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Healthcare, hash tags and the Facebook generation

Healthcare, hash tags and the Facebook generation. Keith Pollard, Intuition Communication 2 May 2012. The way we were. “ A bit of trouble with my man servant. ”. The way we were. “ Never had anything you doctors didn't try to cure with leeches. ”. Has anything changed?.

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Healthcare, hash tags and the Facebook generation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healthcare, hash tags and the Facebook generation Keith Pollard, Intuition Communication 2 May 2012

  2. The way we were “A bit of trouble with my man servant. ”

  3. The way we were “Never had anything you doctors didn't try to cure with leeches.”

  4. Has anything changed?

  5. How has the web changed healthcare? • Patient voice • I think... • I want...

  6. Patient feedback

  7. Reviews and patient voice

  8. Reviews and patient voice

  9. The growth of patient voice Online forums “Social media” Blogs Review sites Youtube 2011 1995

  10. Mr and Mrs Sleepless

  11. “General Snoring Discussion”

  12. Can Facebook help?

  13. Or Twitter?

  14. Patient voice

  15. Social media

  16. And the latest entrant is...

  17. PIP implants And Health 2.0

  18. PIP Implants – Google Search Trends 1,540,000 web pages

  19. PIP implants and social media 329,000 videos 22,500 discussions 272,000 blog pages 60 F’book groups

  20. Hot off the press • Liking, following, • linking, tagging, • stumbling: social • media is changing • the nature of • health-related • Interactions • Download:http://bit.ly/JcDEQx

  21. Hot off the press • A third of U.S. consumers now use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to seek medical information and track and share symptoms.

  22. A week in the life of “social health”

  23. PWC Report “8 in 10 healthcare companies had a presence on social media sites BUT community sites had 24 times more social media activity than corporate sites.”

  24. Use of social media

  25. Does social media affect decisions Likelihood of affecting a healthcare decision

  26. Opportunities in social media

  27. The way forward “The power of social media for health organizations is in listening and engaging with consumers on their terms”

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