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Arsen Akinci , MD, Kudret Eye Hospital , Ankara/TURKEY

Comparison of amniotic - membrane transplantation and intraoperative 0.02% mitomycin -C (MMC) for treatment of recurrent pterygia . Arsen Akinci , MD, Kudret Eye Hospital , Ankara/TURKEY Orkun Muftuoglu , Assoc . Prof., Kudret Eye Hospital , Ankara/TURKEY

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Arsen Akinci , MD, Kudret Eye Hospital , Ankara/TURKEY

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  1. Comparison of amniotic-membranetransplantationandintraoperative 0.02% mitomycin-C (MMC) fortreatment of recurrentpterygia. ArsenAkinci, MD, Kudret EyeHospital, Ankara/TURKEY Orkun Muftuoglu, Assoc. Prof., Kudret EyeHospital, Ankara/TURKEY There is no financialinterestin thisstudy.

  2. BIOGRAPHY • Hacettepe UnivercityFaculty of Medicine-1995-2001 • Ulucanlar EyeHospital-2001-2005 • DiskapiChildren’sHospital-2006-2008 • Kudret EyeHospital-2008-

  3. PURPOSE • Thepurpose of thisstudywastocomparetheoutcomes of amniotic-membranetransplantationandintraoperative 0.02% Mit-C (MMC) fortreatment of recurrentpterygia.

  4. MATERIAL AND METHOD • Therecords of 58 eyeswithrecurrentptergiaeitherunderwentamniotic-membranetransplantationorsimpleexcisionthenintraoperativeuse of 0.02% (MMC) for 5 minwereretrospectivelyevaluated. Inbothgroupsthepterygiumheadwasdetachedand body wasdissectedfromtheoverlyingconjunctiva. Subconjunctivalpterygialtissuewasexcised. Inthe MMC group 0.02% (MMC) wasappliedtothebaresclerafor 5 min. Intheamniongroupthearea of baresclerawascoveredwithamnioticmembrane. Amnioticmembranewasexcisedfivedaysafterthesurgery. Twogroupswerecompared in terms of recurrence (defined as fibrovasculartissueinvadingthecornea >1.5 mm) andcomplications.

  5. RESULTS • Twenty-sixeyeswereincluded in theamniongroupand 32 in the MMC group. Recurrenceoccurred in no eye in theamniongroupand in 3 eyes in the MMC group (P=0.245). Incidence of complicationssuch as conjunctivalhyperemia (5 eyes in amnion 11 eyes in MMC groups), subconjunctivalhemorrhage (4 eyes in amnion, 9 eyes in MMC groups) wassimilar in bothgroups (p=0.056 and p=0.346, respectively). Cornealepithelialdefects (1 eye in amnion 9 eyes in MMC groups), irritation, lacrimation, andphotophobia (2 eyes in amnion 17 eyes in MMC groups) weremorecommon in the MMC group (p=0.017, p<0.0001, respectively).

  6. CONCLUSION • Simpleexcisionthenintraoperativeuse of 0.02% (MMC) for 5 minandamniotic-membranetransplantationaresimilarlysuccessfulmodalities in thetreatment of recurrentpterygia. Howevercomplicationssuch as irritation, lacrimation, photophobia, andcornealepithelialdefectsaremorecommonwithsimpleexcisionandintraoperativeuse of 0.02% MMC.

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