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Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a type of direct marketing that involves businesses sending promotional messages via electronic mail to a group of prospects and customers. It is also considered as social media marketing and used as an efficient and cost-effective method for new customer acquisition, building brand awareness, and increasing product sales, as well as fostering trust and loyalty with a company customer base. To know more details please visit here https://advdms.com/social-media-marketing/

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Benefits of Email Marketing

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  1. B E N E F I T S O F E M A I L M A R K E T I N G 1. Your customers check their email every day:- How many times do you find yourself opening up your email on your computer or mobile device? Whether its work-related or personal, most people check their email at least once a day to see what new messages they’ve received. 2. 2. You can drive more conversions with email marketing:- A major benefit of email marketing is that it often provides higher conversion rates than other marketing tactics. In fact, McKinsey reports that the average order value of an email is at least 3x higher. 3. You can automate your sales cycle:- Email marketing automation allows you to automate your sales cycle. Your business can use email automation tools to develop email drip campaigns. 4. It can increase traffic to your website:- Email marketing messages can also help you increase traffic to your website. You can link to relevant website content within your email message or craft a compelling CTA that asks readers to head back to your website to take a specific action. 5. Email marketing is easy to track and measure:- With email marketing, you can look at exactly how many people are opening, reading, and clicking through your email content. S o u r c e : w w w . l y f e m a r k e t i n g . c o m w w w . a d v d m s . c o m

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