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Recursive Solutions and Examples: CS102 Tutorial

This tutorial introduces the concept of recursion and its advantages and disadvantages. It includes examples such as the Towers of Hanoi, printing values in reverse, finding the maximum value, sequential and binary search, sorting algorithms, and counting values before zero.

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Recursive Solutions and Examples: CS102 Tutorial

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  1. CS102 – Recursion David Davenport Bilkent University Ankara – Turkey email: david@bilkent.edu.tr Spring 2003

  2. What is Recursion? • Method of solving problems • Alternative to iteration • All recursive solutions can be implemented iteratively • Characteristic... • recursive methods call themselvesrecursive functions defined in terms of (simpler versions) themselves • General recursive case & stopping cases

  3. Factorial N • Iterative • N! = N * N-1 * N-2 … 2 * 1 • Recursive • 1! = 1 - stopping case • N! = N * (N-1)! - general case implement & trace in Java

  4. So, why use recursion? • Advantages... • Interesting conceptual framework • Intuitive solutions to difficult problems • But, disadvantages... • requires more memory & time • requires different way of thinking!

  5. Towers of Hanoi • The Problem… • Rules • only move one disk at a time • can’t put a disk on a smaller one • Monks believed world would end once solved for 64 disks! Takes 580 billion years! at one move per sec.

  6. Hanoi… • http://www.mazeworks.com/hanoi/ private void moveTower (int numDisks, int start, int end, int temp) { if (numDisks == 1) moveOneDisk (start, end); else { moveTower (numDisks-1, start, temp, end); moveOneDisk (start, end); moveTower (numDisks-1, temp, end, start); } }

  7. 5 7 2 6 3 Print reverse • Print first N values in reverse • Simple iterative solution… • Recursive? • Hint - what is the simplest case? • Write out sequence of cases& look for previous case within each casegeneralise & note stopping case! Given... print... 3, 6, 2, 7, 5

  8. 5 7 2 6 3 N-1 N’th Print reverse - solution • Solution form Write Java & trace To print N values in reverse order if N > 0 Print the N’th value & then Print the preceding N-1 values in reverse order

  9. 5 7 2 6 3 N-1 N’th Print forward • Print set of values in normal order • Solution form Write Java & trace To print N values in normal order if N > 0 Print the first N-1 values in normal order & then Print the N’th value

  10. 5 7 2 6 3 first rest S E Print – alternative solution • Print set of values in order • Alternative solution Write Java & trace To print values btw S & E in order if S <= E Print the value at S & then Print the values btw S+1 & E in order

  11. Think about solution in terms of these two sub-problems 5 7 2 6 3 N-1 N’th Find Max • Find max of first N values To find max of N values if N = 1 return N’th value else return greater of N’th & max of preceding N-1 values

  12. Think about simplest cases of problem & more general solution in terms of these two sub-problems 5 7 2 6 3 N-1 N’th Sequential search Search( first N values of X for target) if N = 0 return not found else if N’th value is target return found at N’th else return search( first N-1 values of X for target) O(N)

  13. 7 9 1 2 3 5 6 first half second half S E middle Binary Search O(log2N) • Think about using telephone directory • Values must be in order! • Have knowledge of data distribution • If unknown? (number guessing game)

  14. Binary Search (continued…) Search( X btw S & E for target) if S > E return not found else if ( middle value is target) return found at middle else if ( target < middle value) return search( first half of X for target) else return search( second half of X for target) First half isS, middle-1 Second half is middle+1, E

  15. 5 7 2 6 3 N-1 N’th locOfMax Selection sort O(N2) selectionSort( first N values of X) if N > 1 locOfMax = findmax( first N values of X) exchange N’th value with value at locOfMax selectionSort( first N-1 values of X)

  16. 9 1 6 6 pivot partition 5 2 7 1 3 3 9 5 7 2 Sort first part Sort second part pivot QuickSort O(Nlog2N) QuickSort( X btw S & E) if S < E pivot loc. = partition( X btw S & E) QuickSort( first part of X) QuickSort( second part of X) First part is S to pivot loc.-1 Second part is pivot loc.+1 to E

  17. Sort second half 7 3 9 6 Sort first half 1 1 5 2 3 7 5 9 2 6 merge MergeSort O(Nlog2N) Merge is the basis of sequential processing MergeSort( X btw S & E) if S < E MergeSort( first half of X) MergeSort( second half of X) Merge( first & second halves of X)

  18. 5 7 2 0 3 first rest S Counting • Count number of values before zero Zero is sentinel value& so is guaranteed to exist. This is a common form of representation for strings! count no. values before zero starting at S if value at S is zero return 0 else return 1 + count no. values starting at S+1

  19. Common mistakes! (1) sum = 0; public void count( int[] X, int S) { if ( X[S] != 0) { sum++; count( X, S+1); } } • Problems: • Need another method to getCount() • What happens if called again?

  20. Common mistakes! (2) public int count( int[] X, int S) { int sum; if ( X[S] == 0) return sum; else { sum++; return count( X, S+1); } } • Problem: • New instance of local variable for each instantiation!

  21. R A D A R middle first last Palindrome isPalindrome( word) if first >= last return true else if first char of word != last char of word return false else return isPalindrome( middle of word)

  22. Fibonacci Numbers • Find fib(n) given the definition : • fib(0) = 1 • f ib(1) = 1 • fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

  23. Solution public int fib( int n ) { if ( n == 0 || n == 1 ) { return 1; } else { return fib( n - 1 ) + fib( n - 2 ); } } • naturally recursive, however better-off being solved iteratively

  24. Caching solutions .. static int fib(int n) { int[] sols = new int[n + 1]; sols[0] = 1; sols[1] = 1; return fib(n, sols) } static int fib(int n, int[] sols) { if (sols[n] > 0) return sols[n]; int sol = fib(n-1, sols) + fib(n-2, sols); sols[n] = sol; return sol; }

  25. Blob Count • A Blob is the union of adjacent cells • Cells are represented by a two dimensional array: boolean[][] isFull; • The problem is to count the size of a blob starting from coordinates x, & y.

  26. Blob Count, the plan • have a recursive method that adds 1 to the count if the given cell is occupied, and recursively adds the numbers of 8 neighbors • we need to remember which cells we already counted, and can use boolean[][] counted for this purpose

  27. Blob count, algorithm public int count(boolean[][] cells, int x, int y) { boolean[][] counted = new boolean[cells.length][cells[0].length] return count_(cells, counted, x, y) }

  28. Blob Algorithm private int count_(boolean[][] cells, boolean[][] counted, int x, int y) { if ( x < 0 || x >= cells.length) return 0; if (y < 0 || y >= cells[0].length) return 0; if ( counted[x][y]) return 0; if (!isFull[x][y]) return 0; counted[x][y] = true; return 1 + count_(cells, counted, x+1, y) + count_(cells, counted, x, y+1) + count_(cells, counted, x+1, y+1) + … }

  29. The plan… • Print set of N values forward & backward • Repeat using S & E • find max value • search for target - sequential • binary search • sort - selection, quick, merge • palindrome • Count using S only • Maze & blob counting • Fractals? Recursive-descent-parsing? • …on to data structures(stacks, queues, lists, trees, …)

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