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Mark Peavy SPE GCS Chairman 2010-11

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Mark Peavy SPE GCS Chairman 2010-11

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    2. PERCEPTION : What do you see?

    3. Servitude Leadership SL= Humility + fierce resolve Humility: not thinking less of yourself, but thinking less often about yourself Fierce: intensely emotional, forceful energy Resolve: to find an answer

    4. SPE Gulf Coast Section Vision To provide world-class dissemination of technical information regarding the petroleum industry within our section membership and local community.

    5. 2010-2011 Short Term Goals 1. Operational Excellence a. Technical Programming b. Education and community outreach c. Communications d. Social 2. Financial Excellence a. Governance b. Fiscally responsible stewardship 3. Strengthening our Relationship with SPE International a. Collaborations b. Transferring knowledge Overall, goals involve the implementation of the current strategic plan that involve: dissemination of industry technical knowledge, technical forums, program diversity, governance, financial health, social interaction, K-12 outreach, university programs, scholarships, enhancement of Pubic image, volunteerism, membership, attendance, prep for the ‘Big crew change’. Technical programming: 14 study groups, workshops as potential growth area Educational and community outreach: strength in scholarship program w/ expansion/integration into other areas Social programming: golf, tennis, sporting clays: Be smart/ sensible with regards to alcohol, expenses, gifts, and committee parties Financial stewardship and governance: implement policies and procedures that safeguard our assets( financial investment guidelines, COI, RACI charts, Audits). SPEI relationship: strengthen through collaborations( DEC, ESP workshops), continuing education, knowledge transfer. Overall, goals involve the implementation of the current strategic plan that involve: dissemination of industry technical knowledge, technical forums, program diversity, governance, financial health, social interaction, K-12 outreach, university programs, scholarships, enhancement of Pubic image, volunteerism, membership, attendance, prep for the ‘Big crew change’. Technical programming: 14 study groups, workshops as potential growth area Educational and community outreach: strength in scholarship program w/ expansion/integration into other areas Social programming: golf, tennis, sporting clays: Be smart/ sensible with regards to alcohol, expenses, gifts, and committee parties Financial stewardship and governance: implement policies and procedures that safeguard our assets( financial investment guidelines, COI, RACI charts, Audits). SPEI relationship: strengthen through collaborations( DEC, ESP workshops), continuing education, knowledge transfer.

    6. SPE GCS Financial History

    7. 2010-2011 Short Term Goals Operational Excellence There are 4 areas in operational excellence for 2010-11 which are: technical programming, Education and community outreach, communications, and social programsThere are 4 areas in operational excellence for 2010-11 which are: technical programming, Education and community outreach, communications, and social programs

    8. A. Technical Programming 1. Study Groups Attendance: increase avg. by 15% Attendance rose from 5642 to 6400 participants, 13.5% Hold 95 meetings per year 2011 Total meeting 105 c. Provide technical content excellence d. Champion a workshop, seminar, or symposium e. Net income: breakeven 2. Workshops/Seminars/Symposiums a. Growth area Add three new workshops, increase from 11 to 14 Held 12 workshops in 2011 c. Net income: 20%, 2011 net income ~ $100K 3. Technology Transfer a. Increase podcasts b. Implement Webinars Study group attendance: 15% growth is an increase of 926 total from 6175(09-10) . Avg attendance was 62 ( 07-8), 69 (for 08-09), and 62 ( for 09-10). Past 3 years total mtgs were: 84(07-08), 96(08-09), 95(09-10). total attendees past 3 years 5636(07-08), 6687(08-09), 6175(09-10). 95 meetings includes new International study group. W/ technical excellence: lean on past distinguished lecturers in area. Workshops: past 3 years 14(07-08), 13(08-09), 11(09-10). Avg attendance: 65(7-8), 54(8-9), 74(9-10). Funds raised: $39K(7-8), $52.5K(8-9), $79K(9-10). Growth area. W/ technology transfer: Podcasts past 3 years: 3(7-8), 3(8-9), 4(9-10) Webex ‘Webinars’ technical presentations : 30-45 min in length, consider frugal post presentations Study group attendance: 15% growth is an increase of 926 total from 6175(09-10) . Avg attendance was 62 ( 07-8), 69 (for 08-09), and 62 ( for 09-10). Past 3 years total mtgs were: 84(07-08), 96(08-09), 95(09-10). total attendees past 3 years 5636(07-08), 6687(08-09), 6175(09-10). 95 meetings includes new International study group. W/ technical excellence: lean on past distinguished lecturers in area. Workshops: past 3 years 14(07-08), 13(08-09), 11(09-10). Avg attendance: 65(7-8), 54(8-9), 74(9-10). Funds raised: $39K(7-8), $52.5K(8-9), $79K(9-10). Growth area. W/ technology transfer: Podcasts past 3 years: 3(7-8), 3(8-9), 4(9-10) Webex ‘Webinars’ technical presentations : 30-45 min in length, consider frugal post presentations

