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Anxiety Disorder Treatments in Islamabad Pakistan (1)

Anxiety Disorder Treatments in Islamabad Pakistan (1)

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Anxiety Disorder Treatments in Islamabad Pakistan (1)

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  1. Islamabad Anxiety Disorders Treatment Bite Size Information What is an anxiety disorder? An anxiety disorder is when your nerves become overly sensitive to any given situation. When this happens, your nervous system sends signals to your brain that something is not right. For example, if someone talks meanly or laughs at you, these signals will be sent to your brain causing a feeling of unease. What are anxiety disorders? There are actually several types of mental illnesses that are classified as anxiety disorders. These include generalized anxiety disorders, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders, and post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). There are also several behaviors that can mimic an anxiety disorder. Things like blushing, sweating, and chills can all be symptoms of other problems that people are dealing with. Why would you benefit from therapy for anxiety disorders? You can benefit from a combination of both psychotherapy and medication. It will take some experimentation to find out which treatments work best with your personal body chemistry. CBT is probably the best form of therapy for anxiety disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders works by attempting to change the way you think and your response to fear. In clinical trials, patients were asked to describe their fears in detail. Afterwards, they were asked to watch video clips featuring one of their fears. The researchers found that when the patient watched the clip and described its meaning, they changed their internal mental pictures of fear to something much more positive. Exposure Therapy is another treatment option for anxiety disorders. In this case, patients are asked to experience the symptoms of their disorder in controlled settings. They are then asked to seek out the situations that cause the symptoms and keep looking for similar situations over time. If the exposure to the situation lasts longer than a few minutes, they are reinforced in their

  2. Islamabad Anxiety Disorders Treatment Bite Size Information belief that it can actually help them. If not, they are encouraged to look for new environments that are less triggering. One type of cognitive behavioral therapy that can be used to treat anxiety disorders is called imagery therapy. This method trains the mind to visualize relaxing thoughts and images. This helps the individual to overcome their fears and learn how to deal with their anxieties more actively. Psychodynamic therapy is often prescribed as an additional treatment for anxiety disorders, because it helps you discover your underlying beliefs and personality. It is based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, who believes that our basic instincts are buried under layers of civilized ritual and social behavior. This therapy helps you figure out what those layers are and how they are related to your panic disorder. Once you know what your problems are, you can work to eliminate them. Some of these beliefs are that life is terrible, that I am sick or evil, that I will become a freak if I don't behave, and that others will judge me. Cognitive behavioral therapy can take time. It can also take place in group settings. One of the most important aspects is that you should be able to identify the irrational fears that you have and then work through them. Once you have identified the irrational fears, you can use healthier ways to cope with those feelings rather than resorting to avoidance behaviors and avoidance situations. When anxiety disorders start interfering with your life, you might need some form of therapy or psychotherapy. The best treatments combine various forms of therapy to help you manage your phobias and negative thoughts. If you are living with the symptoms of a panic attack and you go out into public places, you might need to learn how to face your phobia. You may need to learn how to relax in certain situations and how to focus when avoiding situations that trigger your fear. The medications used for anxiety disorders are different from those used to treat other conditions. Doctors sometimes prescribe antidepressants like Paxil (Prozac) or Zoloft (sertraline). Both of these can be effective in relieving some of the symptoms of panic attacks. But these medications are not necessarily meant to be permanent solutions. In fact, many physicians will only prescribe these

  3. Islamabad Anxiety Disorders Treatment Bite Size Information medications to people who suffer from extreme cases of anxiety. The goal of these medications is to create a better long-term health-care plan for those who experience severe panic attacks. Treatment methods in Western medicine: Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and medication are usually the main ways to treat anxiety disorders. The goal of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is to change the way you think about and respond to stressful situations and negative feelings. Medication, on the other hand, can help relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety. When you are living with an anxiety disorder, it's important that you seek out a support group and talk with your doctor about the best treatment options available. Eastern Medicine Treatment Options Whilst CBT and medication may help alleviate some of the suffering related to anxiety - in eastern medicine it can be seen as only part of the treatment - not the entire treatment till resolution of the condition. If anxiety has occurred for a long term, more than 5 years, then the hormones and other factors can also be affected (physical condition of the organ systems in the body) which require treatment and release from that stress - this can only be done in eastern medicine, and only in some systems of eastern medicine.

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