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From Appeasement to War 29.1

From Appeasement to War 29.1. Objective 1: Identify and define appeasement. Objective 2: Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war. Unchecked Aggression What did “The League” do?. Japan takes Manchuria in 1931 -condemns Japan, who promptly leaves LofN

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From Appeasement to War 29.1

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  1. From Appeasement to War29.1 Objective 1: Identify and define appeasement. Objective 2: Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.

  2. Unchecked Aggression What did “The League” do? • Japan takes Manchuria in 1931 -condemns Japan, who promptly leaves LofN • 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese war – leads to Japan taking large portions of China -Western powers did nothing • Italy invades Ethiopia (1935) -Haile Selassie appeals to LofN, who sanction Italy – with no way to enforce them

  3. Japanese Aggression 1931:Japan seeks to expand its control of Asia and invades Manchuria (north of China) 1937: Japan invades China Dec. 1937: Japanese murder 300,000 and rape 20,000 in Nanking

  4. Rape of Nanking – 1937-1938 http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~wwu/truth/genocide.shtml

  5. Germany’s Unchecked Aggression • Hitler reinstates draft, air force, remilitarizes. Legal? • Hitler moves into the Rhineland, going against T. of V. • “Lebensraum” in Mein Kampf. • Appeasement policy by British/French to Hitler after Rhineland. • Appeasement – giving in to the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace

  6. Why Appeasement? • France – too weak, needed British support • Britain – did not want to go to war • Some thought Germany’s actions were justified • Fear spread of Soviet communism • Pacifism (opposition to all war) – felt WW1 was enough, no need to go to war again • United States – Neutrality Acts (will not support or supply any nation at war)

  7. Rome-Berlin Axis Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan against Communism. New Unions

  8. Spanish Civil WarThe Dress Rehearsal • 1936 – Francisco Franco revolts leads to Civil War • Nazis, Soviets, and Italians send troops and equipment • Nazi bombs Spanish city of Guernica • 1939 – Franco becomes dictator of Spain

  9. “Anschluss” w/ Austria Sudetenland takeover in Czechoslovakia Munich Conference “Peace in our Time” Soviet Nazi Non-Aggression Pact to buy time for both More Aggression

  10. Problem in Poland • Hitler wanted it, but didn’t want two-front war  Nonaggression Pact (1939). Divide up Poland and no attacks for 10 years.

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