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W rite the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to hide the underlined words under the smaller, spinning plate: (I give to give, I gave, given ) Do Dare Dedi Datus A mo Amare Amavi Amatus Habeo Habere Habui Habitus Ago Agere Egi Actus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Write the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to hide the underlined words under the smaller, spinning plate: (I give to give, I gave, given) Do Dare DediDatus AmoAmareAmaviAmatus HabeoHabereHabuiHabitus Ago AgereEgiActus MittoMittereMisi Missus FacioFacereFeciFactus DicoDicereDixiDictus PonoPonerePosuiPositus Sum EsseFuiFuturus Possum Posse Potui ------------ FeroFerreTuliLatus

  2. Write the following principal parts on your plates. You should be able to cover the underlined words with the smaller, spinning plate: EoIre Ii Itus VoloVelleVolui------------ FioFieriFactus------------ Underneath the first principal part of each verb you may write its definition: Do – I give Dico – I say Volo – I want Amo – I love Pono – I put Fio – I become Habeo – I have Sum – I am Ago – I do Possum – I am able Mitto – I send Fero – I carry Facio – I make Eo – I go

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