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培 志 教 育 基 金 會

培 志 教 育 基 金 會. 關於 培志 History of Peach. 培志教育基金會於 2001 年在美國加州成立,是一個非營利,非政治,非宗教的組織, 由一群熱心兒童教育人士組成。基金會總部設於加州舊金山灣區。我們的主要 项目 包括幫助初、高中生,提供無息貸款給大學生 ,建立小小圖書館、夏令營、小額貸款、修建校舍 、 醫療基金,等等。捐款人可指定助學項目,專款專用,讓關心兒童教育的善心人士一償夙願。

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培 志 教 育 基 金 會

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  1. 培 志 教 育 基 金 會

  2. 關於培志History of Peach 培志教育基金會於2001年在美國加州成立,是一個非營利,非政治,非宗教的組織, 由一群熱心兒童教育人士組成。基金會總部設於加州舊金山灣區。我們的主要项目包括幫助初、高中生,提供無息貸款給大學生,建立小小圖書館、夏令營、小額貸款、修建校舍、醫療基金,等等。捐款人可指定助學項目,專款專用,讓關心兒童教育的善心人士一償夙願。 Created by a group of U.S. citizens in 2001, the PEACH Foundation is a California based non-profit organization with no political or religious affiliations. The PEACH Foundation mainly provides financial aid for secondary school students and loans for college students. We additionally build schools, maintain schoolhouses, train teachers, hold summer camps, donate books and clothing, and coordinate medical teams to examine the children.

  3. 資助地區: 雲南省元陽縣,綠春縣,漾濞縣,玉龍縣,寧蒗縣及四川省鹽源縣 。 Yunnan Province, China, is the current focus of PEACH Foundation. PEACH projects are being implemented in six disadvantaged districts: Yuan-Yang, Green-Spring, Yang-bi, Yu-long, Ning-lang and Yan-Yuan in Sichuan Province.

  4. 每個孩子都有上學的權利 Every child should have the right to a quality education

  5. 讀書是他們脫貧的唯一途徑 Education is the only way for them to break out of poverty

  6. 每天美金五毛錢,就能送一個孩子上學。 It costs only US$0.50 per day to send a child to school.

  7. 每天美金五毛錢,就能改變一個孩子的一生。 It takes only US$0.50 per day to change a child’s life forever.

  8. 孩子的家A child’s home

  9. 孩子在做饭 This boy is cooking for his family

  10. 一個教室,兩個年級: 一年級上課,二年級自習 Two grades share one classroom: the 1st graders are taking lessons, the 2nd graders are studying by themselves.

  11. 黃明聖的家,父親被熊咬傷,哥哥爲了支撐家庭,只得輟學務農。The home of HuangMingSheng. His father was injured in a bear attack; the older brother had to drop out of school to support the family.

  12. 姚金鳳的父母靠種地供兩個孩子上高中,還贍養三個老人。姚金鳳母親說:“我砸鍋賣鐵也要让兩個女兒讀完大學”。YaoJinFeng’s parents are farmers. They support two children and three elderly relatives. Yao’s mom said, “I will sell everything ,I have to help my daughters to complete the college education.”

  13. 晏貴清的家:寒冬裡衣不蔽體的父親,依然堅持讓孩子讀到大學,父親眼中的滄桑和期盼時時鞭策着貴清。晏貴清的家:寒冬裡衣不蔽體的父親,依然堅持讓孩子讀到大學,父親眼中的滄桑和期盼時時鞭策着貴清。 晏貴清---2010年畢業長春理工大學 Yan Guiqing’s home: Though he had very little material things to give, Guiqing’s father was able to provide the strength and encouragement to keep Guiqing strong and motivated. Yan Guiqing graduated from Changchun University of Science and Technology in 2010.

  14. 小時候你的家是山間的一個草棚風雨來了你躲進草棚里寒冷在外溫暖在心... …——向傑 《家》 “The hut was my home in the mountains, When the storm pounded, the home was my shelter.It was freezing outside, yet, my heart was warm...” ——<<<Home>> by XiangJie 從左到右:向傑的父親、向傑、會長鄭天琴 Left to right: Xiangjie’father, Xiangjie, Ruth Jeng 向傑:2003年培志資助至今,目前就讀西南科技大學。 XiangJie: sponsored by PEACH Foundation since 2003. He is attending Southwest University of Science and Technology.

  15. 您的一份愛心,成就她一生夢想 “Your Love Helps Me Achieve My Dream” “培志的叔叔阿姨,你們來了,帶著陽光, 撫摸著我冰涼的心,我的心開始暖和,我 開始敢做梦……”“我要改變命運,我不 會被命運改變。” 張尚虹 2008年畢業於成都中醫藥大學,目前在成都老年醫院任護士。 “Dear aunts & uncles of PEACH Foundation, you brought sunshine to warm up my heart and I was able to dream again. I am determined to change my life and to never accept the fate that was imposed on me.” ZhangShangHong: graduated from Chengdu University of TCM in 2008; She is a Registered Nurse in “Chengdu Hospital for Seniors.”

  16. 義工與孩子談話 A heart to heart conversation with a student during our home visit trip in 2004.

  17. 義工家訪途中,險象環生 PEACH volunteers have encountered many challenges during home visit trips to inspect the children’s homes.

  18. 每年夏令營,孩子們與義工叔叔阿姨歡聚一堂 PEACH Foundation’s annual summer camps provide great opportunities for PEACH children and volunteers to learn & play together.

  19. 與美國小老師打成一片 Learning and playing with the young volunteer teachers from United States was an exciting part of the summer camps.

  20. 與培志的兄弟姐妹們開心唱歌 PEACH children love singing

  21. 請您把希望带给孩子們! With your support, we bring hope to these children!

  22. 你的夢就是我的夢. Your dream is my dream.

  23. 請立刻加入我們!Please join us. 我們非常需要各界的捐助。您的捐款百分百用於您指定的項目。請捐贈孩子的助學金,並支持我們其他助學項目:圖書室,大學貸款,師資培訓,夏令營,醫療基金,衣物捐贈,小額生活貸款等。 We need your help to continue our work. Whether you choose to sponsor a specific child or to support a program through the PEACH Foundation, together we can make a difference. To donate: Please send your check to: Check title: PEACH FOUNDATION1098Marlin Avenue, Foster City,CA94404Tax ID:91-2155836 電話: (650)525-1188 網址: www.PeachFoundationUSA.org電子信箱: staff@PeachFoundationUSA.org

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