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NUTRITION. BY: CARSON AND CAYLAN. Carbohydrates. What carbohydrates do : A macro-nutrient for functioning the body They fuel your muscles and your mind a source of energy for body Examples of food that have it : - anything made with flour, sugar , and grains

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  2. Carbohydrates Whatcarbohydratesdo: • A macro-nutrient for functioning the body\ • They fuel your muscles and your mind • a source of energy for body Examples of food that have it: - anything made with flour, sugar, and grains - foods with added sugar • starchy vegetables - low carb foods such as meat, eggs - most vegetables - Low sugar fruits

  3. Carbohydrates Facts: - Carbohydrates contain carbon, oxygen and hydrogen - body's main source of energy - fuelling everything from muscles to brain - 50% -60% total calories are from carbohydrates Definition: - Mainly sugars and starches - A component of food that supplies energy Types: - milk sugar, fruit sugar, and table sugar - Simple carbohydrates, Complex carbohydrates, and Fibrous carbs

  4. Fats What do fats do? - provide energy - keep the body warm - protect the vital organs from impacts - can lead to disease - help the body stockpile certain nutrients - play a vital role in maintaining healthy Examples of foods with fat: - Chocolate - Oil - fries - fast food - cakes - cola - Trail mix - Cheese sauce - Pie - Ribs

  5. Fats Facts: - Fats are vital to your health • transport oxygen to every cell in body • basis for hormone, brain, and nervous system • bodies need amount of fat to function Definition: • full of fat • oily, greasy • having much fat in relation to lean Types: • simple- sugar, honey, fruit, fruit juice • complex- rice, wholemeal, pasta

  6. Protein What it does? • Necessary for building and repairing body tissue • Used to build muscles, skin, hair, nails • Your body manufactures proteins Examples of food that have it: • fish • Milk • Soy Milk • Eggs • Cheese • Yogurt • Peanut Butter • Grains, including bread and pasta • Nuts and Seeds

  7. Protein Facts: - Make up body's cells and tissues - Major part of enzymes, hormones and substances • Can be burned as source of calories • Contain Amino Acids Definition: • Used to build parts of the body Types: - Whey protein - Casein protein - Egg protein

  8. Fiber What it does: • Helps your body move things along - Helps the body to flush toxins - Helps you feel fuller with no calories Examples of food that have it: • Black beans • Whole grain cereals • Artichokes • Dates • Pears • Raspberries

  9. Fiber Facts • Plays a role in a healthy diet • Is found in plants, and dietary fibre • Comes to us inside fruit, vegies, grains Definition • Slender, thread like structure • Combines others to form animal, vegetable tissue Types • Muscle fibre • Optical fibre • Dietary fibre

  10. vitamins Types: - water-soluble vitamins - fat-soluble vitamins foods that have it: - Vitamin D in milk - Vitamin A in carrots - Vitamin C in oranges - B vitamins in leafy green vegetables - Vitamin k in cabbage, cauliflower, cereals,

  11. vitamins What it does _ Vitamin D helps your bones _ Vitamin A helps you see _ Vitamin B helps your body make protein - helps heal cuts Facts - Vitamin A is one of fat-soluble vitamins.

  12. Minerals Definitions - A mineral is a naturally occurring substance Foods that have it - Red meats are good sources of iron - Salmon, Nuts are good sources of calcium - Nuts are a good source of copper - Shellfish Nuts is a source of iron - Almonds Other nuts Wholegrain products have zinc- Nuts Green leafy vegetables have potassium

  13. Minerals Types • Macro minerals and trace minerals Facts Macro mineral •   calcium • phosphorus • sodium • potassium • chloride • sulfur Trace minerals • manganese • copper • Iodine • zinc • Cobalt • fluoride • selenium What it does minerals activates enzymes

  14. water types • Distilled water • Fluoridate water • Mineral water • Purified water • Sparkling water • Spring water • Well water • Sterile water definition • A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid

  15. water What it does • ice water burns calories • warm water burns calories • Hydrates your body • Helps you swallow pills • Lets u have warm showers Facts • Boiling water kills all the bacteria

  16. Bibliography - http://www.answers.com/topic/water - http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/minerals.html - http://www.healthy-vitamin-choice.com/minerals-in-foods.html - http://minerals.askdefine.com/ - http://www.whereincity.com/medical/vitamins/#types - http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/vitamin.html - http://ezinearticles.com/?Vitamin-A-Fun-Facts&id=1160645 - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002407.htm - and common knowledge - http://www.superskinnyme.com/Weight%20Loss/Nutrition/Types_Of_Carbohydrates.html - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080914033933AAFUhNK - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_fat_do_for_your_body - http://pediatrics.about.com/od/nutrition/a/high_fat_foods.htm - Frombcscience8textbookpg67 - http://caloriecount.about.com/protein-facts-nf203 - http://caloriecount.about.com/fiber-diet-ft6693 - http://www.fiberoptix.com/technical/fiber-types.html - http://www.coachr.org/fiber.htm - http://www.yourdictionary.com/fiber

  17. THE END!!!!! Thanks 4 watching

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