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CM&E Data Entry

This session will cover an overview of CM&E Module Functions, Implementer of Record, maintaining evaluation, non-compliance, violation, and enforcement data, as well as generating reports.

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CM&E Data Entry

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  1. CM&E Data Entry RCRAInfo 2008 National Users Conference

  2. What will this session cover? • Overview of CM&E Module Functions • CM&E Module Implementer of Record • Maintaining Evaluation Data • Maintaining Significant Non-Complier (SNC) Data • Maintaining Violation and Citation Data • Maintaining Enforcement Data Page 2 of 21

  3. The CM&E Module • CM&E Module Functions • Maintaining evaluation, violation, and enforcement action data • Maintaining Significant Non-Complier (SNC) data • Linking violations to evaluations and/or enforcement actions • Generating reports

  4. CM&E IOR • Implementer of Record (IOR) assigns and enforces responsibility for data entry into RCRAInfo. • There are two types of IOR in RCRAInfo • Fixed IOR is implemented for data elements in which one agency (State or Region) is completely responsible. • Variable IOR is implemented for data elements in which the responsibilities vary depending on the values of specific data elements. Page 4 of 21

  5. CM&E IOR (cont.) • In the CM&E Module, variable IOR is implemented for Evaluation and Enforcement Data. • The Evaluation data IOR is determined by Activity Location and Evaluation Responsible Agency. • The Enforcement data IOR is determined by Activity Location and Enforcement Responsible Agency. Page 5 of 21

  6. CM&E Access Rights • Each user is assigned access rights to the CM&E module. The access levels for the CM&E Module are • Level 1 – Read access • Level 2 – Read and Add access • Level 3 – Read, Add, and Update access • Level 4 – Read, Add, Update, and Delete access • To request an access rights change, users should contact one of the RCRAInfo System Administrators for their State or Region. • A System Administrators List can be accessed from the System Administration Menu in RCRAInfo. Page 6 of 21

  7. Selecting a Handler for Data Entry • RCRAInfo provides several mechanisms for selecting a Handler for data entry. • The Quick Search option allows the user to conduct a search using either the Handler ID or the Handler Name as the search criteria. • The Advanced Search options allow the user to enter values into one or more of the search criteria fields based on the handler information available, or the user can click on one of the additional search tabs to select different search criteria options. Page 7 of 21

  8. Maintaining Evaluation Data • Evaluation data entry special instructions • If the evaluation type "CAV - Compliance Assistance Visit" is selected, • In the “Did you find any violations or compliance issues/problems?” section, the user must select: • “Yes, violations or compliance issues were found” or • “No violations or compliance issues were found.” • The user CANNOT add a violation or link to an existing violation. Page 8 of 21

  9. Maintaining Evaluation Data (cont.) • Evaluation data entry special instructions (cont.) • If the evaluation type "FCI - Focused Compliance Inspection" is selected, • A field titled “FCI Focus Area” will appear to the right of the Evaluation Type field. • The user MUST select a focus area for the FCI evaluation from the drop-down list provided. Page 9 of 21

  10. Maintaining SNC Data • A facility is designated as a Significant Non-Complier (SNC) by entering an SNY evaluation. • A facility is removed as a Significant Non-Complier (SNC) by entering an SNN evaluation. • If an agency-location enters both an SNY and an SNN evaluation with the same Evaluation Start Date, then the site is considered to be a SNC. To designate the site as no longer a SNC, enter the text "not a snc" (not case sensitive) in the Notes field. Page 10 of 21

  11. Maintaining SNC Data (cont.) • SNY and SNN evaluation special instructions • When entering an SNY evaluation, Day Zero must equal one of the following: • The Evaluation Start Date of a non-followup evaluation* for this agency, or • The Enforcement Action Date of an 810 or 820 action, or • Any valid date less than or equal to the Evaluation Start Date of the SNY evaluation in the case of reclassified secondary violators. * Non-Followup Evaluations: CAC, CAV, CEI, FCI, FRR, FSD, GME, NRR, and OAM Page 11 of 21

