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WRAMP Instructions

WRAMP Instructions. Review so far...any questions?. Assembly language instructions generally specify a single operation; that is, there is a 1:1 relationship between the assembly language instruction and the binary code generated.

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WRAMP Instructions

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  1. WRAMP Instructions

  2. Review so far...any questions? • Assembly language instructions generally specify a single operation; that is, there is a 1:1 relationship between the assembly language instruction and the binary code generated. • Most WRAMP instructions read|write their operands from a 16 word memory called a register file • Format: <opcode> <operand 1>, <operand 2> , <operand 3> • e.g. add $3, $4, $5 • some instructions have only two operands • WRAMP is a word-addressable processor • Word-size is 32 bits. • Most other processors are byte addressable

  3. Registers Reminder 31 0 $0 0 $1 Always 0 $2 • WRAMP has 16 registers named $0 to $15 • All registers are 32 bits • Registers $1 - $13 may be used for general purposes • $0 is always zero • $sp is used as stack pointer – see later lectures on stack operation • $ra is used as a return address register, used for subroutines. $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $sp ($14) Stack pointer $ra ($15) Return address

  4. Types of Instructions • Arithmetic • Bitwise (Logic) • Test • Branch and Jump • Memory • Special

  5. WRAMP Arithmetic Instructions • There are the full set of Arithmetic instructions in WRAMP: add, subtract, multiply, divide, remainder. • For each of these, there are both signed and unsigned versions. • There is also an immediate form, where one operand is a constant. Available in either signed or unsigned versions.

  6. Arithmetic Instructions WRAMP C add x, y, z x = y + z; sub x, y, z x = y - z; mult x, y, z x = y * z; div x, y, z x = y / z; rem x, y, z x = y % z; • These instructions each have four possible variations, e.g. add • add $3, $4, $5 • addi $3, $4, 0x8765 # 3rd operand stored in instruction • addu $3, $4, $5 # both nums treated as +ve • addui $3, $4, 0x8765 # both of the above x,y,z as stored in some register

  7. Example B = 10; A = B; C = B + A; A = A - 3; D = A * B + C; addi $2, $0, 10 add $1, $2, $0 add $3, $2, $1 subi $1, $1, 3 mult $4, $1, $2 add $4, $4, $3 A => $1 B => $2 C => $3 D => $4

  8. WRAMP Memory Operations • RISC-based architecture often implies that memory operations are limited to simple LOAD (retrieve from memory) and STORE (save in memory) operations. • In WRAMP, the ability to use a form of indirect addressing is included for completeness. • In WRAMP, two registers are involved, as usual… Rs and Rd (source and destination), plus an offset is added to Rs to form an effective address.

  9. Memory InstructioNS • Load word • Format: lw Rd, Offset(Rs) • Function: Add the contents of register Rs and the sign-extended offset to give an effective address. Load the contents of the memory location specified by this address into register Rd. • Store word • Format: sw Rd, Offset(Rs) • Function: Add the contents of register Rs and the sign-extended offset to give an effective address. Store the contents of register Rd into the memory location specified by this effective address.

  10. Bitwise (Logic) Instructions • Arithmetic instructions studied so far apply to the entire word, signed or unsigned. • There exists a set of logical instructions which allow Boolean operations to be performed. These include: • and • or • xor (exclusive OR) • shift (right or left)

  11. Bitwise instructions C equivalent • All of these instructions also have immediate versions • for example, and • andi $3, $4, 0xAAAA • 16-bit Immediate value is zero extended and Rd, Rs, Rt or Rd, Rs, Rt xor Rd, Rs, Rt sll Rd, Rs, Rt srl Rd, Rs, Rt sra Rd, Rs, Rt d = s & t; d = s | t; d = s ^ t; d = s << t; d = s >> t; d = s >> t;

  12. If packed BCD values are stored in register $6, how to select the third value? andi $2, $6, 0x0f00 will cause only the third value to be placed in $2; then it must be shifted 8 places right srli $3, $2, 0x0008 will place the value into the rightmost 4 bits of $3. An example two BCD digits 31 0 third value

  13. Moving bits within a register • Sometimes it is useful to move the bits within a register. This is called shifting • Shifting the contents of a register one bit to the left is equivalent to multiplying by 2 (for integers) • Shifting the contents of a register one bit to the right is equivalent to dividing by 2 (for integers) • There are several WRAMP instructions for shifting the contents of a register

  14. Logical shift • sll <target>, <source>, offset • The sll (shift left, logical) instruction shifts the contents of the <source> register <offset> bits to the left, storing the result in <target> • The right-most <offset> bits of target are all 0's • <offset> is a number between 0 and 31, inclusive • srl <target>, <source>, offset • Is right shift, analogous to sll

  15. Logical shift example • SLL $1, $2, 5 before $1 $2 after $1 $2

  16. Arithmetic shift • Sometimes shifting is used as a fast way to multiply or divide by 2 • On a real chip, shifting is much faster than division • However, negative 2's complement integers become positive if 0's are shifted in from the right • Arithmetic shifting must preserve sign • SRA (shift right, arithmetic) shifts the register contents to the right: the high order <offset> bits of the <target> are the same as the highest order bits of the <source>

