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  1. 流式細胞儀在染料廠員工膀胱癌早期偵測之應用流式細胞儀在染料廠員工膀胱癌早期偵測之應用 • 台灣地區染料製造業的歷史已有三十年以上, 而聯苯胺類染料及其中間體已被確認易導致膀胱癌,潛伏期平均約為十八至二十五年,且在離開暴露後仍有病例可能發生,預期從業人員中將會有患者持續出現,若能早期發現,則其存活率可明顯增加,故從業人員之長期追蹤及疾病早期偵測之工作相當必要. 本研究為了解染料製造業者泌尿上皮細胞之病變及探討更有效的膀胱癌早期篩選指標,選定某染料製造所有員工,以流式細胞儀針對泌尿上皮細胞分析其細胞週期,由此所得之可疑個案進一步作細胞學檢查與膀胱腫瘤抗原試驗的確認,評估職業暴露對細胞染色體傷害的程度. 在流式細胞儀細胞週期分析中,染料廠員工的G0G1值為85.43%, 較膀胱癌病人48.2%為高,卻較健檢老人86.56%為低.在S值方面,膀胱癌病人為最高,健檢老人10.84%為最低,染料廠員工則為12.10%,居兩者之中.在進一步的多因子對數回歸分析中,經調整干擾因子後,部門間與G0G1值及S值之異常率均有達到顯著差異,其危險對比值分別為1.80(95%CI 為1.25-2.58)與2.08(95%CI 為1.34-3.22). 本研究建立了台灣地區第一個染料造廠員工泌尿上皮細胞活性之基本資料,可供為未來癌變追蹤之參考,並建議染料製造廠現場工人應列為高危險群,宜作定期追蹤,也其能將此方法應用於其他類似工業疾病或癌症之早期篩選上,使早期患者能因此改善預後及延長存活時間.

  2. The early screening of bladder cancer by flow cytometry in the benzidine-based dye workers • An increased incidence of cancer of the urinary bladder wasfirst attributed to human occupational exposure to dyes and dyechemicals in 1895.The latent period of bladder cancer was about18 years,and thiscancer could be happened after leaving theexposure for several years.ASthe synthetic dye industry had beengrown about 30 years in Taiwan,itcould be predicted that thebladder cancer would be prevalent subsequentlyin benzidine-baseddye workers in the near future.Early screening ofbladder cancerwill increase the survival rate of the patients.Both thelong-term follow up and early detection will be important preventivemeasure to benzidine-based workers. In order to understandthe urothelial cell carcinoma in dyemanufacturing workers andfind a efficient marker to screen the early stageof bladdercancer,this study was made to take the workers in a benzidine-based dye manufactory. we used the flow cytometry to analysistheurotherial cell cycle. Cytological examination and bladdertumor antigentest were used to confirm the suspicious casesscreened by cell cycleanalysis. The degree of the cellchromosome damage from theoccupational exposure were determined.The data base of flow cytometricDNA ploidy of these dye workers''urothelial cell were set up,and may beadopted to other similaroccupational diseases.

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