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The Skeletal System

Learn about how the skeletal system provides protection for delicate organs, supports the body, and enables movement. Explore the different types of joints and their movements. Discover examples of how these movements are used in sports.

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The Skeletal System

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  1. The Skeletal System

  2. Protection The hard nature of bone means that the skeletoncan protect the more delicate parts of the body. Examples: • The cranium (skull) protects the soft tissue of the brain. • The rib cage protects the delicate heart and lungs.

  3. Shape & Support Support: The bones form a framework to support your body, and prevent you from being floppy. Shape: The different length and thickness of the bones determine out individual shape and therefore what sports we’re more suitable for. Examples: • The bones of the legs support the body. • The vertebrae support the head.

  4. Movement The skeleton is jointed to allow us to move whenthe muscles attached to them contract. Example: • The bones and joints work with muscles to enable us to walk, jog and sprint. • The vertebrae allow us to bend, stretch and rotate our body.

  5. Shoulder Joint Knee Joint This joint can be moved in the following ways: • Bend • Straighten • Circle • Move away from the body • Move towards the body This joint can be moved in the following ways: • Bend • Straighten

  6. 1. Ball and Socket Joints Ball and Socket joints are the most moveable joints in the body. They allow Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction and Rotation. They can move in all directions, e.g.thehipandshoulderjoints.

  7. Task 1 • Give examples of the 2 main ball and socket joints in the skeleton • What bones meet to form this joint • What movements are possible at these joints • Give an example where this is used in sport.

  8. 2. Hinge Joints Hinge joints work like a hinge on a door. They can only move in two directions, e.g.thekneeandelbowjoints.

  9. Task 2 • Give examples of the 2 main Hinge joints in the skeleton • What bones meet to form this joint • What movements are possible at these joints • Give an example where this is used in sport.

  10. Example: the arm can be extended at the elbow. Example: the leg can be flexed at the knee. Types of Movement at Synovial Joints Different types of synovial joints allow different kinds of movement. There are 6 basic types of movement that can occur at such joints: 1. Extension: Straightening or extending a limb. 2. Flexion: Bending or flexing a limb.

  11. Example:The leg can be moved away from the centre of the body at the hip. Example:The arm can be moved towards the centre of the body at the shoulder. 3.Abduction:Moving a limb away from the centre line of the body. 4.Adduction:Moving a limb towards the centre line of the body.

  12. Example:the head can be rotated at the neck. Example:the arm can move in circles at the shoulder. 5.Rotation: This is a turning or rotational movement of a limb or body part. 6.Circumduction:The ability of a limb to be moved in circles.

  13. Task 3 Think of a skill in your sport i.e. kicking a ball in football, shoulder pass in netball etc • Name the joints used in this motion • Name the type of movement performed • Name the muscles used • State what type of muscle contraction is occurring

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