALUES… • xxx • xxx • xxx

  20. What was his Spirituality? his deepest source of energy & desire? his center of meaning and value?

  21. FAITH: enables a person… • To interpret, judge and evaluate realities in light of the Gospel, • To unite one’s activities and intentions with God’s • And to rely on God’s Providence in acting and discerning God’s will. • Expressed in: (examples…) • Personal relationship with God, • Faith vision, • Virtue and integrity, • Openness to God’s will, • Trust in Divine Providence…

  22. ZEAL for service is: • The whole-hearted giving of oneself to the service of others, • in gratuity and generosity, • in creativity and fortitude, • in compassion and commitment. • Expressed in: (examples…) • Educational vision, • Climate and culture of commitment, • Concern for the poor & marginalized • Culture of excellence, • Response to educational challenges…

  23. COMMUNION in mission is: • A fraternal spirit which enables all sectors of a school community, and all those who support its work, to collaborate in educating towards: • a world that is more humane, more just, and more fraternal, • a world where no one is excluded from the banquet of life. • Expressed in: (examples…) • Collegial respect, • Nurturing commitment and corporate identity, • Concern for continuing education, • Solidarity and collaboration, • Resolving conflicts…

  24. The Founder’s passion was his vision of a God who reaches out to embrace all that is poor and weak and vulnerable. His passion was a sharing in God’s passion for the young and the poor.

  25. There is enormous power that comes from connecting with the center of meaning and value: ours and others.

  26. I WALK IN GOD’S WORLD AND LIVE IN GOD’S PRESENCE JESUS LIVES IN ME AND THROUGH ME IS AT WORK IN THE WORLD GOD’S SPIRIT BREAKS INTO MY LIFE AND MOVES ME TO ACTION The Founder’s spirituality provides a pattern of participation in God’s creative and redemptive action in the world “Let us remember that we are in the Holy Presence of God.” Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever! I will continue oh my God to do all my actions for the love of you.

  27. SUPPORTS OF LEADERSHIP Recall one very significant experience of leadership… What strengthened or weakened your spirit as leader? Activity Sheet # 3

  28. Elements / Factors In YOU outside YOU

  29. Elements / Factors In YOU outside YOU What can I do to strengthen/ deepen the “spirit” By myself… with others…

  30. Supports of Leadership A. WHAT CAN I DO (ON MY OWN)? 1. SELF-KNOWLEDGE • My “light” side v/s my “dark” side • My characteristics, attitudes, motives…

  31. THE DARK SIDE OF POWER We rightly feel ambiguous towards power.

  32. We know from experience that power can be coercive, exploitative, manipulative, oppressive.

  33. “LIGHT” SIDE • Gifts, skills, securities • Strengths, good habits, people and organizational skills • Orientation towards service and values

  34. “DARK SIDE” • FEARS, INSECURITIES, ANXIETIES • WEAKNESSES, VICES, “ANTI-SOCIAL” TENDENCIES • UNINTEGRATED NEEDS: TO SUCCEED, TO CONTROL, EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCE, ETC… • HEAVY INFLUENCE OF MY EGO We try to keep this side of us “hidden” consciously or unconsciously. But, eventually, parts of our “dark side” come to the “surface” (consciously or unconsciously).


  36. I prefer a coercive, non-participative style. People respond when I put my foot down! You’re using “command and control” leadership again.

  37. Christian tradition has contributed largely to helping us transform our ideas about leadership. The paradox of power is that Jesus is never more powerful than when he is on his knees...

  38. Develop My Inner Life “We have paid scant attention to the whothat is doing the whatand the how. . . we must know ourselves and be our true whole selves if we are to successfully and effectively engage in the activity of leadership. Russ S. Moxley, Leadership and Spirit • SILENCE • MEDITATION • PRAYER • JOURNALING • HOBBIES & INTERESTS

  39. B. WHAT CAN I DO WITH OTHERS? Supports of Leadership A. WHAT I CAN DO ON MY OWN…

  40. What type of interpersonal relationship leads to inspiring leadership? PARTNERSHIP

  41. 1. Sharing personal life stories... The Force is in everyone, giving life, energy, passion and creativity. Learn to share your personal life story and listen to those of others.

  42. 2. DEEP LISTENING Why am I here? To really listen to you. And then to tell you what’s wrong with you. 3. SEEKING FEEDBACK

  43. What can I do with others? 4. Personal Growth Workshops 5. Learning from the work itself 6. Learning from others engaged in the same work

  44. Leadership always comes back to the issue of character, of deep foundational values. . . . You cannot lead by forcing compliance. It simply doesn’t work. The rate of change is too high to be managed from the top down. In order to lead one must engage followers. You will not find followers without caring, connecting and creating. Would you follow someone who did not care about you, connect with you, or did not wish to create a new reality?

  45. Mere compliance today is a recipe for disaster. As leaders or would-be leaders, we must be vulnerable. None of us has arrived. We must recognize our own voyage. We can only lead effectively by enabling others to maximize their contribution. We are all on the journey together, accomplishing things that none of us could accomplish alone. (Rob Harvey, corporate officer at Herman Miller)


  47. What sets your heart on fire?

  48. Leadership hinges on the transformation of the self that occurs when we get in touch with our spirit’s inner power and strive to harmonize our external life structures and activities with it.

  49. MY CREDO My essential beliefs The Principles of my ministry as leader How I see the individuals, the groups and the Lord whom I serve


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