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A Light SM-like Higgs Boson with Exotic Decays in New Physics Models

A Light SM-like Higgs Boson with Exotic Decays in New Physics Models. Jin Min Yang 杨 金 民. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing. 中国科学院 理论物理研究所. 2009.10.24 国立成功大学. 2HDM: L2HDM. arXiv: 0909.5148 , in PRD(R) , Cao, Wan, Wu, Yang  .

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A Light SM-like Higgs Boson with Exotic Decays in New Physics Models

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  1. A Light SM-like Higgs Boson with Exotic Decays in New Physics Models Jin Min Yang 杨 金 民 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing 中国科学院 理论物理研究所 2009.10.24 国立成功大学

  2. 2HDM: L2HDM arXiv: 0909.5148 , in PRD(R) , Cao, Wan, Wu, Yang   • SUSY: NMSSM, nMSSM, General Singlet Ext SUSY arXiv: 0611142 , in PRD , Dermisek, Gunion   arXiv: 0810.0989 , in PRD , Cao, Yang   Higgs Little Higgs arXiv: 0901.1437, in PRD(R), Cao, Logan, Yang  2HDM arXiv: 0908.0486, in JHEP,  Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu • Little Higgs: SLH, LHT arXiv: 0611294 , in PRD , Cheung, Song   arXiv: 0812.4609, in PRD, Wang, Yang 

  3. Outline 0 Preface 1 2HDM: L2HDM 2 SUSY: NMSSM, nMSSM, …. 3 Little Higgs Theory: LHT, SLH 4 Conclusion

  4. Preface New Physics ? Higgs Boson Hidden Sector Dark Matter


  6. 1. 2HDM: L2HDM (lepton-specific 2HDM ) only couple to leptons only couple to quarks

  7. tan  large  small h, H, A, H leptonic-Higgs dominant SM-like Higgs ( dominant)

  8. Constraints • Perturbativity • Unitarity • Potential is finite at large field values and contains no flat directions • LEP bound on charged Higgs mass • LEP constraints on neutral Higgs: ) ( ( ) ( ) ( S = scalor; f = b, ) • W-boson mass • Z + + coupling •  leptonic decay e e  • muon g-2

  9. h can be light A can be very light arXiv: 0909.5148 , Cao, Wan, Wu, Yang  

  10. h A A  4  can be dominant arXiv: 0909.5148 , Cao, Wan, Wu, Yang  

  11. 2 SUSY: NMSSM, nMSSM, …. MSSM NMSSM, nMSSM -problem little hierarchy General MSSM+S

  12. NMSSM, nMSSM, General MSSM+S motivated from top-down view ? E6 models (superstring-inspired) string scale SO(10)  U(1)  … at low energy: S, Hu,Hd+ heavy particles

  13. NMSSM Superpotential: U(1)B: Q(1/3), U(-1/3), D(-1/3), L(0), E(0), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)L: Q(0), U(0), D(0), L(1), E(-1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)R: Q(1), U(1), D(1), L(1), E(1), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(1), W(3) 0 U(1)PQ: Q(-1), U(0), D(0), L(-1), E(0), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(-2) Scalor Potential: U(1)R Z3 (non-R) U(1)R ( A0, A0 ):PGB

  14. nMSSM Superpotential: U(1)B: Q(1/3), U(-1/3), D(-1/3), L(0), E(0), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)L: Q(0), U(0), D(0), L(1), E(-1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(0) U(1)R: Q(1), U(1), D(1), L(1), E(1), Hu(0), Hd(0), S(2), W(2)  0 U(1)PQ: Q(-1), U(0), D(0), L(-1), E(0), Hu(1), Hd(1), S(-2) U(1)R Z2 matter parity

  15. Spectrum of NMSSM, nMSSM, MSSM+S: One more CP-odd Higgs (A1or a) + MSSM One more CP-even Higgs One more neutralino

  16. Constraints: (1) Direct Bounds: LEP1, LEP2, Tevatron V (2) Stability of Higgs Potential (3) Cosmic Dark Matter (WMAP)  (4) Precision Electroweak Data 1 ,2 ,3 (S, T, U) • Rb   SUSY (6)  g-2 

  17. NMSSM Higgs h can be light dark matter bound arXiv: 0810.0989 , Cao, Yang  

  18. NMSSM h a a  4  can be dominant arXiv: 0611142 , Dermisek, Gunion  

  19. nMSSM dark matter can be very light h decay to dark matter arXiv: 0901.1437, Cao, Logan, Yang 

  20. General MSSM+S: --Pamela+Relic density via Sommerfeld Enhance MSSM NMSSM nMSSM DM relic density but not PAMELA • LSP annihlate to gauge bosons or fermion • LSP mass in a narrow range • No light particles to give Sommerfeld enhance

  21. General MSSM+S:   Final states • h ~ GeV, a < 0.5 GeV singlet-like Sommerfeld enhancement

  22. h ~ GeV , a < 0.5 GeV arXiv: 0908.0486, Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu

  23. Sommerfeld enhancement PAMELA arXiv: 0908.0486, Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu arXiv: 0906.0362 Hooper, Tait

  24. other visible modes (like ) are supressed arXiv: 0908.0486, Wang, Xiong, Yang, Yu

  25. 3 Little Higgs Theory: LHT, SLH LHT (littlest Higgs with T-parity) : heavy photon AH : lightest T-odd particle (dark matter) h  AH AH may be dominant Br( h  XX) arXiv: 0812.4609, Wang, Yang 

  26. SLH (simplest little higgs): CP-odd scalor : may be light (pph)Br( h) suppressed h     4 b may dominant Br( H  XX) thanks Xiao-Fang Han for plot this figure arXiv: 0611294 , Cheung, Song  

  27. 4. Conclusion 2HDM (L2HDM, …) SUSY (NMSSM, nMSSM, ...) Little Higgs (LHT, SLH ) • SM-like Higgs: • can be light (LEP2 bound relaxed) • exotic decays . . . . . . . . .     AH AH Higgs Boson  a a  dark matter Hidden Sector Dark Matter

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