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Italian Alphabet L’alfabeto italiano

Italian Alphabet L’alfabeto italiano. Let’s learn the pronunciation of vowels and letters Impariamo la pronuncia delle vocali e delle lettere. A (ah). B (bee). c ( chee ). D ( dee ). E (ay). F ( effay ). G ( jee ). H ( ahka ). I ( ee ). L ( ellay ). M ( emmay ). N ( ennay ).

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Italian Alphabet L’alfabeto italiano

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Italian AlphabetL’alfabetoitaliano Let’s learn the pronunciation of vowels and letters Impariamo la pronunciadellevocali e dellelettere

  2. A(ah)

  3. B(bee)

  4. c(chee)

  5. D(dee)

  6. E(ay)

  7. F(effay)

  8. G(jee)

  9. H(ahka)

  10. I(ee)

  11. L(ellay)

  12. M(emmay)

  13. N(ennay)

  14. O(oh)

  15. P(pee)

  16. Q(koo)

  17. R(airray)

  18. S(essay)

  19. T(tee)

  20. U(oo)

  21. V(vee)

  22. Z(zayta)

  23. A Aperto = Open

  24. B Baciare = to kiss

  25. Ca/Co/Cu = Ka/Ko/Koo *Ci/Ce =Chee/Chay C Cane = dog Colore = color Cucinare= to cook *Cinema = cinema / movie theater *Cenare = to have dinner

  26. Cia/Cio/Ciu = Cha/cho/choo Chi/Che =Kee/Kay C Ciao = hi, hello, bye Cioccolato = chocolate Ciuffo = tuft of hair Chiesa = church Cherubino = cherub

  27. D Dove = Where

  28. E Economica = Economical (inexpensive)

  29. F Famiglia= Family

  30. Ga/Go/Gu = Ga/Go/Goo * Gi/Ge = Jee/Jay G Galleria = gallery Goloso = greedy Guardare = to watch * Giallo = yellow * Gente = people

  31. Gia/Gio/Giu =Ja /Jo / Ju * Ghi/Ghe = gee/ gay G Giardino = garden Giocare = to play Giusto = right / fair / just * Ghiaccio = ice * Ghetto = ghetto * Spaghetti = Spaghetti

  32. *Thisletteris SILENT H (acca) Ho = I have Hotel = hotel Hanno = They have

  33. i inverno = winter interesante = interesting

  34. L Lavoro = work / job Lezione= lesson

  35. MMacchina= Car

  36. NNuovo= New

  37. OOrganizzato= Organized

  38. PPersone= People

  39. QQuaderno= Binder

  40. RRagazzo= BoyRagazza = Girl

  41. SSole = SunSorriso= Smile

  42. TTurista= Tourist

  43. UUfficio = Office

  44. VVenerdi= FridayVerdura= Vegetable

  45. ZZaino= Backpack

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