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Press Release Power is the first online PR portal that has both press release distribution and 'help a journalist/reporter' feature. We offer press release distribution service. Our team submits your release to leading Indian media publications including National and regional newspapers, TV channels, English and Hindi magazines and other distribution networks. Press Release Power also offers a feature where members of the press can have direct access to credible news sources. Reporters can use this feature to contact experts that can provide relevant information for their story.
Press Release Distribution Serviceyemen Press Release Power
Press Release Power Service We understand the importance of being able to disseminate your corporate news quickly and efficiently. Whether your news needs to be sent domestically or abroad,our expansive capabilities give you the ability to distribute your content when and where you need it.
Informational: If you are selling out Branding services then for the information search like “What is the importance of good branding?”, you need to land the user on your blog page telling the importance of branding. The keywords should be like “Importance of branding”, “Benefits of good branding” etc.
Navigational: If the user wants to know about a particular company’s reviews then you should land him to the client testimonial page or your reviews on business listings. The keywords should be like “10seos reviews”, “10seos client testimonials” etc.
Commercial & Transactional the user wants to search for options to take branding services then take him to your service/product page and portfolio. You can do the same in the case Transactional search. Take the user directly to the page from where he/she can buy the products
There can be searches with multiple intents, for example, Google has received a query “ marketing automation”. Now, it can be considered as a blend of information and commercial search intent because maybe the user wants to know the ways and trends of marketing automation or may be used wants to look for the options for marketing automation software. Hence the result pages would be containing a mixture of content including information and the product pages from where user can take the buying decision. Identifying user intent is the need of the hour as search engines are becoming more and more advanced day after day. They are not only tracking your keywords, website speed, URLs but also putting their main focus on whether or not you are able to serve the people with what they actually want. If the user has come upon your web page to see How Pasta is made then you must not be telling him about the best Pasta shops in the city. He clearly wants to cook it at home. Though, you can bestow that information in addition to your main content.
Shown for particular user intent The four pillars that are informational, navigational, commercial and transactional aid in letting us know that what keywords should we use on what page and which page is to be shown for particular user intent. Once you start coming in terms of what the user wants then you can work towards making an efficient content strategy and writing helpful and relevant copy.
To understand the kind of content users are hoping to see on your pages, you need to find out which queries bring traffic to your website.
Press Release Power Skype - shalabh.mishraTelegram - shalabhmishraWhatsapp- +919212306116Email - shalabh.mishra@gmail.comMobile - +919212306116