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ACS 1C. Room 25. 2009-2010. My Philosophy. I believe ALL children come to school with valuable experiences unique to themselves. . Character Education. September – Building Community; Clarifying Expectations; Listening first October - Keep Commitments; Get Better (Goals)

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  1. ACS1C

    Room 25 2009-2010
  2. My Philosophy I believe ALL children come to school with valuable experiences unique to themselves.
  3. Character Education September – Building Community; Clarifying Expectations; Listening first October - Keep Commitments; Get Better (Goals) November – Get Results December - Demonstrate Respect; Kindness; Empathy January – Demonstrate Respect; Tolerance; Confront Reality; (Bullying) February – Demonstrate Respect; Fairness and Justice; Right/Wrongs March - Talk Straight; Honesty; Create Transparency April - Show Loyalty May/June – Reflect (Trust, Respect, Responsibility)
  4. What will your 1st grader learn?
  5. Language Arts Your child will be exposed to a variety of language concepts including: Word Study (spelling patterns, word families …) Sentence Structure (construct simple and compound sentences/correct word order) Punctuation and Capitalization Grammar (subject-verb agreement, verb tense, telling/asking sentences etc.)
  6. Spelling We will be using the Words Their Way spelling program this school year. This unique approach to teaching spelling engages students in: Word studies that emphasizes patterns, phonics and general spelling rules.
  7. Reading In our Reader’s Workshop, your child will explore a variety of genres this year. We will focus on: Story Elements and Comprehension Questioning and Analysis Fluency Vocabulary Clarification Retellings *Take Note: Ongoing reading assessments will take place throughout the year to check for growth in this area.
  8. Writing Instruction 1stGrade writing instruction focuses on: The Writing Process Pre-writing, Drafting, Editing, Revising, Conferencing, Publishing 6 +1Traits Writing Model Ideas, Organization, Voice, Conventions, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice + Presentation
  9. 1stGrade Writing Curriculum Calendar September/ October November December January February March April May June ….. Launching The Writing Workshop ….. Small Moments ….. Writing for Readers ….. Authors as Mentors ….. How-To Books ….. All –About Books ….. Poetry ….. Persuasive Writing ….. Revision and Assessment
  10. Handwriting We will introduce and practice the D’nealian manuscript form of handwriting. Your child will be expected to write various assignments in D’nealian style later in the year. *Take Note: Practice pages can be downloaded and printed at www.learningpage.com
  11. Math The purposeof the math program in grade 1 is to build the high levels of mathematical skills, process thinking, and problem solving.
  12. How Many of Each?Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System 1September - Mid OctoberMaking Shapes and Designing Quilts2-D GeometryMid October - End of OctoberSolving Story ProblemsAddition, Subtraction, and the Number System 2November/DecemberWhat Would You Rather Be?Data AnalysisJanuaryFish Lengths and Animal JumpsMeasurementFebruaryNumber Games and Crayon PuzzlesAddition, Subtraction, and the Number System 3MarchColor, Shape, and Number PatternsPatterns and FunctionsAprilTwos, Fives, and TensAddition, Subtraction, and the Number System 4MayBlocks & Boxes3-D GeometryJune
  13. Science/ Social Studies Curriculum Calendar (Our science curriculum is an inquiry- based program.) September: Healthy Bodies October: Pebbles, Sand and Silt Nov./Dec.: Family February: Plants March: Insects April: School May: Mammals/ Multicultural Country June: Mapping
  14. Homework Homework in first grade is primarily about developing responsibility in our children. (~20 minutes - including Arabic) Spelling New Word Wall Words will be introduced every Monday Word Wall Words will be tested each Monday Reading 20 minutes of reading each night (can be in Arabic or English) Independent or shared reading Math Expect to see daily math practice S.S./SC. Occasionally-Assignments/review/projects might be sent home
  15. Test Signatures Summative tests will be sent home with the understanding that your child will share with you the progress he/she is making at school. Please discuss each test with your child. Sign each test and return it to school. This practice will ensure me that you are aware of your child’s growth and progress here at school.
  16. Classroom Expectations Students are expected to be respectful and responsible, do their personal best and be prepared! We have discussed that we will always: Do our best Be good listeners Be kind and respectful Be responsible Possible Consequences *Verbal Reminder from Teacher *Reflection time at desk (away from the class) *Minutes from recess (Teacher/Student Conference) *Phone call, email, or letter sent home *Student/Principal Conference
  17. Absences Research indicates that students are the most successful when they attend school regularly. Of course I do understand that, students become ill from time to time. If your child is absent, notify the office. Dress Code Students must come to school wearing solid colored shirts and solid colored pants that are not ripped. Students must wear their PE uniform on Day 1, 3, and 5
  18. Book Orders Book orders are a wonderful way to build your child’s home library. Our first order from Scholastic will be due next week. If you choose to order, please send cash. Please do not send a check. Book orders will be sent home approximately three times a year.
  19. Lunch/Snacks Please send only healthy snacks that are quick and easy to eat for first snack. (15 min.) Suggestions: *Fresh fruit * Packaged crackers * Pretzels * Granola Bars One type of sweet is permitted after lunch. It helps your children if you label what is for lunch and what is for snack – this can easily be done by marking items with an S and a L Hot lunches can be purchased in a pack of 10 tickets for $50 from the office.
  20. We will be celebrating birthdays once a month with a Read-a-thon day. Please refer to the monthly birthday schedule posted on 1C’s website regarding your child’s celebration day. I ask that the treats be something that is quick and easy for the students to eat. Please do not send items that require cutting. We currently have 21 students in our class. Please remember to send all necessary supplies for eating, as I may not have enough of something we would need!  If your child is a summer baby, we would love to celebrate his/her half-birthday in June. Celebrating Birthdays
  21. Classroom Guests I always welcome parent experts into our classroom. As you review the curriculum, you may find that you have some knowledge in a particular area. I would LOVE for you to come and share your knowledge with the class. You may contact me to make the appropriate arrangements. Email is always a quick and easy way to make such arrangements.
  22. Transportation Notes It is very important to call the school or send a note when your child’s transportation routine changes for any reason. In addition, please send a note if someone different will be picking your child up from school. If the school is not notified, your child will be sent home in the regular manner.
  23. Communication It is extremely important to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. I will make every effort to keep you informed of your child’s progress here at school. I hope you will also feel comfortable contacting me with any concerns or questions. I can be reached by email (kjohnson@acs.edu.lb)and phone (elementary office). Email is probably the quickest way to reach me.
  24. I especially want to thank each one of you for entrusting with me your WONDERFUL and precious child! I truly love what I do and am looking forward to a fabulous year!
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