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Examples of Behavioral Interventions. Wednesday, September 12, 2007 CSS 387. Problem 1: Shiloh National Military Park. Three treatments Awareness of consequences AC + “heritage guardian” AC + HG + incentive Control.
Examples of Behavioral Interventions Wednesday, September 12, 2007 CSS 387
Problem 1: Shiloh National Military Park • Three treatments • Awareness of consequences • AC + “heritage guardian” • AC + HG + incentive • Control Vander Stoep, G. & Gramann, J. 1987. The effect of verbal appeals and incentives on depreciative behavior among youthful park visitors. Journal of Leisure Research, 19, 69-83
Problem 1: Shiloh National Military Park Vander Stoep, G. & Gramann, J. 1987. The effect of verbal appeals and incentives on depreciative behavior among youthful park visitors. Journal of Leisure Research, 19, 69-83
Problem 2: University Cafeteria Recycling • Signs • Old • New • Pre-test/post-test • Questionnaires • Examination of bins Werner, C. M., Rhodes, M. U., & Partain, K. K. (1998). Designing effective instructional signs with schema theory: Case studies of polystyrene recycling. Environment & Behavior 30: 709-735.
Problem 2: University Cafeteria Recycling No effect on general knowledge or attitude
Problem 2: University Cafeteria Recycling 1 full bin/day 3.5 full bins/day Large effect on specific knowledge & behavior
Problem 3: Recycling Cans in Academic Buildings • Focus of study • Convenience vs. messages • Methods • 5 buildings – 1 treatment in each • Posted signs • Counted cans Werner, C. M., Stoll, R., Birch, P., & White, P. H. (2002). Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: Signs that encourage sustained recycling. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 24(3), 185-203
Problem 4: Deer at Shenandoah • Goal: • Compare moral and fear appeals • Effects on beliefs & elaboration • Methods • Table-top signs Hockett, K. & Hall, T. E. 2007. The effect of moral and fear appeals on park visitors’ beliefs about feeding wildlife. Journal of Interpretation Research. In press.
Effect on beliefs: Mean responses to items taken from the moral appeal Agree Disagree
Elaboration: Moral message Agree Disagree
Effect on beliefs: Mean responses to items taken from the fear appeal Agree Disagree
Elaboration: Fear message Agree Disagree
Problem 5: Coral Damage by Divers • Approach – verbal education • Methods • Observed divers for 8 weeks – recorded number of contacts with coral • During 5 weeks, gave briefing at end of dive #3 • During 3 weeks, no briefings Medio, D., Ormond, R. F. G., & Pearson, M. (1996). Effect of briefings on rates of damage to corals by scuba divers. Biological Conservation, 79, 91-95.
Problem 5: Coral Damage by Divers Dark bars = dives 1-3 Light bars = dives 4-10 (post briefing for experimental groups)
Problem 5: Coral Damage by Divers Dark bars = dives 1-3 Light bars = dives 4-10 (post briefing for experimental groups)