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Uganda Wildlife Authority Business Skills Training Follow-Up Action Plan

Follow-Up Actions. Listed in the following slides are :1) For BMCA Business PlanActions to incorporate Shell feedback and complete drafting of Business Plan (draft 2) sections prepared following 1st training visitActions to achieve initial drafts of new Business Plan sections for which training h

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Uganda Wildlife Authority Business Skills Training Follow-Up Action Plan

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    1. Uganda Wildlife Authority Business Skills Training Follow-Up Action Plan Shell Foundation : Second Visit 18th 21st July 2006

    2. Follow-Up Actions Listed in the following slides are : 1) For BMCA Business Plan Actions to incorporate Shell feedback and complete drafting of Business Plan (draft 2) sections prepared following 1st training visit Actions to achieve initial drafts of new Business Plan sections for which training has been completed during the 2nd training visit Actions for addressing remaining Business Plan sections Timeline for completing Business Plan actions Actions to embed Business Plan in UWA work/culture 2) For Bwindi Education centre proposal Actions to secure funding 3) Observations on training visit by Shell & UNESCO

    3. Section 2 : Company Analysis Champion : Justus Namara Section provided as part of draft 2 Business Plan Incorporate draft 2 feedback including : 2.1. Company Profile Include conclusions drawn from visitor and financial statistics tables See attached analysis for ideas e.g. trend of visitor numbers, BINP vs MGNP, main sources of income, main expenditures and trends 2.2. Vision & Mission 2.3. Present Situation 2.4. Stakeholder Analysis 2.5. SWOT Analysis Summarise main Strengths and Opportunities and highlight how they may leveraged, summarise main Weaknesses and Threats and conclude how they may might be mitigated. Include SWOT strategy analysis 2.6. Goals & Objectives Describe how outcomes from SWOT analysis and Swot strategic analysis leads to the goals and actions described

    4. Section 3 : Market Analysis Champion : John Friday Section provided as part of draft 2 Business Plan Incorporate draft 2 feedback including : 3.1. Products 3.2. Competitors Include analysis of range of products offered by DRC and Rwanda (not just gorilla permits) Compare typical experience offered by BMCA to typical experience offered by competitors in E. Africa (Kenya, Tanzania) 3.3. Customers Use Customer Profile template in Toolkit to present customer profiles for 3-5 different visitor types (input from tour operators and field staff will help) Briefly discuss which customer types represent opportunities for growth 3.4. Market Share Briefly discuss opportunities to increase market share above natural share of gorilla market e.g. capture market share for other products, use opportunities such as World Heritage branding, Queens 2007 visit to increase Uganda/UWA/Bwindi profile 3.5. PEST Analysis Briefly discuss which areas from the PEST analysis represent the main advantages or disadvantages against competitors

    5. Section 4 : Marketing Plan Champion : John Friday Section provided as part of draft 2 Business Plan Incorporate draft 2 feedback including : 4.1. Marketing Strategy Summarise strategy built up in following sections 4.2. Marketing Objectives Complete and include marketing objectives from training session 4.3. Market and Customer Analysis Structure text to answer questions in feedback : what are customers looking for ? What products meet their needs ? What factors influence their buying decisions ? 4.4. Market Segmentation Discuss customer profiles in section 3 and if possible contrast to customer statistics from other parks/areas 4.5. Market Targeting See feedback 4.6. Marketing Mix 4.7. Market Positioning Based on earlier discuss what differentiates the BMCA brand from its competition 4.8. Product Clarify which products are available now and which are in development Discuss product packages, cultural products, including accommodation in packages 4.9. Pricing Reference pricing comparisons in section 3, discuss pricing strategy for new products 4.10. Place (Distribution) See feedback 4.11. Promotion See feedback 4.12 Marketing Budget Clarify which markets budget relates to (current text implies it is only domestic market) Discuss how this will be funded

    6. Section 7 : Risk Champion : Richard Kapere Section provided as part of draft 2 Business Plan 7.1. Risk Identification 7.2. Risk Evaluation Include risk blob chart to visually illustrate risk evaluation (see SIF Risk Evaluation Example) 7.3. Risk Management Clarify which risk mitigation plans have already been put in place and which still need to be completed e.g.Fire Response Plan Update Risk Owners for individual risks 7.4. Contingency Planning

    7. Section 5 : Operations Plan Champion : Edgar Buhanga Initial draft to be prepared following Training II 5.1. Procurement Summarise existing responsibilities for procurement and inventory management, Raymond Engena clearly stating split of responsibilities between BMCA and Headquarter staff Reference what existing procurement policies are used, who is responsible for them, where they can be found Describe current status of inventory management, what items require inventory management for BMCA in the future and who would be responsible for this 5.2. Contractual Agreements Summarise existing responsibilities for contracting clearly stating split of Raymond Engena responsibilities between BMCA and Headquarter staff Reference what types of existing standard contracts are used (e.g. MOUs, concession agreements) , who is responsible for them, where they can be found 5.3. Fund Raising Activities Summarise current UWA fund raising process (informal, project-based), who is Olive Kyanpaire responsible for fund raising, areas for improvement List historic funding received by donor, include amount, date and project name Summarise special aspects of funding for World Heritage sites : UNESCO role, UNESCO funds and contact details (Africa desk contacts, website address) Summarise key elements for an initial funding proposal and attach Bwindi visitor centre proposal 5.4. HSE activities Briefly summarise legal requirement in Uganda for HSE management, reference Assumptah Tushabe UWA HSE policy who is responsible for this, where it can be found 5.5. Preventative Maintenance Draw up preventative maintenance template and checklist for BMCA vehicles Martin Musinguzi To include list of critical spare parts with minimum numbers, list of regular vehicle checks with frequency.

