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Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a

INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approach From: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Rev March 2012, October 2012, May 2013.

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Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a

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  1. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Rev March 2012, October 2012, May 2013 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  2. SIRE’s position in BI modeling Enterprise Information Modeling SIRE KPI Identification / mapping HIGO GUI Modeling GOA What kind of information our business needs? How far is current information from required information? How can we easily identify the information we need at strategic level? We here addresses such issue by an Enterprise Information Modeling named SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) Aggregate Strategic Level (ASL) Analytic Information Modeling DFM Rich Semantic Level (RSL) Implementation Level Software Engineering Interface (SEI) 2
  3. SIRE: position in the functional analysis grid SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) is a catalog of the information domains of an enterprise. It uses a grid model, where information domains are layered into information levels, namely master information event information analytic information Developed in University of Pavia (2008)
  4. Early overall frameworks 70-80s : Business Systems Planning (BSP) Grid framework for processes, systems, data classes, functions (organizations) Shows usage of data classes by processes Method framework rather than domain modeling 90s: Information Engineering (IE) / Information Strategy Planning (ISP) It intends to cover the whole cycle from design to implementation It links strategy level (BSP) with conceptual level (Entity Relationships, Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)) IE modeling techniques are now superseded by UML
  5. Recent domain frameworks SCOR® (Supply Chain Organization and Reference Model) Strategically and business oriented Framework for manufacturing No reference framework for data eTOM (Enhanced Telecom Operations Map®) Strategically and business oriented Framework for telco companies Reference framework for data Shared Information Data Model (SID) Key concept: “Aggregate Business Entity (ABE) is a well-defined set of information and operations that characterize a highly cohesive, loosely coupled set of business entities” (TMForum, 2003).
  6. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Updated and revised on March and October 2012 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  10. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Updated and revised on March and October 2012 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  11. A case studyin local Government : Municipality owns 13.000+ flats Real estate management is outsourced : each outsourcer has a different Information System A new local law redefines rules for rents based on Market value of the flat Social situation of applicants [Index of Equivalent Economic Situation (IEES)] . Issue What information our business needs? We are illustrating the information schema issue
  12. Method: overview 1 Customize grid 2 Map SIE grid to ER 3 Link information islands 4 Refine SIRE- Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation - ITAIS 2010
  13. Step 1 Customize the grid
  14. Step 1 Comment on Method Customization is based on Creation / Decomposition / Specialization EG1 Customer is specialized into Private, Enterprise EG2 Master Data are specialized into Identification & Description EG3 Transaction Data are specialized into Man to Machine and Machine to Machine
  15. Step 2 Map grid to ER
  16. Step 3 Link information islands
  17. Step 4 Refine
  18. Method: summary Customize the grid Creation / Decomposition / Specialization Map grid to ER convert SIE grid into a preliminary ER schema link master information and transaction within the same information domain Link information islands identify common entities, attributes and relation between domains merge and / or link them in order to obtain a more cohesive ER schema Refine insert new relations specialize or decompose entities and attributes aggregate or generalize entities.
  19. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Updated and revised on March and October 2012 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  20. Review questions Describe the position of SIRE in the functional analysis grid in terms of abstraction levels and scope Describe the key elements of SIRE: Information Type and Information Domain Explain and exemplify the steps of the SIRE method
  21. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Updated and revised on March and October 2012 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  22. CHEAPAIR Issue Mario Rossi, CEO of CHEAPAIR was really upset. CHEAPAIR was full of database, but he was feeling he had not information for analysis. He reviewed the information domains of the corporation, they included Regulation, highly variable across the world, Resources as pilots, ground personnel, planes Customers Agents Suppliers Customer transactions as reservations, cancellations, claims etc. Operations as maintenance, flights, refueling Etc. He wanted to have a one glance view of the whole enterprise information Elicit information requirements and model them by SIRE Suggestion: select a flight company e.g. Air China and visit its website
  23. GRAND HOTEL Issue Ms Alex Orta, CEO of Grand Hotel Inc., was concerned Grand Hotel was full of database, but she was feeling she did not know if the information stored was complete or not. She considered the information domains of the corporation Regulation, highly variable across the world, Resources as rooms, personnel Customers and suppliers Customer transactions as reservations, cancellations, stays etc. He did not know how good or bad was the performance about his main product, i.e. flights, nor about services as booking, check-in and alike Etc. Elicit the information requirements of Grand Hotel Inc. and model them by using the SIRE grid Suggestion: choose a website of an hotel chain e.g. Shangrila and analyze it
  24. University Issue Professor Bachelet, Rector of University of Orta (UO), was concerned UO was full of database, but he was feeling she did not know if the information stored was complete or not. He considered the information domains of the UO Regulation, highly variable across the world Personnel as professors and faculty staff Equipment as building, laboratories and alike Customers as students External customers as enterprises which funded the UO Customer transactions as enrollment, exam, etc. He did not know how good or bad was the performance about his main product, i.e. courses, nor about services as dormitories, check-in and alike Etc. Elicit the information requirements of UO and model them by using the SIRE grid Suggestion: choose a website of an University e.g. TJU and analyze it
  25. INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SIRE (Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation) approachFrom: G. Motta & G. Pignatelli “From strategic to conceptual information modeling : a method and a case study”, ITAIS 2010 - Updated and revised on March and October 2012 Modeling techniques for enterprise information architecture SIRE enterprise information catalogue The mapping method: a case study Review questions Short exercise Appendix
  26. SIRE & IT Strategic Planning: a case study in HC SIRE- Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation - ITAIS 2010
  27. SIRE & IT Strategic Planning The HC case study shows the coverage by IT systems of critical information Steps: Customize SIRE grid Interview key users Validate results SIRE- Strategic Information Requirements Elicitation - ITAIS 2010
  28. Coverage of Zachman’s Framework by SIRE The yellow background shows the coverage by the core method and the gray one shows the further coverage achieved by crossing strategic information entities with other dimensions of analysis
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