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Ceramic s Kulinich Ekaterina, Ph.D , Chair of Silicate Technology and Nanotechnology

Ceramic s Kulinich Ekaterina, Ph.D , Chair of Silicate Technology and Nanotechnology. С eramics - . is an inorganic, non- metallic solid material prepared by the action of heat and next cooling . Ceramic materials have a crystalline or partly crystalline structure.

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Ceramic s Kulinich Ekaterina, Ph.D , Chair of Silicate Technology and Nanotechnology

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  1. CeramicsKulinich Ekaterina, Ph.D, Chair of Silicate Technology and Nanotechnology

  2. Сeramics - is an inorganic, non-metallicsolidmaterial preparedbytheactionofheatandnext cooling. Ceramic materials haveacrystallineorpartlycrystallinestructure

  3. Ceramic materials arebrittle, hard, strongincompression, weakinshearingandtension

  4. Ceramics in general stable in very high temperatures (from 1,000°C to 1,600°C).

  5. Traditional ceramic raw materials include: -clay minerals (kaolinite)-aluminiumoxide (feldspare)-silica (sand)

  6. Theword "ceramic" comesfromthe Greek wordκεραμικός (keramikos) meaningpottery • domestic • industrial • building • technical • art objects

  7. Typesofceramicproducts (4 groups:) • Structuralceramics (bricks, pipes, floor androof tiles • Refractoriesceramics (kilnlinings, fireradiants, steel and glass makingcrucibles) • Whitewares (tableware, wall tiles, pottery products, andsanitaryware) • TechnicalCeramics (SpaceShuttleprogram, ballisticprotection, nuclearfuelpellets, bio-medical implants, blades, andbombs)

  8. Whitewareceramics • Bone china calcined cattle bone (bone ash) Characteristics: highwhiteness, translucencyandstrength

  9. Productionof bone china usuallyinvolvesatwostages: • firingofbisque(itemswithoutaglaze) atthetemperature 1280 °C • glaze (glost) firedatalowertemperature(below 1080 °C)

  10. Earthenware 25% clay, 28% kaolin, 32% quartz, 15% feldspar

  11. Porcelain isaceramicmaterialmadebyheatingrawmaterials, generallyincludingclayintheformofkaolin, inakilnbythetemperatures from1,200 °C to 1,400 °C.

  12. Classificationoftechnicalceramics Oxidesceramics: alumina, zirconia • Non-oxidesceramics: Carbides, borides, nitrides, silicides • Composites: сombinationsofoxidesandnon-oxides.

  13. Otherapplicationsofceramics knives

  14. Ballbearings • Ceramic ballscanbeusedtoreplace steel in ballbearings

  15. ceramicengine (whichcanrunatatemperatureofover 3300°C)

  16. Bio-ceramics -dentalimplants -syntheticbones • coatings • bonefillers

  17. Main objects • Definition of ceramics • History of ceramics • Types of ceramics • Using of ceramics

  18. Thank you for your attention

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