    8. Section 6 : HR Plan Champion : Assumptah Tushabe Initial draft to be prepared following Training II 6.1. Organisational structure Description of organisational structure, staff numbers Focus on split between roles and responsibilities of BMCA staff and support provided to BMCA from Headquarters staff Clear description of lines of responsibility Refer to or use BMCA Management Plan data where appropriate Summarise current HR issues for BMCA as per list completed in training session 6.2. Staff profile Identify BMCA jobs for which job profiles will be written Complete BMCA job profiles based on work during training on Ranger Guide profile Collaborate with Martin and Stephen 6.3. Staff Requirements Summarise staff number requirements as per BMCA Management plan Identify staff number requirements for Business Plan period (3 years) if different 6.4. Training Summarise training courses available to BMCA staff (as per Management Plan) Describe whether there are gaps i.e. needs for additional training courses Are there other methods of training being used ? On-the-job training ? 6.5. Gap analysis Perform Gap analysis for selected Job types as per example prepared in training Conclude with any HR actions (training, recruitment ...) required to address identified gaps analysis and current HR issues

    9. Section 8 : Financial Plan Champion : Joseph Tibaijuka Initial draft to be prepared following Training II 8.0 Financial Overview Text summary of financial history and current situation of UWA and BMCA Summarise conclusions from budget analysis and capital requirements work 8.1. Capital Requirements Summarise capital requirements from 2006 Annual Operations Plan budget and project requirements for 2007 and 2008 8.2. Budget Complete budget analysis started in training Summarise assumptions used and conclusions that can be drawn from results Focus could be on BMCA surplus, proportion of HQ costs to support vs. meeting capital requirements 8.3. Financial Statements Not required at this stage 8.5. Evaluation Not required at this stage 8.6. Funding Summarise what conclusions from budget analysis may mean for funding If necessary reference Fund Raising section of Operations Plan (Section 5)

    10. Section 9 : Action Plan Champion : Edgar Buhanga Initial draft to be prepared following Training II 9.0 Action Plan Finalise and include action plan list Highlight any special priority items Discuss how action plan interacts with Annual Operations plan and budget

    11. Other Sections Additional section : It was decided it would be valuable to include a specific section in the Business Plan addressing those items which would impact on neighbouring communities and those where communities could impact the Business Plan activities and goals. Following the principle that BMCA can best achieve its goal of being a healthy and sustainable business if surrounded by healthy and sustainable communities. Section x : Communities Plan Champion : Vanice x.1. Objectives Briefly describe the importance of a strong relationship with communities to BMCA (include importance of this to donor organisations) Summarise which business plan goals and actions impact on neighbouring communities and which can be impacted by these communities x.2. SWOT Fill in SWOT table for current relationship with communities neighbouring BINP and MGNP x.3. Goals and Actions Summarise with a short list of actions specific to communities and the BMCA Business Plan (for other communities actions reference BMCA management plan) Sections yet to be completed : Section 1: Executive Summary Champion : Edgar Buhanga Section 10: Appendix Champion : Edgar Buhanga

    12. Timeline for Business Plan Actions

    13. Timeline for Business Plan Actions

    14. Timeline for Business Plan Actions

    15. Embedding Business Plan in UWA : Actions Brief UWA management on advantages of Business Planning approach and current status of BMCA Business Plan Consider reviewing BMCA Business Plan with stakeholders e.g. fenceline communities, tour operators, concessionaires Just do it !

    16. Bwindi Education Centre Proposal : Actions Plan is to utilise UNESCO to secure funding for Bwindi visitor centre by securing direct donations from UNESCO funds, and/or utilising UNESCO co-ordination to secure other donor funds Responsible : John Makombo Lead responsibility and operations input Olive Kyanpaire UNESCO partnership coordination Edgar Buhanga Planning co-ordination and EIA Actions : Advise Moses Mapesa to lobby for funding with Kishore Rao (deputy director WHC) at GRASP meeting in Paris and discuss intended proposal (Edigold Monday) 20/07/2006 Complete rough draft of WHC funding proposal form and submit to UNESCO co-ordinator 21/07/2006 Liaise with UNESCO coordinator to finalise funding proposal for WHC funds or to other funding bodies if necessary Aug-Dec 2006 (WH funding deadline 1st Feb 2007)

    17. Observations : Shell & UNESCO Impressed with efficient and dedicated management BMCA by UWA and knowledgeable, enthusiastic staff Need to use UNESCO World Heritage property branding more actively in signage and promotional materials Use UNESCO co-ordination, funding, promotional and educational materials more actively Consider early impact of Virunga Massif WH designation (expected July 2007) on business and develop strategy Be proactive in using free promotional opportunities e.g. Queens visit, photographic and filming materials, embassy exhibitions Use feedback from visitors, tour operators and guidebooks to understand your potential market, their perception of you and to develop new products Look for places where tools & ideas in Business Toolkit can be put to immediate use => Business Plan Thinking

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