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  1. N CODIGO ALUMNO EMAIL TÉLEFONO 1 71652677 AGAMA TICERAN, JEREMY ROBERT 220171652677@in stitutofibonacci.com 220175285871@in stitutofibonacci.com 220161094771@in stitutofibonacci.com 220174173624@in stitutofibonacci.com 220171434613@in stitutofibonacci.com 220145435084@in stitutofibonacci.com 220172786390@in stitutofibonacci.com 220175934719@in stitutofibonacci.com lizbetheduardojaim es@gmail.com omarenriqueespino za871@gmail.com 220170799765@in stitutofibonacci.com 220173582951@in stitutofibonacci.com 220175692208@in stitutofibonacci.com 220173300207@in stitutofibonacci.com 220175619274@in stitutofibonacci.com 220160512203@in stitutofibonacci.com 220176348642@in stitutofibonacci.com 220177050392@in stitutofibonacci.com 220171568204@in stitutofibonacci.com 220172701748@in stitutofibonacci.com 220176698921@in stitutofibonacci.com 220172363007@in stitutofibonacci.com florindaechevarria @gmail.com 220177028592@in stitutofibonacci.com 220174425216@in stitutofibonacci.com 220161093169@in stitutofibonacci.com 220175780321@in stitutofibonacci.com 917866217 2 75285871 ANDRADE CARDENAS, ITALO ABEL 3 61094771 ANGULO CARBAJAL, BRAYAN RITCHER 918178227 4 74173624 AQUINO CASTRO, LINHET CAROL 954955268 5 71434613 BANCAYAN RUVINA, STANY ELIZABETH 6 45435084 BAZAN SILVESTRE, JANET 931488846 7 72786390 BERNARDO DURAN, JOSSELY JANET 917954193 8 75934719 DOLORES VICTORIO, CLEYDI JOIS 980725056 9 80830249 EDUARDO JAIMES, LIZBETH FIORELLA 942324101 10 74616151 ENRIQUE ESPINOZA, OMAR 916036331 11 70799765 ESPINOZA ROSAS, KEVIN ANGEL 986941804 12 73582951 ESTELA FIGUEROA, MADAHIT JHOMIRA 917637340 13 75692208 EVARISTO CIRIACO, ARNOLD FRANKLIN 14 73300207 GOMEZ MARIN, JEMIMA JAZMIN 991942566 15 75619274 GONZALES RUIZ, JUAN VICTOR YULER 16 60512203 LEYVA INOCENCIO, MARCK ANTONY 17 76348642 MARTINEZ PARDO, CRISTIAN LEONARDO 18 77050392 MORALES ARTICA, ESTEFANIE JACKELINE 929807437 19 71568204 ORTEGA ASENCIOS, BRITANY GREYSI 995496992 20 72701748 ORTEGA PEREZ, MARIA FERNANDA 980332018 21 76698921 PALACIOS BASILIO, JENNY SHANTALE 22 72363007 PURI CANTARO, YOSELIN DAYANA 917068791 23 71303695 RIOS ECHEVARRIA, FLOR FLORINDA 974242096 24 77028592 TARAZONA TITO, DIEGO ARMANDO 25 74425216 URCOS TAMARA, RAICK FELIPE 26 61093169 VELA PISCO, ELIA MAGDIEL 914101833 27 75780321 ZAMBRANO DAZA, YENY 916052324

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