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Warm Ups & Short Answers

Warm Ups & Short Answers. Unit 7: World War 2. Name:.

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  1. Warm Ups& Short Answers Unit 7: World War 2

  2. Name: Directions:Score each activity below using the “Social Studies Rubric” and the four point scale. Write your score on the line provided. If you do not have an activity for a day you had an excused absence, write the letter “A” on the line provided, otherwise write a “0”. Then add up your scores.

  3. Total Points (TP) Actual Total (AT) . Notes: • Total Points (TP) is the sum of your warm up scores. To determine your TP, add up the scores for all of your warm ups/written activities. • Actual Total (AT) is the number of warm ups multiplied by four (a perfect score). To determine your AT, count the number of warm ups you were present for and multiply this number by four (the true actual total – perfect attendance). TOTAL SCORE _____/10

  4. Name:__________________________ Directions:Score each activity below using the “Social Studies Rubric” and the four point scale. Write your score on the line provided. If you do not have an activity for a day you had an excused absence, write the letter “A” on the line provided, otherwise write a “0”. Then add up your scores. Total Points (TP) _____ Actual Total (AT) _____ Notes: • Total Points (TP) is the sum of your warm up scores. To determine your TP, add up the scores for all of your warm ups/written activities. • Actual Total (AT) is the number of warm ups multiplied by four (a perfect score). To determine your AT, count the number of warm ups you were present for and multiply this number by four (the true actual total – perfect attendance). TOTAL SCORE _____/10

  5. SA: Pump Priming Read the statement. • Describe what is meant by the term “pump priming.” • Explain how the Federal Government attempted to put more money into consumer’s pockets to stimulate the economy. • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. SCORE_____

  6. SA: New Deal Goals Franklin Roosevelt was elected president during the Great Depression. His program to help Americans was called the New Deal. • Describe THREE goals of the New Deal. • Explain how each goal addressed a problem of the Great Depression. • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. SCORE_____

  7. SA: Four Freedoms Read the paragraph below. • Describe TWO events that Roosevelt was most likely responding to in his speech. • Select ONE of the freedoms listed above and discuss its importance in the lives of United States citizens. • Explain why you chose this freedom. • Include examples and details to support your answer. SCORE_____

  8. SA: Four Freedoms (cont’d) • freedom of speech and expression • freedom of religion • freedom from want • freedom from fear.

  9. SA: Isolationism vs. Internationalism Read the statements below. • Select TWO of the above statements, and for each one chosen: • State whether you agree or disagree with the statement, and • Explain your answer • Include relevant historical details and examples in your response. SCORE_____

  10. SA: WWII — U.S. Involvement, 1939-1941 • Describe the position of the United States on WWII during the years 1939‑1941. • Justify why the United States took this position. • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. In 1939, Europe erupted into the Second World War. The United States directly entered the war in 1941. SCORE_____

  11. SA: The Holocaust During the Holocaust, more than eight million people lost their lives in NAZI concentration camps. This act of genocide remains one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, however, numerous acts of genocide have occurred throughout the world since the end of World War II. • Describe the Holocaust (the “final solution”) while answering the following: Who, what, why, where and how. • Explain how we, as American citizens, can take steps today to insure that an event such as the Holocaust never happens again. • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. SCORE_____

  12. SA: The “Final Solution” The Holocaust was a form of ethnic cleansing used by Hitler and the Nazis (called the “final solution”) during World War II. • Identify THREE groups of people affected by this “final solution.” • Describe the effect the Holocaust has in contemporary world affairs and American foreign policy. • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. SCORE_____

  13. SA: WWII – Island Hopping After their victory at Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, the Allies had gone on the offensive in the Pacific. Their ultimate objective was to come within striking distance of Japan itself. • Explain the Allied Strategy of “Island Hopping.” • Explain why the Allies used the strategy of “island hopping” in the Pacific Offensive • Remember to include details and examples to support your answer. SCORE_____

  14. Effects of the Hiroshima A-Bomb

  15. SA: The A-Bomb At precisely 8:16 a.m. on August 6, 1945, the Enola Gay dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb (and of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki three days later) raised serious ethical questions about President Truman’s decision to use the bomb. • Truman’s Five reasons for Dropping the Atomic Bomb … • It would end the war successfully at the earliest possible moment. • It justified the effort and expense of building the atomic bomb. • It offered hope of achieving diplomatic gains in the growing rivalry with the Soviet Union. • There were a lack of incentives NOT to use the weapons. • Because of America’s hatred of the Japanese and a desire for vengeance. • Explain Truman’s reasoning for deciding to use the atomic bomb in the first place. • Determine if Truman was justified in his decision. • Assess whether it was necessary to drop the second A-bomb on Nagasaki three days later. • Include relevant historical details and examples in your response. SCORE_____

  16. Armed with the knowledge the President Truman and his advisors had accumulated, how would you have ended the war in the Pacific? (Go to Question #11) • Make a table listing the advantages and disadvantages that the atomic bomb presented to modern warfare? … (Go to Question #11) • Five reasons for Dropping the Atomic Bomb … • It would end the war successfully at the earliest possible moment. • It justified the effort and expense of building the atomic bomb. • It offered hope of achieving diplomatic gains in the growing rivalry with the Soviet Union. • There were a lack of incentives NOT to use the weapons. • Because of America’s hatred of the Japanese and a desire for vengeance. • Explain each reason in your own words. Do you agree?... Document Analysis:Statement by the President of the U.S. (Aug. 6, 1945) • Who wrote this document? • What is the purpose of this document? • What date was the document issued? • Why is the name of the city left out? • Why does the atomic bomb’s power need to be explained? • Look at the last paragraph of the second page of the press release. What were Truman’s plans for ending the war? Did he accomplish those goals in dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why or why not? • On page three, Truman advocates the use of atomic power for world peace. How does he propose to fulfill this goal? • What reasons does Truman use to justify dropping the bomb?

  17. Identify what rights were effected by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order #9066. Determine if the government is justified in using this type of authority in a crisis situation. Include historical examples and details to support your response. SA: Executive Order #9066 Japanese Internment Camps SCORE_____

  18. Japanese Internment in U.S. required to register w/gov. “X” on door denoting Japanese bus. forced to sell property financial sacrifice to evacuees bank accounts & assets frozen by gov. tagged for “delivery” to camps doctor check-ups for all given jobs no one else wanted made war production materials worked on sugar/beet plantations, farms, building dams, etc. community secure w/in camps – Japanese pop. policed selves barbed wire, guns, towers encircled camps – could not leave voluntarily Concentration Camps in Germany required 2 register property w/gov tagged w/Star of David on self & bus. property taken by gov. involuntarily financed war effort ghettos organized by gov for handling large nubmers of people tattoo individuals check-ups by Dr’s for fitness levels slave labor made war materials worked in camps/death camps (death and starvation) Government created camps/ghettos under German guidance (Capo) barbed wire, guns, towers encircled camps – could not leave voluntarily Internment Centers vs. Concentration Camps

  19. SA: WWII — Cost • Define the concept of “total war”. • Describe how events of World War II disrupted economic, political and social systems of the U.S. (provide at least one example for each economic, political and social). • Include historical details and examples to support your answer. World War II was the most costly war in human history. More lives were effect by this war than any other. Economic, political and social systems worldwide were disrupted and destroyed. SCORE_____

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