  12. Maintaining SNC Data (cont.) • SNY and SNN evaluation special instructions (cont.) • For SNY evaluations, the field Reclassified SV will appear on the screen. • In the case of reclassified secondary violators, this field serves as the Day Zero date. A date may be entered in the Reclassified SV field in place of the choosing a date in the Day Zero field. • If a date is entered in the Reclassified SV field, the user MUST enter information into the Notes field. Page 12 of 21

  13. Maintaining Violation and Citation Data • Violation data entry special instructions • Violations can only be added while adding or updating an evaluation. • RCRAInfo allows a user to add a violation by specifying either the Citation Type (for state regulations) or the Violation Type (for federal regulations). Page 13 of 21

  14. Maintaining Violation and Citation Data (cont.) • Violation data entry special instructions (cont.) • When using “Violation Add by Violations”, the user MUST enter a Violation Type and a Determined Date. EPA users MUST link the violation to a Citation. • When using “Violation Add by Citations”, the user MUST enter Citation Type, Citation, Violation Type, and Determined Date. The user MUST also enter a description of the violated condition in the Notes field. Page 14 of 21

  15. Maintaining Enforcement Data • Enforcement data entry special instructions • If the enforcement type “380 - HQ – Multi Site CA/FO” is selected, • A field titled “CA/FO Number” will appear to the right of the Enforcement Date field. • The user MUST select a CA/FO Number from the drop-down list provided. Page 15 of 21

  16. Maintaining Enforcement Data (cont.) • Enforcement data entry special instructions (cont.) • If the enforcement type “810 - HQ - State to EPA Administrative Referral” is selected, • The Responsible Agency MUST equal “S” (State). • Once the enforcement is saved, the Violation Responsible Agency for violations linked to this 810 enforcement action is set to “E” (EPA). • The Enforcement Responsible Agency of the 810 action remains “S” (State). Page 16 of 21

  17. Maintaining Enforcement Data (cont.) • Enforcement data entry special instructions (cont.) • If the enforcement type “820 - HQ - EPA to State Administrative Referral” is selected, • The Responsible Agency MUST equal “E” (EPA). • Once the enforcement is saved, the Violation Responsible Agency for violations linked to this 820 enforcement action is set to “S” (State). • The Enforcement Responsible Agency of the 820 action remains “E” (EPA). Page 17 of 21

  18. Maintaining Enforcement Data (cont.) • Enforcement data entry special instructions (cont.) • If enforcement type “810 - HQ - State to EPA Administrative Referral” or “820 - HQ - EPA to State Administrative Referral” is selected, • The user can only link the enforcement to violations with a Violation Responsible Agency equal to the Enforcement Responsible Agency. • The user CANNOT enter any Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP), milestone, penalty, or payment information, or link to RTC violations. Page 18 of 21

  19. Maintaining Enforcement Data (cont.) • Enforcement data entry special instructions (cont.) • Enforcement types 100-199 and 800-899 cannot impose a penalty. • Enforcement types 200 – 299, 300 – 399, 500 – 599, and 600 – 699 can impose a penalty type of • “PMP” (Proposed Monetary Penalty), • “FMP” (Final Monetary Penalty), • “FSC” (Final SEP Cost), • “SCR” (SEP Credit), • “USM” (Up to the Statutory Maximum), or • “ZAP” (Zero Ability to Pay). Page 19 of 21

  20. Maintaining Enforcement Data (cont.) • Enforcement data entry special instructions (cont.) • Enforcement types 400 – 499 can only impose a penalty type of “PMP”, “USM”, or “ZAP”. • Enforcement types 700 – 799 can only impose a penalty type of “FMP”, “USM”, or “ZAP”. • When entering penalty information • If penalty type “ZAP” or “USM” is selected, then Amount MUST equal zero and the Notes field MUST be populated. • If penalty type is not equal to “ZAP” or “USM”, then Amount MUST be greater than zero. Page 20 of 21

  21. Questions? Page 21 of 21

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