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  1. ------------------------Contents----------------------- Chapter Page 1. Ways to Find Quality Law Firm Lead For You Business ----------------------------------------1 2. How A Professional Business Website Increase Your Company’s Revenue------------------6 3. What is Domain and Hosting – You Should Know About Domain and Hosting Before Making Website---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 4. Overview of Easy Content Management System-------------------------------------------------19 5. Advantages of Inventory Management System for Small Business---------------------------34 www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  2. 1. Ways to Find Quality Law Firm Lead For You Business by Jhon· July 11, 2017 Tips Best and Easy Ways to Increase Leads For Law Firm and Attorney Basically, A law firm can be focused on some kind of law (it can be business law, personal life-related law issue even more than that) and can be deal with other kinds of variety of general law cases. On every law firm, there should be employees who are known as litigation secretaries. To make entry the cases some data entry specialists also needed and case file managers as well. Every law firm is a composition of as few as two lawyers or many like hundred or even more. Usually, people can always tell something bad about a law firm when they advertise all of the basic cable commercials. Because, something like, lawyers on these subpar commercial pushing use of their services which is really sad to see. For this reason, there should find something different or even technical to increase the lead for a law firm and attorney. Let’s figure out what are the possible best and easy ways to increase leads for a law firm and attorney. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  3. Chose the Right Framework for Your Law Firm’s Online Appearance: For your online appearance, a website based on the most popular framework is the best way to grow your online law firm business. Because a website does not only represent your virtual activity but also a sector of catching a huge amount of targeting people. Nowadays, people are not enough to interest to go some kind of office space to discuss the matter and their life-related issue. In this case, a good approaching and right framework of your website help to get the more clients. This marketing strategy not only applicable for the law firm only. This also applicable to the other online business as well. Quality Content Ensures the Leads Growth of Your Law Firm: www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  4. For any online presence of any business, there is no alternative of success without the quality contents. Because written content is one the most powerful and catchable ingredient for a successful law firm website. Because, when you start thinking about standing as clients’ site, the first and foremost option you will be found the information about the website is. You have to remember that it is not the other ordinary e-commerce website, it is the site where people are visiting for their own interest and as well as own need. So, information with high-quality content has no alternative here. So, when you are thinking the increasing leads of your law firm and attorney then you have to place a huge amount information, legal statements, other rules and regulations for your clients. And be assured that all the information content the right thing and the written quality should be precise and clear to understand by any client. The other important side is, not every content should be in writing. Because sometimes clients feel bored to read too much information which leads them to divert or step away from your website. So, you have to make some high-quality video content as well. Because high-quality video content and the most basic and important laws rule and regulation banner ensure the clients engaging of your website. Digital Marketing Makes the Best Result of Increasing the Leads: At present around 40%, people of the world are directly or indirectly connected to the internet. So, digital marketing is a great deal to make the best result of increasing the leads. But there is still a question to make this point to fulfill. That is, what is digital marketing and how about the possible ways to achieve most traffic using digital marketing? Well, as a general definition, Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective Now come up the option of digital channels and let go through a great discussion on those channels. customers. Google AdWords Campaign: www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  5. After replacing Google ads from the right corner to the top of the search result, the clicking of paid ads is increasing. In a research, it has been seen that most people are consciously or even unconsciously clicks the first three ads on every google search. So, here is the big and huge amount of traffic you are going get for your law firm when you run Google AdWords Campaign. Social Media Marketing: You know what? Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world. And the current number of the monthly active user of Facebook is over 1.86 Billion. And this is really a huge number of potential traffic for any kind of online business. Recently Facebook has so many opportunity and the option to marketing online and reach the advertisement on targeted user. So, growing business online become easy through Facebook marketing strategy. Another interesting fact is, you have to pay less that Google to advertise your online business through Facebook. So, why don’t use this efficient digital marketing services? Let’s increase the leads of your law firm and attorney through Facebook Advertisement tool. Email Marketing: The blessing of an internet, people are very much depending on email more than a phone call to communicate with each other. It has been seen that important meetings, event details, special offers and workshop and more importantly business deals are done through email. So, email marketing is one of the best ways to marketing any kind of online business as well as increase leads of law firms and attorneys. On the internet, you will find a huge number of email service provider to sell a huge number of email address to help you advertise your product and company as well. Besides of above configuration, the important thing is, before doing all kind of digital marketing an SEO specialist is mandatory to perform all of your digital www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  6. marketing actions in the more efficient way. Because without the efficiency your digital marketing budget will be increased but no output will come to your door. Be Professional and Maintain Professionalism: For any business strategy from the very beginning professionalism and the professional approach is a must thing. Because, when you behave like you are new in this field, the clients do not feel secure to deal with you. When you approach like a professional with your clients then they are getting confident to deal with you. So being a professional on every business will increase leads of clients. Be remember the one thing, being professional or approaching professional is not everything if you don’t maintain the professionalism on every aspect of your business. So, on every stage from the convincing, discussing or even organizing side, maintain the professionalism will help you to increase leads of your law firm and Should Follow the three S theory: attorneys. Everything depends on theory, happens based on theory, go ahead on the behavior of theory. So, you should follow the three S theory for your own business. Basically, service, satisfaction, and support are known as three S theory. From the very beginning of any business, you should give the best service to your clients. You probably facing some loss issue while giving the best support to the customer on the beginning era of your business. But don’t think about it much deeper. Because the best service you can provide to the clients makes an internal and external satisfaction to your clients which leads the best support for your business for the future. In concluding you have to aware something that, www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  7. 