    9. B. Education and Community Outreach Alignment and integration of existing 15+programs Apply ‘Smart’ support/giving : implemented Treasury 3 year forecast to determine program spending capability. Scholarships: growing program support over past 3 years due to asset ‘spend down’ strategy. ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ‘11 Education 320,432 426,000 491,225 408,875 Community Outreach 29,000 6,000 43,000 80,900 Total 349,432 432,000 534,225 489,775 $490,000

    10. 2009 Programming Integration of Education and Community Services K-12 Exploring Earth Science: summer project for 4-8th grade science teachers, sponsor: Environmental Institute of Houston and UH Clear Lake. PALS program: supports Cypress Fair high school students that mentor ‘at-risk’ elementary school students. Science fairs: provide 2 judges; Boy scouts Fair: provide table with exhibits/experiments; Merit Badge Fair: provide training to Boy Scouts for 2 badges; Girls exploring Math and Science Collaborating in Houston to Advance Science and Engineering, formerly HCASE MMT ( Houston Consortium for the Advancement of Science and Engineering Master Math Teacher program). Focus is 8th grade Algebra teachers. Colleges: PET @ 10K, Lone Star @ 1K, CISH @ 69K University: PEN @ 213K, SPEI @ 5K, UH PEN @125K K-12 Exploring Earth Science: summer project for 4-8th grade science teachers, sponsor: Environmental Institute of Houston and UH Clear Lake. PALS program: supports Cypress Fair high school students that mentor ‘at-risk’ elementary school students. Science fairs: provide 2 judges; Boy scouts Fair: provide table with exhibits/experiments; Merit Badge Fair: provide training to Boy Scouts for 2 badges; Girls exploring Math and Science Collaborating in Houston to Advance Science and Engineering, formerly HCASE MMT ( Houston Consortium for the Advancement of Science and Engineering Master Math Teacher program). Focus is 8th grade Algebra teachers. Colleges: PET @ 10K, Lone Star @ 1K, CISH @ 69K University: PEN @ 213K, SPEI @ 5K, UH PEN @125K

    11. C. Communications/Membership Better understand membership needs w/ SPEI Beta testing of new SPEI Membership Builder software Newsletter: new format for same cost, increase advertising revenues: increase net income from $30K to $80K, 10 to 11 issues, color format. E-mails: monthly newsletter and e-mail blasts Web: new format implemented, optimize usage through monthly statistics/metrics: format implemented, optimizing using Google Analytics, estimated technical content download at 12,000 documents( 75% of total), 5. Other: investigate other networking mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-In: Facebook grew from 150 to 463 members, Twitter from 0 to 95, Linked_in from 60 to 343.

    12. D. Social Events Be sensible with expenses Alcohol, rewards, gifts, committee parties Major events: Golf, Sporting Clays, Tennis, 75th Anniversary Event participants Net Income 2010 2011 2010 2011 Golf 1004 1032 $50,000 $63,140 S.C. 550 470 $39,025 $35,500 Tennis 100 100 $11,247 $15,000 Net income at 20%. Participation growth ? Contribution Net income at 20%. Participation growth ? Contribution

    13. 2010-11 Short Term Goals 2. Financial Excellence

    14. A. Governance LiveLink for normal business transactions Implemented server upgrade to improve speed, 5/11 Accountant support # of invoices processed per month = 800-1000 Audit committee: oversees audit process, Independent directors (3) Completed 2009-10 financial review. Auditor process Met and reviewed section governance process with SPEI internal controls mgr 1. Implement Livelink software reporting process, evaluate by event, vendor, sponsor, etc. Member demographics, interests, recruitment1. Implement Livelink software reporting process, evaluate by event, vendor, sponsor, etc. Member demographics, interests, recruitment

    15. B. Fiscally Responsible Stewardship Conservative investment (CD’s) Focus on technical dissemination to membership Low net income targets (0 to 20%) Maintain minimum threshold balance of $ 500,000 2x monthly expenses + scholarship commitments Current assets , 3/31/11: $913,480. LiveLink: Framed out and proposed software upgrade to expand system functionality by compiling financial data( revenue and expenses) and non-financial data( participants, event titles, etc). Goal to automate performance metrics by group/committee.

