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Helpful Assistant - Find, Call, Ask, Carry, Bark, Smell, Track, Drag

This helpful assistant can assist you in finding, calling, asking, carrying, barking, smelling, tracking, and dragging. It is always ready to help you with your tasks.

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Helpful Assistant - Find, Call, Ask, Carry, Bark, Smell, Track, Drag

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12 By: Rachael Hudak

  2. VERB inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventus/a/um = to find or come upon (event, adventure, invent, intervene) (Clip Art)

  3. Adjective bonus, bona, bonum = good (bonus, bonuses, bona fide, bountiful) Clip Art

  4. VERB convocō, convocāre, convocāvī, convocātus/a/um = to call together (convocation, evocable, evocation, provoke) (Clip Art)

  5. VERB rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātus/a/um = to ask (derogatory, rogation, interrogative, interrogate) (Clip Art)

  6. NOUN vīnea, vīneae F = vineyard (vine, vinery, vineyard, wine) (http://www.brophyclarkcellars.com/images/ashley-vineyards.jpg)

  7. NOUN fossa, fossae F = ditch (fossa, fossil, fossillze, fossulae) (http://www.roman-britain.org/places/images/dynevor_trench2_ditch2.jpg)

  8. NOUN canis, canis M. or F. = dog (canary, canicola, canine, canis lupus) (http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/40/husky_dogs_T4216.jpg)

  9. VERB ferō, ferre, tuli, lātus/a/um = to carry, bear, endure, report, say (confer, offer, offering, transfer) (Clip Art)

  10. VERB olfaciō, olfacere, olfēcī, olfactus/a/um = to catch the scent of, smell (factor, facotory, olfactory, liquefy) (Clip Art)

  11. Preposition cum = with (preposition which always takes the ablative) (cum laude, summa cum laude) (Clip Art)

  12. VERB • latrō, latrāre, latrāvī, latrātus/a/um = to bark http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.asheville.be/squares/11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.asheville.be/gallery/8.html&h=300&w=300&sz=40&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=w2I5t9ig88PStM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtree%2Bbark%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DGGLR,GGLR:2006-49,GGLR:en

  13. NOUN vēstīgium, vēstīgiīN = footprint, track, trace (vestige, vestigial, investigate) (Clip Art)

  14. ADJECTIVE immōbilis, immōbile = motionless (automobile, immobilization, mobile, mobilization, immobile, mobility) (Clip Art)

  15. NOUN tunica, tunicae F = by the tunic (tunic, tunica, tunicate, tunicle) (Clip Art)

  16. VERB trahō, trahere, traxī, tractus/a/um = to drag, pull, draw (extract, abstract, contract, contractile, contraction, intractable,) (Clip Art)

  17. VERBAL PHRASE in fronte litterās inūrere = to brand the letters (FUG) on the forehead (http://www.galen-frysinger.com/uruguay/estancia15.jpg)

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