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Training A New Recruit BY Charlene Harris. A Step by Step outline…
Training A New RecruitBY Charlene Harris A Step by Step outline… It is important to give your new recruit all the information she needs to be successful with her new business. Teaching her in an incremental way will help her understand it and be able to apply it. Set up regular appointments, in person or on the phone during her first month with the company.
Announcing Your Business A. Make a list of everyone you know 1. Look at this as advertising…. 2. Use the Booking Notebook • Give everyone a personal phone call. 1. Annouce you are starting a new business 2. Ask if they are familiar with Usborne 1. No…stop and set a time when they can see a catalog. 2. Yes…ask if they would consider having a homeshow to help you get started. 3. Invite them to your homeshow or send them to your web site.
HOSTESS PROGRAM A homeshow is $85.00 or more. Built into every home show is: 1. Merchandise Allowance: FREE BOOKS based on retail sales. 2. Hostess Books: $25.00 worth of books for 35%. This is a tool for the consultant to use. 3. ½ Price Books: For every $100. in sales the hostess get $25.00 at ½ price. 4. Previous Hostess Books: Your hostess goes to the shows that are booked off of hers and orders $20. worth of books for $5.00 5. Bonus Books: With 3 bookings the hostess gets to order any book in the catalog for FREE! Consultant pays 35%. Use this time to explain the “Pretend Hostess” presentation.
HOW TO HAVE A HOME SHOW Ducks Presentation D…Double Page Spread U…Unlimited Activities C…Cut-A-Way Pictures K…Bite Size Bits of Knowledge S…Step by Step Illustrations and directions. Hear a D.U.C.K.S. presentation by Supervisor Judy Kinnee on our website…www.Usborne-Books.com Have your new recruit read through each of the titles in her kit to find examples of each letter in this alliteration. Have your new consultant put her books in catalog order by putting a removable sticker on the back of each book that has the catalog page number on it and the age grouping. Put your books in a rolling case of some sort. Don’t bring to many things to your home show. Keep it simple. Keep all your supplies in a “Home Show” box that is separate from what you use at home. This will keep you from showing up at your home show missing items you need. Keep your books and supplies in the car. Add supplies and rearrange your books before you leave for next home show.
HOSTESS COACHING • Set $400 show as her goal • Hostess makes list of guest • Calls to invite instead of sending postcard • Ask if they have the date open. If yes…she sends them a postcard to remind them. If no…she meets them with a catalog to get an outside order.
HOSTESS COACHING CONTINUED 2-3 DAYS BEFORE HER SHOW CALL YOUR HOSTESS.... Tell her to call her guest and tell them that at the show if they…. • wear something red • Show up on time • place an order • fill out the survey…. they will get raffle tickets for chances to win free books
HOSTESS COACHING continued Have the hostess tell her guests that if they bring someone who wasn’t invited they will both get a free book! The consultant can give away hotshots that cost around $1. This is a great way to increase show attendance.
HOSTESS COACHING continued Most hostesses do not want to be pushy. Just telling her to call her guest and remind them feels “very pushy” to her. If you give her this new information 2-3 days before her show she will happily call them back because she wants them to get a chance to win free books!
RECRUITING • Why should she recruit? A. Earn more money with THE 4% Recruiting bonus. B. Share the load. Have good people to work with. C. Build toward becoming a supervisor, growing a team, building a business instead of just having a job.
BOOKFAIRS, FUND RAISERS, BOOTHS • BOOKFAIRS… Our bookfair program is very generous and competes or surpasses the scholastic booksfairs. For 200 – 499. in sales the school or organization get 25% in FREE BOOKS! For 500. or more in sales the return is 50%! There are no shipping charges on bookfairs. I never mention anything less than a 500.00 bookfair. It is a reasonable amount for a school or organization to achieve. There are two different types of set ups. A. Cash and carry. Tables or racks with multiple copies of many titles. You can get these books by purchasing them ahead of time or by taking out an “inventory” order from the company with your supervisor’s backing. B. Easy Bookfair. The school or organization has the students and teachers make up wish lists from a display of sample titles. These wish list, a parent letter and a book flyer are sent home with each student. Parents order from the flyer and the order and money are returned with the student by a designated date. Go to www.usborne-books.com to lean more about our bookfair programs.
BOOKFAIRS, FUND RAISERS, BOOTHS ….. • FUND RAISERS. Ours Fund raiser is called REACH FOR THE STARS. This is a pledge-based fund- raiser similar to walk-a-thon in that money is pledged by friends and relatives for the child’s reading time. Out of that money collected 100% of it is returned to the school in books and cash. 50% in books to the child for reading 30% in cash to the organization +20% in books to the library or teachers. 100% Return See more details at www.Usborne-Books.com
BOOKFAIRS, FUND RAISERS, BOOTHS… • Booths. Booths are displays set up at events such as a craft fairs, teacher’s convention, Home schooling conventions, etc. A booth can be free or very expensive. Most booths require inventory for cash and carry. It would be hard to build your business on booths alone, however, they can be a nice way to meet a mass amount of people in a short amount of time. Spread a few booths through out your year to help you meet new people. You should always try and make money with your booth, but they can be risky. It is a good idea to discuss any booth opportunity with your supervisor before committing to it.
Are Your Systems In Place… Systems that help you as the supervisor “work smarter not harder” are very important. Take the time to set them up. You will be glad you did. • Use your Outlook program on your computer to organize all your contacts, recruits, etc. It allows you to enter the information in once and then use it in many ways. • Post card trainings. A series of 10 post cards with starter information, mailed out to your new recruit once a week. • Intouch training campaign. This program is offered by the company. It is a series of training emails sent out automatically. • Calling Calendar. A separate calendar used to track your phone calls. Calling leads, recruit trainings..etc. You won’t forget to call a lead again. • Phone Appointments. A regularly scheduled time with your new recruit to train. A plan that doesn’t leave training up to chance or whim.
This is an outline…. Please use this as a guide or outline in training your new recruit. There are many detail that have not been presented here. Use the manual the company has provided in your recruit’s start up kit and also the “Welcome Manual” that you can download from www.Usborne-Books.com. Happy Training…. Charlene and Sharon