    16. 2010-11 Short Term Goals 3. Strengthening our Relationship with SPE International and other Industry –related technical Societies

    17. A. Ways to Strengthen Relationships Collaborations: workshops, seminars, podcasts Supported DEC and ESP workshop Piloted tested webinars and interfaced with SPEI regarding policy development Working with Mgr Global Training programs for section training needs. Knowledge transfer Sharing lessons learned: ATC Officers workshop Governance Technology communication( Podcasts, Web) Initiated quarterly meetings with 3 other sections to facilitate sharing of lessons learned. Improve understanding of membership needs

    18. “ I am only one, but still I am one. I can not do everything, but still I can do something. And because I can not do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” Edwin Everett Hale

    19. Back up slides

    20. Study Group Summary 2. Study groups w/ stable attendees, (3) a. General meeting, Permian Basin, Completion and Production 3. Study groups w/declining participation, (4) a. Projects, facilities and construction, Drilling, Petro-tech, and Young Professionals Attendance/# meetings for past 3 years( 7-8, 8-9, 9-10): GROWTH: Westside 88(9), 77(9), 92(9); Northside 68(9), 54(9), 70(9); Business Development 92(5), 109(4), 121(5); Safety and Environmental 28(3), 36(6), 51(8); Reservoir 69(8), 53(10), 70(8); Digital Energy 0(0), 74(5), 41(6); STABLE: General meeting 95(9), 107(9), 96(9); Permian Basin 38(7), 51(7), 47(6); Completion and Production 33(8), 32(6), 32(7); DECLINING: Projects, facilities, and construction: 71(10), 85(10), 68(7), Drilling 59(7), 49(8), 44(8); Petro-Tech 56(5), 55(5), 38(4); Young Professionals 50(5), 118(5), 39(5)Attendance/# meetings for past 3 years( 7-8, 8-9, 9-10): GROWTH: Westside 88(9), 77(9), 92(9); Northside 68(9), 54(9), 70(9); Business Development 92(5), 109(4), 121(5); Safety and Environmental 28(3), 36(6), 51(8); Reservoir 69(8), 53(10), 70(8); Digital Energy 0(0), 74(5), 41(6); STABLE: General meeting 95(9), 107(9), 96(9); Permian Basin 38(7), 51(7), 47(6); Completion and Production 33(8), 32(6), 32(7); DECLINING: Projects, facilities, and construction: 71(10), 85(10), 68(7), Drilling 59(7), 49(8), 44(8); Petro-Tech 56(5), 55(5), 38(4); Young Professionals 50(5), 118(5), 39(5)

    21. Workshop & Technical Conferences/ Symposium Summary Success is associated with repeatability Workshops: Oilpatch Orientation, Facilities program, ESP Workshop Symposium: Drilling, Emerging Engineer Conference, Reservoir Forum, Digital Energy Declining trend in Workshops over past 3 years Propose to have each study group sponsor a workshop Workshops declined from 14 to 11 over past 3 years Workshops declined from 14 to 11 over past 3 years

    22. Study group attendance: 15% growth is an increase of 926 total from 6175(09-10) . Past 3 years mtgs: 84(07-08), 96(08-09), 95(09-10). Total attendees past 3 years 5636(07-08), 6687(08-09), 6175(09-10). 95 meetings includes new International study group. W/ technical excellence: lean on past distinguished lecturers in area. Workshops: past 3 years 14(07-08), 13(08-09), 11(09-10). Avg attendance: 65(7-8), 54(8-9), 74(9-10). Funds raised: $39K(7-8), $52.5K(8-9), $79K(9-10). Growth area. Podcasts past 3 years: 3(7-8), 3(8-9), 4(9-10) Webex ‘Webinars’ technical presentations: 30-45 min in length Study group attendance: 15% growth is an increase of 926 total from 6175(09-10) . Past 3 years mtgs: 84(07-08), 96(08-09), 95(09-10). Total attendees past 3 years 5636(07-08), 6687(08-09), 6175(09-10). 95 meetings includes new International study group. W/ technical excellence: lean on past distinguished lecturers in area. Workshops: past 3 years 14(07-08), 13(08-09), 11(09-10). Avg attendance: 65(7-8), 54(8-9), 74(9-10). Funds raised: $39K(7-8), $52.5K(8-9), $79K(9-10). Growth area. Podcasts past 3 years: 3(7-8), 3(8-9), 4(9-10) Webex ‘Webinars’ technical presentations: 30-45 min in length

    23. Summary 2010-11 Goals Study groups: increase attendance 15%, champion workshops Workshops/symposiums: Add 3 Education & Community outreach: Apply ‘smart’ supports, alignment & metrics Membership & Communication: understand members, newsletter, web metrics Social: Be sensible, maintain excellence Financial excellence: LiveLink for committee reporting Work w/ SPEI and other professional societies on workshops, knowledge transfer, and membership

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