2.How A Professional Business Website Increase Your Company’s Revenue by Jhon · February 14, 2017 Website Design Idea www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  8. Why you need a Website for your Business? How A Professional Business Website Can Boost Your Sales and Revenue Where we live on any place of the earth there is a location that we called our physical address. But the grace of technology there is also an alternative address to identify some kind of location, which we called as Virtual Location and this is on WWW. The terms containing a very specific subject or company which is very related to some kind of webpages and those data files can accessible through a browser. And this is the virtual address that located somewhere in the world biggest invisible net called Internet. The abbreviate of WWW is World Wide Web and each of a website has its own unique web address and people from anywhere of the earth can get the access of that website through an internet connection. Basically, this is a complete and primary idea behind a website. A website can be opened page like usually called homepage and that page contains several types of hyperlinks to other pages on the same or the other site as well. A website basically supported by a web server which may be supported by multiple websites whereas a single website may reside on other kinds of multiple web servers. Sometimes it has been happened thousands of miles apart. From being a startup to the corporate level business or any kind of development related company a website is a must thing now a day. Because, only physical address is not at all thing. If someone get the fully engaged clients and customers a virtual address like a website is very important for the company. Besides, a website can be increasing term for your company’s revenue. Let’s see how it actually works. A Company Website Can Be a Partial Advertisement Thing: Basically, a website can be represented as a partial advertisement thing for a company. Let’s think about you have a small business or a startup thing. So, the investment from you is not too much and the advertisement budget is limited. So, what you should do to now. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  9. On this situation if you are going to develop a website for your company it can be helpful both your company’s advertisement and also the details information which can contains the website. People visit your attractive looking website for their own interest and you can reach the, a huge number of traffic to within the minimum budget whereas an advertisement for your company can take more cost from it and you cannot advertisement your company globally because of your budget limitation. As like as a small business or startup for the corporate or enterprise thing, a website also working as an advertisement of any company. Because, it represents the ultimate overview of the company to the huge market all over the people from the different location of the earth. So, you don’t need to extra tension for making different kind of marketing strategy or something else. All you need is only the expert SEO and a bunch of professional web developers and designers whom are given you an attractive looking and best search engine indexing for your website. By the above methodology, a huge budget will be saved for making advertisement. Besides, you will get a good platform on the world biggest invisible networking technology which saves your budget and increase your company’s revenue. A Small Business Website Can Be Represented as A Virtual Address: It has been seen so much commonly all over the world that is, for small business or startup an office space or something like it is so much costly. Because, there is a limitation of budget for small business or a kind of startup. On this situation, a website can be an ultimate solution. Within a few bucks of cost, you can easily get a virtual address or virtual office space for your small business or startup. So, you don’t need to be worry about the thing of office space or handling the client physically. All you need is just like to give your client the website link of your company and do the official task and other kind of necessary stuffs for them. Like, the company’s overview, mission and vision, what’s actually the company can do, offer they provide, budget and other important resources and stuffs for the traffics www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  10. as well as clients also. Besides, you can use your company’s website as a virtual office where you can setup an online meeting, sharing project ideas, and lots of things to do. Similar to the small business or startup thing, for a corporate or an enterprise types of company a website can do the same thing. Now the question is, corporate or other types of enterprise company has a huge amount of budget for placing physical office, so why they actually need a website to setup a virtual address for them? The answer is so simple, think, for a corporate or enterprise companies, they have a lot of number of clients and customer, which cannot directly contact to the physical office for any kind of purposes or necessities. On the other hand, it can be an unmanageable thing for those kinds of companies to give the service directly from the physical office space. So, a virtual address can be helpful to tackle of all the clients and customer more efficient way. Besides, sometimes it has been seen that, from every places or country a physical office cannot be placed because of environment and other circumstances. On that issue, a virtual address is more important thing. Whenever you are going to setup a virtual address instead of physical address for your company it is on that case, you can save some cost of money on it. Because, a physical office space can build on a huge of budget whereas virtual address doesn’t need that kind of budget. In this case, you can save some money and get some revenue from it. A Website Can Increase Your Sell & Add More Revenue: Think about, you are doing business. Selling goods is the only way and the only idea behind the revenue of your company. When you selling goods on physical shop there is a limitation of customer to get your product on their eyes. It totally depends on where your shop is located. Besides, where your shop is located the www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  11. selling goods can be sold based on that particular area basis. So, that a huge number of targeting clients and customers are deprived of your services and your goods as well. On this case, your ultimate revenue will be low and if your physical shop is not much item on it, it becomes a loss project to you. On this circumstance, if you are going to build a website for your physical shop, on that case your website can be represented as your eStore. Where different types of people from the different location can be easily get your product by the helps of few clicks from their home and workstation as well. And also, can informed about your shop and your products as well. So, they can buy your product from online which can increase your company’s revenue. Let’s think about another angle, if you have don’t any kind of physical shop, on that case you can also make revenue just only online business. Formally, which is known as ecommerce business. On this case, you don’t need to enough investment for it. Because, like other kind of physical store of selling goods, you have to worry about the license fee, tax fee, space fee and other kind of fees as well. Where you are going to start e-commerce businessyou don’t need to worry about the all of things, just you need to make a website with a great look. So, the additional those are counted for the physical shop, you can easily invest that money for your online business for buying products or store products for the future purposes. And this make your company’s revenue faster than another thing. A Business Website Can More Than You Think: Think about the modern website. Have you seen about the blog site? Or something like niche site? If yes than you can easily understand what I am really going to say. If not that google it what is actually a niche site or blog site. For a great kindness, here I am going to explain about those of the sites in a bunch of sentences. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  12. Basically, A blog site is a website which is consisting of entries differently called it posts are appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first. Almost similar to the regular or daily journal people as usual read. On a blog site, people usually do a blogging which is basically an act of writing something like a post for a blog. A person who writes content for a blog is known as blogger. This is the idea of a blog site. On the other hand, the idea behind a niche site is, A website focused on a very specific term or target. Generally, because of Google and Bing and all the other search engines this is referred to as a keyword or keyword term. And you want to make sure that the keyword term that you use for a niche site is very focused. Both of the sites are actually a good example of revenue increasing thing. But you cannot easily understand how they can gain revenue. Basically, from a blog site the most of the revenue are coming from the advertisement. Which is known as AdSense which is the most popular term all over the world. Because, a good part of world economy run on the basis of advertisement. Different kind of company are going to advertise on online via different kind of website, basically blog site. Because, only a blog site user can visit on their own interest. And this is the most www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  13. efficient way of spreading the marketing strategy and do some kind of online advertisement through blog site. On the other hand, a niche site main revenue comes from the affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals. People whom are going to buy some kind of product from amazon, ebay, Alibaba via the niche site referral URLs can give some percentage of their buying product price on the affiliate marketing website to niche site. So, the point is, why and how it actually makes revenue whereas it has been act as a separate type of thing. Before answering the question, let’s have a look on the some kind of heavy profiled website. On that website, you will find the blog section where that section can be used as both a separate section of niche site and blog site as well. If your business is not related to blog site or niche siteelse, don’t worry, for any kind of business website you can add a section which represents a blog site or niche site so you can make some revenue by the help of your website. Which revenue can increase your total revenue that makes from your company. At conclusion, it has been seen that on the above explanation, a website cannot only express the overview or the service which your small business or a startup or eventually a corporate or enterprise company. A professional website of a company is more than that. If you do some research on the above explanation by yourself, you will find out more imaging thing that how a business website increase your company’s revenue not only the basis of the services you are given to the customer or clients. It is really more than that. Besides, making a revenue a website also use as a banner of your company. It is an ultimate banner of your company where the entire website represents the all of the services that your company is provide to customers and clients. So, making a website for small businessto corporate level business, it is really increasing your company’s revenue that you think. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  14. 3.What is Domain and Hosting – You Should Know About Domain and Hosting Before Making Website by Jhon · January 27, 2017 Internet World www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  15. Modern world running on the new invention. And almost all of the new invention come to the real world with the help of technology. Without being technology our world looks like a statue now a day. People running out of time for making their life better, that’s why technology progress is the most important phenomena now a day. From the very beginning people like to do something creative. And most of their creativity show on different sector of technological field. Like, they are going to start some kind of new startup and online business too. Because, a tech related business is the only best solution for making a better future of oneself. What kind of business are you going to start, you need something important and it cannot be ignored. And this is website. At present world, website is not only a business thing, a website is open market place or sometime it is an open book thing for the people to know about the business or term you are going to introduce globally. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  16. Before making a website, you should be familiar with some point of words, which are hundred percent related to making a website. These are major part of making a website for any kind of online business.Let’s come to the point what is domain and hosting. What Is Domain? If I Buy A Domain Name Do I Need Hosting ? Domain is some kind of address which is referring an internet address or name or some kind of location of a website. A domain address is based on a IP address. Where IP means Internet Protocol. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet. Examples of Domain and How its work: For example, the domain name “webtady.com” points to the IP address “”. But do you think a number is a better way to remember? No way, a number is not really a better way to remember something. Instead of number a name is really good to remember. A domain name basically can be a maximum size of sixty-three characters and the minimum character is one. And you can be entered after the protocol in the URL like as following example. Domain Examples: https://www.webtady.com/our-work/abc.html On the above example “https” is the protocol, “www” is the subdomain, “webtady” is the domain, “com” is domain suffix, “our-work” is the directory and abc.html is web page. The very first internet domain was registered by “Symbolics” and it was named, “symbolics.com” which was registered by a Massachusetts Computer Company on March 15, 1985. What is Web Hosting How It’s Work On the other hand, Hosting, for making website it is actually web hosting. A web hosting is a kind of service that only allows the organizations and individuals by whom to post a website orweb page on the internet. Basically, a web host or web hosting service provider gives the user or company to host their website and other www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  17. technologies type of services which is really need for website or webpage to view on the internet globally like anywhere from the world. Basically, when a website is being hosted on internet, it is actually stored on some kind of super and special computers which is being known as servers. Without hosting a website, it cannot be visible on the internet. It is only visible to the local server as known as personal computer. In a word the domain and hosting meaning is, domain is a name of your website and hosting the storage system something like hard disk drive where your website contents are being stored. Most hosting companies require that you own your domain name in order to host with them. If you do not have a domain name, the hosting companies will help you purchase one. Domain and hosting are two separate services. From different company, they provide different services eventually offer the both. But for surely, domain and hosting are completely different. Sometimes, it makes confuse the people. Because, sometimes people, whom are new in this sector they thing that, domain and hosting both are same or some time thing totally different on the service perspective. To give away the confusion, here is an example for you. Hopefully you will get a clear idea both of them. Hosting Services : Facts Behind It Let’s think a hosting company like a house you rent. And this house is a place where your website can live. And think that, your car is like a domain. When you transfer to your old house to new house, do you need to change your car? This is an abstract example of domain and hosting. But in real life, domain is the location of your website and hosting is the place where your website like to live or stored its content. There are lots of web hosting services. Let’s have a look on weebly or wix. Both of them is a website building tools and have different templates. You don’t need to be an expert of bunch of coding. You just drag and drop the item and build your own site by it. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  18. But you like to create a custom website, like to draw it by your own demand. On that case, you need to learn some kind of codes, and have a knowledge how to operate some kind of tool like dreamweaver or wordpress or joomla. On that case, you only need a web name which is known as domain and a hosting services, which doesn’t like to restrict you to their site building tools. In internet, there are lots of domain and hosting companies whom are providing you the best support for your website and website hosting as well. You can figure out and solve the domain and hosting issue within your budget. But for any of them the domain price mostly fixed but hosting price can be varied. You can buy domain in a cheap price with some kind of offer sometimes provide by the company and there are lots of packages. For cheapest domain and hosting, you can go to 1and1.com Basically, 1&1 Internet, founded in 1988, is a web hosting company owned by United Internet, a German Internet company. Its CEO is Robert Hoffmann. This is very popular ultimate web solution in the cheapest rate. If your budget is little bit more and high, you can go for, godaddy.com or hostgator.com. Both of the web service provider gives you the best services within the best price. Besides them, namecheap.com is another best solution to you. The important fact is, the above all web solution providers give you the ultimate solution for you. Both of the companies provide domain and hosting services. So, you don’t have looking for separate solution for it. It is mostly like, from where you buy your domain on there you can get hosting as well. It is a really wise decision for you to take the both services from one provider in the case of newbie in the website making thing or website business thing. Because, it is so much easy to you to handle and maintain your website if you take the service from one platform. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  19. There is also some special type of domain services. Like, the SSL service for your website. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. If you take this extra service for your domain, then you have to pay more for it. As like domain, there are several types of hosting. Like, shared hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting and so on. If you are very beginning to the website business and your budget is not enough. Then you can go for shared hosting system. Because, it is the cheapest hosting services. If you have a good figure budget and you should get some special features for your website like downtime, speed and other thing as well then dedicated hosting will be good option for you. Shared hosting means, you can share your house more than one person, and dedicated hosting means, only you can live your house no one can. That is the basic difference between shared and dedicated hosting. For a high budget and high performance, you can go for cloud and VPS hosting service. Only on these two platforms you can get the best result for your website. But for this platform you have a good knowledge on site managing and database related thing as well. Without having enough knowledge on it, it will be just a waste of money, nothing else. On the above discussion, I hope you can get a better clarification of domain and hosting term. And the domain and hosting term is not tough so. On my personal point of view, before making a website, you should learn more and have a research on google more deeply on those terms. And if you are absolutely a beginner on this sector, then you should go some kind company or platform, where the domain and hosting thing are almost ready for you. At a time, when you getting used to that, you will be able to make a better decision than before. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  20. 4.Overview of Easy Content Management System by Jhon · January 16, 2017 Website Design Tools Easy Content Management System (CMS) If you want a website that will tell us your presences on the web or you want to set up a corporate website for your small business then CMS (Content Management System) website is the right choice for you. The hand-coding HTML and CSS is long gone. Nobody nowadays uses the old method of hand coding for a website unless you need a custom website for your small business. With the integration of CMS system into your website you can easily change your website content, image, contact us information anytime you want. It will take less than a minute to change these. So let me give you an overview of Content Management System. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  21. What is CMS (Content Management System)? A Content Management System (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. In simple word, a Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content in your small business website. You can easily edit your website if you have CMS integration into your website. You don’t need to do hand coding or don’t need to learn any kind of programming language to maintain your website. Nowadays, there are many different platforms for CMS (Content Management System) for free. It’s up to you whether you want to use the free Content Management System or you can build your own private CMS with your own functionality. For building own CMS you just need to hire a developer. But it will cost you a little more in terms of using the free Content Management System. In present days 75% people is using the free Content Management System. WordPress is the giant platform for Content Management System nowadays. Without WordPress, there is also another platform too for CMS (Content Management System). It’s really up to you what you will use for your small business website. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  22. Part of CMS (Content Management System) Basically, there are two parts in a Content Management System. One is Content Management Application (CMA) and other is Content Delivery Application (CDA). CMA is a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to control the creation, modification or removal of content from the website. You don’t need any knowledge of the HTML or CSS for this. And the CDA is basically the backend of the website. Its handle the support management and delivery of the content once you create the content in the CMA. Features of CMS (Content Management System) There are many features in the CMS. As there are many platforms so there is also many different features for different platforms. But every platform has the core functions. The core function is indexing, format management, retrieval, revision control, and publishing any content. Let’s see some of the core features of CMS Indexing is an important part of a website. Your publish data will index and you can easily find the content using the search function and also users can find your content with the attributes is the main key features of CMS. CMS also allow you to show the publishing dates, keywords, and author name. You can edit your website content anytime you want. It doesn’t take much time. You can also template for your website creation. There are many free templates provide by the different companies of CMS. But I will suggest you not to use the free templates as their functionality is used by others too as it is free. You can make SEO-friendly URLs. You can find much online help including discussion board if you use the free platform of CMS. CMS Platforms installation takes less than a minute. You can have admin panel with multiple language supports. You can also take your data out from the website with CMS. