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Department 1

Department 1. Subworkpackage 4 (Cluster 4). Participants in D1SW4. 02 NCUA Aris Moustakas 05 Technion Shlomo Shamai 06 Bilkent Erdal Arikan 09 CTTC Xavier Mestre 18 Sup élec Walid Hachem 19 CNRS Philippe Loubaton 21 FT Maryline H élard 22 Eur écom M é rouane Debbah

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Department 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Department 1 Subworkpackage 4 (Cluster 4)

  2. Participants in D1SW4 02 NCUAAris Moustakas 05 Technion Shlomo Shamai 06 Bilkent Erdal Arikan 09 CTTC Xavier Mestre 18 Supélec Walid Hachem 19 CNRS Philippe Loubaton 21 FT Maryline Hélard 22 Eurécom Mérouane Debbah 24 VUT Gerald Matz 26 ETH Jan Hansen 29 TUA Lars Schmitt -> Niels Hadaschik 31 DLR Stephan Sand -> Simon Plass 34 FTW Laura Cottatellucci 48 NTNU Ralf Müller 61UoY Alister Burr The red text marks changes with respect to the earlier documents.

  3. Structure SW4 is a merger of two research areas: • Large-Scale Multi-user and Multi-antenna System Analysis (“random matrices”) • Wide Band System Scalability

  4. Wide Band System Scalability Objective: evaluate capacity in wide-band systems & develop signaling schemes to achieve it Scope: wide-band systems following IEEE 820.15.3 time-reversal, effects of interference & channel state information. Benefit to all: Simulation packages in Matlab or IT++ for the NEWCOM Software Library.

  5. “Random Matrices” Objective: analysis of large systems, signal processing, cellular system design Scope: frequency-selective, Ricean, asynchronous multi-user channels, channel estimation. Tools: random matrix theory, free probability theory, statistical physics, reform method Benefit for all: Tutorial paper (book?) and summer school “Random matrix theory in wireless communications” in 2006.

  6. Topics • Overview paper on random matrices III (and doctoral course), plus one week of summer course with 4 to 5 teachers. • Central limit theorem convergence II • Capacity ultra-wideband systems II • Downlink CDMA systems • Asymptotic methods for MIMO systems, replica methods II • Non-asymptotic distributions of eigenvalues and logdet-functionals • Asynchronous CDMA (or CDMA with ISI), multi-cell III • Uplink (asymptotic Haar matrix elementwise times constant matrix) • Multicarrier CDMA/OFDMA downlink, intercell-interference • Random matrix theory for channel estimation (G-estimation) II • Reduced rank Wiener filter • Ricean MIMO channel

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