  17. Arithmetic shift example • SRA $1, $2, 5 before $1 $2 after $1 $2

  18. Test Instructions • Test instructions are used to perform comparisons. • The result of the comparison (true=1, false=0) is stored in the target register • These tests are often used with branch instructions to perform conditional execution. • For Example: slt $3, $1, $2 beqz $3, endloop while a < b do:

  19. Test instructions • Test instructions exist to perform the following comparisons slt < less than sgt > greater than sle <= less than or equal to sge >= greater than or equal to seq = equal to sne  not equal to • Each of these instructions also has immediate, unsigned and unsigned immediate forms

  20. Jump and Branch Instructions • Branch instructions allow non-linear program execution. • Unconditional instructions are jump instructions • Conditional instructions are branch instructions

  21. Jump Instructions • Jump instructions move to a specific address • j address (jump) jumps to the address given in the instructions • jr $r (jump to register) jumps to the address stored in the target register. • Jump and link instructions have the same two forms jal address and jalr $r and do the same thing, but also store the next instruction address in $ra. This is used for calling subroutines

  22. Branch Instructions • Branch instructions test the value of a register and only jump if the test is met. • Branch instructions add an offset value to the next instruction to be executed. • beqz $r branches if the register is zero • bnez $r branches if the register is not zero

  23. Branch and Jump • j 8 jumps to instruction number 8 • absolute value • beqz $r, 8 branches 8 instructions forward (if register is equal to zero) • relative value • Normally the programmer does not have to calculate the values of the instruction number or the offset.

  24. Branch and Jump Instructions : Example Example usage: loop control addi $5, $0, 7 loop: beqz $5, endlop subi $5, $5, 1 … j loop endlop: … More instructions go here

  25. slt $13, $1, $2 beqz $13, endif addi $3, $3, 1 . . . endif: … slt $13, $1, $2 sgt $12, $4, $3 or $13, $13, $12 beqz $13, endif addi $4, $4, 1 endif: … If Statement implementation using test and branch instructions. If (a < b) c = c + 1; . . . If ((a < b) || (d > c)) d = d + 1; NOTE: quantities to be compared, etc. must already be stored in registers!!

  26. slt $13, $1, $2 beqz $13, else addi $3, $3, 1 j endif else: addi $4, $4, 1 endif: … If-else Statement as implemented using branch and jump instructions If (a < b) c = c + 1; else d = d + 1; NOTE: quantities to be compared, etc. must already be stored in registers!!

  27. addi $1, $0, 1 add $2, $0, $0 loop: slt $13, $2, $3 beqz $13, endlop mult $1, $1, $4 addi $2, $2, 1 j loop endlop: While Loop $1 contains result $2 contains count $3 contains exponent $4 contains base $13 flag register Result = 1; count = 0; while (count < exponent) { result = result * base; count++; }

  28. Special Instructions • The WRAMP processor has some special instructions to control the operation of the processor • Most of these are associated with the operation of exceptions (interrupts). • As well as special instructions there are special (extra) registers to control the operation of the processor • We will cover these later

  29. WRAMP Instruction Formats • There is a one-to-one correspondence between assembly language instructions and machine code instructions. • This is unlike high level languages such as C, where a few lines of code can generate hundreds of lines of machine code. • All instructions are encoded into a single word (32 bits) • Different formats are used for the instruction word depending on the type of operands

  30. Instruction Formats • Three instruction formats used • R type – for instructions with three operands specified in registers (e.g. add $3, $5, $6) • I type – for instructions where one operand is an immediate value (16 bits) • J type – for instructions where one operand is an address such as Jump instructions or memory instructions.

  31. WRAMP Instruction Formats

  32. R - Type instruction 4 bits 4 bits 4 bits 4 bits 12 bits 4 bits OPcode Rd Rs Func 0000 0000 0000 Rt 0000 0011 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 Example: R-type instruction add $3, $6, $9 Operation: Add the contents of Rs and add contents of Rt and put the result into Rd. Op code and function are 0000 for add

  33. Immediate 0001 0001 Rd Rs Example: I Instruction • All instructions except branching and memory instructions have an immediate form, where a constant is an operand. For instance, when it is desired to add a constant or fixed value to the contents of a register, addui Rd, Rs, Immediate places the sum of register Rs and the zero-extended immediate into register Rd.

  34. Example: J-type instruction beqz $3, endlop 1010 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0010 1111 Operation: When the contents of Rs is equal to zero, the branch is taken. Often used to control a loop. testsum: beqz $3, endlop #some instructions # may go here j testsum endlop: sw $4, 24($5)

  35. 1210 = 11002 1000 0011 1001 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 Example: lw instruction (J type) lw $3, 12($9) $3 $9

  36. Instructions Summary • WRAMP is a load/store (RISC) processor so load and store are used to access memory - all other instructions work on registers. • WRAMP has a full complement of Arithmetic and Logic instructions • Test Instructions and Branch Instructions can be used together to form conditional execution structures

  37. Instructions Summary • Most Instructions have unsigned and immediate forms. The I format is used for immediate forms instructions • J format is used for instructions that require a complete address such as Jump instructions and Memory instructions • Special Instructions and Registers control the operation of the WRAMP processor, particularly with respect to exceptions

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