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  23. Content Management System also allows you to integrate many functions to your small business website with the plugins feature. To be precise you can also integrate also all the functions with the plugin system. Choosing a Best CMS Platform for You Small Business Website There are no rules for choosing a CMS platform. But you can always look for the core functionality and easy-to-use editor for user interface and search capabilities on the website. There are many companies offering Content Management System. Between them, WordPress is the most popular CMS platform. It is used by almost 75% people. Let me give you some of the platforms overviews so that it can help you to decide what platforms to use for your small business website. WordPress Among all the other platforms WordPress is the most popular and easy to use platform right now. You can research on it and judge that where I am right or wrong. It is great platforms for all kind of business website. A must thank their excellent documentation for that. WordPress also features super-quick installation wizard. In their new version of a platform, they bring the new features that auto- www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  24. update the core and plugins from the backend without having to download a single file. I will recommend this platform those who are not familiar with HTML or another markup language. You will see there is a WYSIWYG editor for you to make it pretty simple. WordPress also provide build in image and multimedia uploading system within the system. I can say that it is the best content management system for anyone in present day. Drupal Another CMS platform is Drupal. The main benefit of using Drupal is that is has a large active community. So if you face any problem for your small business website then you don’t need to go to the developers instead of your research for the problem on the web and you can solve the problem by yourself. Huh, Interesting isn’t it? Drupal is a pure CMS. It comes with a ton of modules. So you can actually add lots of interesting features like forums, user blogs, OpenID, profiles and much more. Generally, you can create a site with social features with Drupal easily. Also, you can find plenty of Drupal themes if you are planning to use Drupal for your small business website. It is one of the easy to use content management system in present day. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  25. Joomla Joomla is a very advanced CMS. It has very advanced functionality. You can install Joomla with Joomla’s installer. It is similar to Drupal platform. If you plan to make a portfolio site then Joomla is the best choice for you. It has a great CMS (Content Management System)that you can easily use. The platform has more than 3200 extensions so a developer can use any functionality they want in Joomla. There is also a lot of Joomla theme which you can use for your small business website. But the extensions and themes are paid. So if you plan to use the themes and extensions of Joomla platform then you have to buy it first. Joomla is a free platform that anyone can use for creating their website. ExpressionEngine (EE) ExpressEngine (EE) is a simple, unique and flexible CMS for any type of small business website. The main features of this website are simple and clean design. It www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  26. has a very simple user interface so it will take a minute to understand the backend functionality. It has a lot of helpful features including the ability to use multiple sites using one installation of software. One of the best features ExpressionEngine (EE) has global variable change. You can change a data with one click instead of manually search and open each page or post to replace/modify it. ExpressionEngine (EE) is paid software. Radiant CMS All the content management systems nowadays are in PHP programming. But if you are familiar with Ruby framework Rails then this is the one for you. Radiant CMS is built on Ruby-Rails framework. The developers did their level best to make the software as simple and unique. The software doesn’t use the WYSIWYG editor. It uses the textile markup to create rich HTML. It also provides its own template. So if you want your website and back end really simple then you can use Radiant CMS for your website. Cushy CMS Unlike other CMS Cushy CMS is a different type of CMS.It doesn’t rely on a specific language. In fact, the CMS is a hosted solution. You don’t have to worry about future upgrades if you use Cushy CMS. Cushy CMS is free for everyone to use. But there is an option to upgrade to pro account to use your own custom logo and color scheme. If you want a website that is used for your personal use only www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  27. then Cushy CMS is the right choice for you. But It is limited to the professional small business website. SilverStripe SilverStripeis another PHP CMS that much more like wordpress, but has much more configurable options. SilverStripe is used its own PHP framework sapphire that’s make the CMS more unique. It comes with own templating language to help the developers for the design process. There is some limitation for using SilverStripe. SliverStripe doesn’t have the large community like other CMS. Also, there are not many modules, themes or widgets to add your functionality for your small business website. You have to manually create each function to use SilverStripe for your website. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  28. Alfresco Alfresco is enterprise based content management system. It is very easy to install. You can drop a file into the folder and turn it into the web documents is the main feature for this CMS. If you want a simple site then Alfresco isn’t the choice for you. It is for enterprise needs. Alfresco isn’t beginner-friendly but it has a very clean and well-designed backend for an administrator. So if you want an enterprise website then Alfresco is the best choice for you. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  29. TYPOlight TYPOlight is another CMS that use PHP program for development. It has the built-in function like newsletters and calendars. You can also save your time by using the built-in CSS generator. You can also learn how to use TYPOlight from there provided documentation. It offers many built-in features and options. So if you want your small business website to be built with advanced functionality then you can use TYPOlight for your business website. