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Play the Fashion Game and dress up characters with different clothes and styles. Choose your character, play with colors, change styles, change backdrops, lay out your clothes, and make them snap and glide into place. Have fun with fashion!
FashionGame Fashion Game Cards Dress up a character with different clothes andstyles. scratch.mit.edu/fashion
FashionGame Fashion Game Cards Start with the first card and thentrytheothercardsinanyorder: Choose YourCharacter Play with Colors Change Styles Change Backdrops LayOut Your Clothes Glide into Place Snap intoPlace scratch.mit.edu/fashion
Choose YourCharacter Choose your characterand have them saysomething. 1 FashionGame
Choose YourCharacter scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Chooseacharacterfrom the Dress-Uptheme. Choose abackdrop. Clickthe tab. Then selectthe look youwant. You can usethe paint bucketto changecolors! ADD THISCODE Clickthe tab. Set thestarting position. Typewhatyouwantyourcharactertosay. TRYIT Clickthegreenflagtostart.
Play withColors Clicktochangethecolorofclothing. 2 FashionGame
Play withColors scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Drag the clothingonto yourcharacter. Choose a piece of clothing, likeShirt2. ADD THISCODE TRYIT Clickyourclothingtomakeitchangecolor.
ChangeStyles Pressakeytoswitchcostumes. 3 FashionGame
ChangeStyles scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Clickthe tab. Choose a piece of clothing, likeShirt. ADD THISCODE Clickthe tab. Keeptheshirtinfront of yourcharacter. Switch betweencostumes. TRYIT Press the space key to switch betweenstyles. Clickthe green flag tostart.
ChangeBackdrops Clickabuttontoswitchbackdrops. 4 FashionGame
ChangeBackdrops scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Choose a button sprite, likeArrow1. Choose twobackdrops. ADD THISCODE Choose next backdropfrom themenu. TRYIT Clickyourbuttontoswitchbackdrops.
Lay Out YourClothes Set out your clothes in their startingpositions. 5 FashionGame
Lay Out YourClothes scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Choose someclothes andaccessories. Arrangethemnexttoyourcharacter. ADD THISCODE Setthestartingpositionforeachpieceofclothing. (Your numbers may bedifferent.) TRYIT Dragtheclothesonto yourcharacter. Clickthe green flag toreset.
Glide intoPlace Makeaccessoriesglidetotherightplace. 6 FashionGame
Glide into Place scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Choose a piece of clothing or an accessory, likeSunglasses1. ADD THISCODE Drag the sunglasses onto your character andthen add the glideblock. Set the startingposition. Yournumbersmaybedifferent. TRYIT Clickthe sunglasses to make themglidetoyourcharacter. Clickthe green flag toreset.
Snap intoPlace Make clothes snapinto place. 7 FashionGame
Snap intoPlace scratch.mit.edu/fashion GETREADY Chooseapieceofclothing or an accessory, likeVest. ADD THISCODE Dragtheclothingontoyourcharacterandthenaddthiscode. Chooseyourcharacter. Snap ontoyour character. Go tostarting position. TRYIT Dragtheclothingontoyour character. Then it will snap intoplace! Clickthe green flag tostart.