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ays to matching generalizations

jump systems. maxfix cover. structure. test-sets. matroids. k-chrom. polyhedra. b-matchings. (multi)flows. parity. stable sets. factors. hypergraph matching, coloring. ays to matching generalizations. Andr á s Sebő , CNRS, Grenoble (France).

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ays to matching generalizations

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  1. jump systems maxfix cover structure test-sets matroids k-chrom polyhedra b-matchings (multi)flows parity stable sets factors hypergraph matching, coloring ays to matching generalizations András Sebő, CNRS, Grenoble (France) For the 50th birthday of the Hungarian Method MATCHINGS,ALTERNATING PATHS

  2. G 1 -1 The Fifty Year Old : Many happy returns of the day x0

  3. Parity of Degrees and Negative Circuits 1 : if not in x0 -1 : if in Edmonds (65): Chinese Postman through matchings odd degree subgraphs:Edmonds,Johnson(73)minmax, alg: EJ, Barahona, Korach;sequence of sharper thms: Lovász (76), Seymour (81), Frank, Tardos (84), … , S Idea:1. minimum  no negative circuit (Guan 62) 2. identify vertices that are at distance  0, induction Defconservative (cons) : no circuit with neg total weight l(u)= min weight of an (x0,u) path x0V,

  4. 1 0 -1 -2 x0 x0 D: Thm: cons, bipartite, all distances <0  negative forest Thm:(S 84) G bipartite,w:E {-1,1}, conservativeThen | l (u) – l (v) | = 1 for all uvE, andfor allD D : d(D) contains 1 negative edge if x0 D0 0 negative edge if x0D Applications: matching structure; Integer packings of cuts, paths (Frank Szigeti, Ageev Kostochka Szigeti, …)

  5. + - path + + + + - - + - - - + + Various degree constraints and bidirected graphs b a c Def: Edmonds, Johnson (‘70) bidirected graph : ~alt path: edges are used at most once; was defined to handle a ‘general class of integer programs’ containing b-matchings. One of the reasons ‘labelling’ works for bipartite graphs: Transitivity : (a,b) & (b,c) alt paths  (a,c) Broken Transitivity:(S ’86) If  (a,bb)&(b-b,cg) path, then: either(a,cg) path,or both (a,b-b) & (bb,cg) paths. Tutte&Edmonds-Gallai type thms+‘structure algorithms’ for lower,upper bounds and parity, including digraphs. b For bidirected graphs: a c

  6. 14 14 maxfix covers Input: H graph, kIN Task: Find S  V(H) |S|=k that S hits a max number of edges of H. ContainsVertexCover. Let H=L(G) be a line graph! How many edges remain in F = L(G) – S ? minimize vV(G)dF(v)2 - const(=|E(G)|) Thm:(Apollonio, S.’04)Fisnot optimal better F’ withvV(G) | dF(v) – dF’(v) |  4 12 Cor : Pol solvable

  7. 4 0 24 50 number of years (edges of L(G) hit): : Many happyreturns of the day Aki nem hiszi számoljon utána …

  8. Independent sets in graphs (stable set) in matroids in posets(antichains) Extensions by Dilworth, Greene-Kleitman (further by Frank, K. Cameron, I. Hartman) : max union of k antichains = min{ |X| + k |c| : XV, c is aset of chains covering V/X}

  9. Conjecture of Linial : max k-chrom  min { |X| + k |P|: XV,P path partition of V / X } k=1 : Gallai-Milgram (1960)   min|P| orthogonal version :  paths and stable, 1 on each strong version:Gallai’s conj 62,Bessy,Thomassé 03 strongly conn, pathcycle, partitioncover orthogonalandstrongfollows:BT is a minmax k arbitrary, orthogonal conjecture (Berge): open ‘’strong’’ conjecture (who ?) : Thm S ’04 minmax orthog and strong conjecture : - ‘’ - compl slack no partition

  10. Test-sets, neighbors improving paths : switching: neighbors on the matching polytope If there exists a larger (b, T, …)- ‘matching’, then there is also one that covers 2 more vertices. Def (Graver ‘75, Scarf, Bárány, Lovász, …)A matrix; T is a test-setif for all b and c, Ax  b, x integer has a better solution than x0 also among x0 + t (tT). neighboursofthe0,Hilbert b.,lattice-free bodies,emptysimplices… Complexity of “Is a given integer simplex empty ?” .

  11. general factor (gf) Jump systems (js) JZnis ajump system (Bouchet, Cunnigham ’93), if u,vJ and step u+ei from u towards v, either u+ei J, or  step u+ei+ej J from u+ei towards J. Examples: matroid independent sets,bases;{0,ei+ej} Degree sequences of graphs (B.,C.: J1,J2 js  J1+J2 js) Cornuéjols(86):Edmondstypealg fordegreeseqJgen box Lovász(72): Tutte-type, Edmonds-Gallai-type thms for gf Then gf can be pol. reduced to bounds+ parity (S 86) Lovász (95): gen minmax result including J1Jbox Pol red of J1Jgen box to J1Jbox+paritylike for graphs (S 96) gen box :  of 1 dim js SubsetsofTcovered by T-path-packings(Schrijver’s proof of Mader) Jump system intersection

  12. jump systems maxfix cover structure test-sets matroids k-chrom polyhedra b-matchings (multi)flows parity stable sets factors hypergraph matching, coloring Many happy returns of this day MATCHINGS,ALTERNATING PATHS

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