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  30. Concrete5 Concrete5 is another CMS you can use to build your small business website. Concrete5 is mainly focused on the end user, website design, and website functionality. So if you are a website designer or developer then you can have a look into Concrete5. It’s worth of a try. DotNetNuke If you are Microsoft.Net developer then DotNetNuke CMS is the best fit for you. It has a really well-designed backend that makes user-friendly interface. It is mainly used for the web application. It offers many Open API that is used to make web application fast and user-friendly. It is a free platform to use. So you don’t have to worry to use this kind of software. Umbraco Another popular CMS is Umbraco. It is a solution for Microsoft Asp.Net. Umbraco is free to use for any people and has some paid features too. It is mainly used for the web application. So if you are thinking to make a web application then www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  31. Umbraco is the best choice for you to use. It is very popular to build the web application for enterprise. From this list of CMS (Content Management System) you can use any CMS for making your small business website. But I will suggest you to use WordPress as it is very easy and most popular CMS for using. If you are interested in eCommerce website then there is also some platform which you can use for your eCommerce website. You can easily sell your product in online with an eCommerce website. That’s why our eCommerce website package is in reasonable price. Let me give you a short overview about eCommerce website platform. Overview of eCommerce Website Platform Woocommerce Woocommerceis basically a free WordPress plugin that is used for an eCommerce website. So if you are planning to use WordPress CMS as an eCommerce website then you have to just download the Woocommerce plugin and active it. It will turn your small business website into online shopping website. And of course, you need to hire a developer for properly working functionality of your website. Woocommerce plugin is free to use and that’s why it is a very popular plugin for an eCommerce website.The Developer can easily develop the eCommerce website as the plugin is hugely flexible. The Developer can easily customize the website using this plugin. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  32. Shopify Shopify is another easy to use platform for an eCommerce website. Shopify has very well designed dashboard area for quick adding products, customizing the website or the website content. You can also move the platform to another platform using Shopify. If you have a previous eCommerce website then you can easily turn it to Shopify platform website. Volusion Volusionis another eCommerce CMS platform you can use for your eCommerce website. It is like Shopify platform. But it has a problem. If you don’t know some coding then this is not the platform to use. Coding knowledge is a must to use this platform. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  33. 3dcart 3dcart basically is an old looking CMS that you can use for your eCommerce website. But the problem of the platform is the module. Using a module is very confusing for 3dcart. But if you really want to use 3dcart for your eCommerce website then there is a bunch of video to setup 3dcart and also the video will walk through to set up the online store. But the main features for 3dcart is drag and drop editor which help you to click and edit instead of having HTML or CSS knowledge. Prestashop www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  34. Another CMS is Prestashop which has a very modern stylish design. But as it is paid so you have to buy the theme first to use Prestashop. It has all the built-in features for an eCommerce website. You just have to integrate it to the website. Prestashop is like Magento platform. Magento If you want a very powerful eCommerce website for tracking and online selling then Magento is the perfect choice for you. Nowadays, Magento is widely used for eCommerce websites. It has very well designed backend. But Magento admin panel is not as user-friendly as WordPress Woocommece plugin. You can track your selling product and much more built-in features are integrated into Magento. So right now magento is the best eCommerce website CMS to use. Last but not least you can use any of the platform for you small business website. It is very important to have clean, stylish website for better result. It is up to you which platform you use for your website. But it is very important you choose the proper platform for your website. I highly recommend you to use WordPress for simple sites and Magento for eCommerce website. Two of the platforms are really easy to use. And you can modify your content, design any time you want with these two platforms. And that’s why we offer very affordable prices for building small business website. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  35. 5.Advantages of Inventory Management System for Small Business by Jhon · December 31, 2016 Software Importance of Inventory Management System for Small Business Owner Today’s world is running like a hurricane. Nobody actually knows how fast the world is being run. Globally the whole world is moving. Technology industries are growing up with very numerous way. There is no alternative to living without technology. Field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning makes the world most suitable place for the human being as well as tech freak also. Besides all of these, we need something important when we are going to start with our own business that is related to technology. And one of the important things is inventory management system. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  36. Let’s see what is actually an inventory management system. An inventory management system is a kind of combined result of use the desktop related software, some kind of barcode scanner, barcode printers and as well as mobile devices management of inventory based on streamline. Such as different types of goods, consumables, supplies, stock etc. It is basically a kind of computer-based tracking system level of inventory on different orders, sales and others those are related to deliveries. This kind of software is being used for manufacturing the industry to create a work order, bill of materials and other types of documents which are related to production. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  37. This inventory management system is being used from a very basic level for small business to high level company. Because the companies are using inventory management system for avoiding the product overstock and outages. This is an essential tool where a company can organize the inventory data which is generally before stored and get a hard copy of the form or in some kind of spreadsheets. History of Inventory Management System : Besides going to depth, let’s have a look at some history behind it. The universal product code (UPC) was very firstly adopted something for the industry of grocery. This adoption was made in April in 1973. On that adoption, it has been declared that a standard barcode had been applied for all grocers but that was not being introduced so much as retailing locations until 1974. This kind of steps was being really helpful for the inventory management especially for the United States as well as Canada too. This helped drive down costs of retailers of the above country. By this, there was now one primary and basic barcode system for the grocers and as well as other retailers to buy one type of reader for. After that, in the era of 1980s, the personal computer was being very popular on that time. By the help of the personal computer, the cost of barcodes and readers also pushed down. This the first time where the very first versions of the inventory management system were being allowed in some kind of places. Besides this, one of the biggest hurdles in the purpose of selling readers and the barcodes to the retailers because on that time they didn’t have a place to store the information actually they scanned. After the times passed, when the computer is being become common and popular, this kind of hurdles was overcome. Because, the inventory management system is being spread through different grocery stores, the inventory management by hand become less practical then. Very soon, the writing off inventory data by hand on paper rarely replaced by digital scanning products and started to input the information into the computer by hand. After the early 2000s, the inventory management system is being started to progress to the point. People use, especially the business people are no longer needed to input data by hand, they start to input data by computer and very instantly update their database with some kind of barcode readers. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  38. And now, the modern era, by the existence of cloud-based business software like Megaventory, Handshake or Unleashed and the increasing adoption by business mark, the inventory management software has a great contribution to it. Now they usually allow integration with other business backend process, like accounting and another kind of sales those are very related to online sales. Actual Purposes of Inventory Management System: There are a lot of companies around the world who are very concurrently and often use the inventory management software. They use this kind of software or system because of reducing their carrying costs. Because, inventory management system or software is being used to track the products they actually produce and also the parts as they are transported from a vendor to a warehouse, even between in warehouse and as well as from the warehouse to a retail location or directly to the valuable customer. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  39. Inventory management system is being used for various purposes, including: Via an inventory management system, it has been easy to track inventory as it is transported between many locations also from different locations. With this kind of system, it is very easy to receiving items into a warehouse to other locations as well. Companies can also interact with picking, packing and shipping items from a warehouse by this kind of management system Also, have a good track which can be kept of product sales and other inventory levels. Companies can be cutting down on product obsolescence and spoilage. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  40. An inventory management system is really helpful for avoiding missing out on sales because of out of stock situation due to sales. Features of Inventory Management System: An inventory management software has some several basic key components. Which components can work together to create a very cohesive inventory for many organization systems. These features are including: Order supervision An inventory management system can supervise the order of a company. Sometimes it has been reaching a very specific threshold of a company. Like, it sometimes says, to tell managers to a recorder that product. So, a company can get the help of avoiding running out of products things, so it can be trying up too much capital on its own inventory. Ability tracking For example, a product is in a warehouse or a store. So, the consumer likes to track the product where it is being actually located. Via an inventory management system, often can be utilized to track the product through the barcode, some kind of radio-frequency identification (RFOD). And or some kind of wireless tracking technology. Service supervision Companies can supervise the service of a product via an inventory management system or software. Companies which really serve a primary basis service rather than product oriented service also can use inventory management system or software for tracking the cost of the material which they actually use to provide services to the customer. Such as, cleaning supplies. This is the only way where they can attach themselves on the prices of their services that really reflect the total cost they formally performed. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  41. Product identification Barcodes are the very essential thing on the inventory management system. On inventory management system, these are often mean the whereby data on products and another kind of orders are being inputted into the system. After inputting, a barcode reader can be used on there to read the barcodes and have a look upon information of the products which represents theproducts. Besides this, a radio frequency identification like RFID tags which is come up with wireless technology method of product identification become very popular day by day. Besides, in the inventory software modernization, the program is being a little bit high. Cause, besides barcode technology a new invention may use there. It is QR codes or NFC tags, which kind of tags is being used to identify the inventory items and smartphones as scanners. This is the method which provides an option for a small business to track inventory using barcode scanning. Record optimization A fully automated demand forecasting and inventory optimization system to attain key inventory optimization metrics such as: Reorder point: the number of parts that should prompt a refill order. Order quantity: the number of parts that should be reordered, based on the reorder point, stock on hand and stock on order. Lead demand: the number of parts that will be vended during the prime time. Stock cover: the number of days left before a stock out if no reorder is made. Accuracy: the expected exactness of the predictions. Key Points of Major Advantages of Inventory Management System: Inventory management system is being used for the very high level business purposes to a low level of business purposes. On the both situation, this system is very helpful. Here are some major key elements of advantages of inventory www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  42. management system. These key elements of advantages are the basic key points of advantages of inventory management software from the very basic level to top level. The inventory management system is a primarily which is about to so much specifying the shape and a good percentage for the goods are in stock both in grocery shop as well as warehouse. Via an inventory management system, companies are going to lead the stock of good to optimal inventory levels. The primary objective of inventory management system is to determine or control the stock level which can be helped the physical distribution system. Besides, the physical distribution system, the functions are also helpful for balancing the need for the product availability. This availability is totally against the need which is good for minimizing the stock of holding and other handling costs. The inventory management system can be also helpful for the companies for improving the above cash flows. This is very good point of view of perspective of inventory management system. Advantages of Inventory Management System for Small Business: If you have a company with some good stock of product. Now, it is time to write the quantity on the hand and all times is essential to any kind of product based business. Sometimes, it is not too much mandatory to meet the 100 percent consumer demand. Because, being too much, you will face the cash flow of issues. So, in this situation, inventory management may have been some kind of limited to trial and error in the past. Because, you know, modern technology has some greatly improved system or software in this process with some kind of small business inventory management software. Here are some good ways those ensure the real or actual benefit from this software and you can also find out the actual reason why it is a best valuable asset. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  43. Expedient of Record Stalking In every inventory management system, there is some manageable thing which is more outdated techniques. This can be described as inventory management techniques. These can be like as stock card. For the help of the most system utilization bar codes system or wireless tracking technology, this can be possible to make easy to keep up with the inventory counts all the times. Like, when you like to find out the how much product do you have in your inventory, you can search it just a few clicks of a database and find out the result very easiest way. Besides, you can also locate your product or even a particular product in storage via the help of inventory management system. It should be some few clicks. Like, you just enter some brief information and the pinpoint things within in seconds. At the time you will get another result of quick scan which will provide you the best pricing information from the products that you already on the shelf. This is really a time-saving things throughout the day and also prevent some kind of confusion. Resourceful Order Settlement Sometimes it has been seen then, trying to keep the inventory quantities with some kind of numerous products list items which can ensure some arduous task. And this can be prone to the mistakes of life without careful attention to the detailing thing. By the help of inventory management system or software, a person can easily find the helpful solution in this case. Because most of the time systems will automatically notify you when some of the product that has been listed in really be in low of stock or high in stock. Besides, you can reorder with different amount of product with very confident and convenient way. You can also find out the sudden surge of any product that is sold at an above average rate which becomes a very essential and necessary to catch the time and place the perfect order that is really running out of time. At the end, the result should become the shelves that are a very stoked thing and for this reason, customers are always getting to able to get the perfect product what they really need. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  44. Wide-ranging Reporting An inventory management system is really necessary when you are going to build a small business. For the reason of wide-ranging reporting with some analytical report as well as some sell statistics. Because analytics is very popular and really important for tracking the all area of business and inventory is no exception. In small business inventory software, this really needs to produce real time reports which can display how much each product have to be sold. On this way of comparing the products is really against with one another. Because this becomes so much clear on the circumstance of profitable and hardly selling the thing. Besides, you can also keep tracking the other kind of orders in the sector of transit and the location of the products. This ensures the actual and enough workers on hand to put products in the storage and stock shelves after an order arrives from different clients. Monetary Savings Sometimes for the small business, an inventory management system or software is really important for monetary saving things. Because based on the report which ultimately provides to the company with some necessary data that make a highly informed decision when you are going to purchase the inventory in the future. If you think something very consistent for your certain kind of product selling, then you should also think some bigger orders which are being placed by your company and you also need more shelf space. Besides, to keep your performance record of your small business or startup you should reduce the order taking from your client and also level up the frequency of the order from preventing a poorly performing product or even scrap it altogether. This types of step help you to place orders from the client more intelligent and convenient way and you can prevent the need to mark down prices where you end up losing money or loss of invest. RarerSlipups Sometimes it is impossible to control the better performance on the small business thing. Because everyone wants to able to keep a good control over the inventory www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  45. quantities with the inventory management system. On that case, it should prevent some kind of needless errors from being made. For examples, sometimes it has happened that, a customer has already paid for a product but the customer couldn’t pick up the product yet. On that case, the product should be in the warehouse. For that situation, an employee who is under on that warehouse should be alerted that it doesn’t get sold. And this really a serious, reputation damaging issues for the startup business. In this case, an inventory management system can be helpful to the startup business. Inventory Management Software: There is some popular and handier open source inventory management system software. These are really helpful for customization about you small business purposes. One of them is inflow. Inflow is an inventory management software basically focused on small and medium business purposes. The company is being grown up since 2007 and at present, it claims about 750,000 users. It has a free option which can limit you to www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  46. up to 100 products and customers and also a baker dozen report as well. Besides, there are some advanced user features which are really not missing out for the purpose of inventory management system on small business. Besides, inflow there are several open source and very popular inventory management system software, like, carta, right control lite, odoo, abc inventory. All of these are open source and really helpful for the small and medium business purposes of inventory management system. There are several paid applications which can be found on online. But for the small business purpose try to use the open source product for less investment. Inventory Management Techniques: Sometimes it becomes important to know about the tools and techniques when you are going to apply something new to you small business purposes. Here are some major techniques which are really helpful for inventory management system. Set Per Levels: Make inventory management cooler by setting “par levels” for each of your products. Par levels are the slightest amount of product that must be on hand at all times. First in First out: “First-in, first-out” is an important principle of inventory management. It means that your oldest stock (first-in) gets sold first (first-out), not your newest stock. This is predominantly significant for unpreserved products so you don’t end up with unsellable decay. Regular Auditing: Regular auditing of your products or stocks is really necessary. Because a regular reconciliation is vital for any business purposes. Sometimes, when you are very much relying on software and other kinds of reports from the warehouse, that how much products have you been on your stock. It is really important to make sure www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

  47. that, when you are an audit in practical operation, that should match with real life inventory. Consider Drop shipping: Drop shipping is really the ideal scenario from an inventory management perspective. As an alternative of having to carry record and ship products yourself—whether within or through third-party logistics; the industrialist or supplier takes care of it for you. How Inventory Management System Works: Sometimes it really needs to know how a method or system actually working on. Because without knowing a method or system so much it is really impossible to take a good part of the system. Let’s have a look how actually it works. From the very beginning, at its core, the inventory control working by tracking with the help of two main functionalities. One is of you stock room or warehouse, which can be used as receiving or incoming and shipping or outgoing thing. The other goal part of inventory control is to make some accuracy to know the current inventory levels and these levels can minimize the understock thing and as well as overstock the situations. With observing the entire process with some efficient tracking quantities across some stocking minimize the understock thing and also the overstock situations, it can be possible to make smarter inventory decisions for your small business purposes. At the end, it has to be said that, by implementing the right small business inventory management system or software, a person can easily make a streamline of some kind of operations. This helps a young entrepreneur to make right decisions for himself as well as the employees. Besides, it also keeps the storefront which can keep the product on stocked in a good order. If you follow the right track and research yourself with the inventory management system, definitely your customer will get a consistent satisfaction. Ready to choose the best and very right inventory management system techniques for your small business purposes and start to implement the all the techniques you get. www.webtady.com webtady@gmail.com 9107 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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