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This is an awesome presentation made by GovernmentGrants.us on the finalization and submission procedure for grants. Choose from a wide range of grants and apply only at GovernmentGrants.us
Grants: Finalization & Submission- Tips & Strategies By GovernmentGrants.us
Need for Grants • Why do you need Grants for this project??? • Where is the system broken? • Identify the GAPS in the current program • Once the gap is clearly identified: QUANTIFY IT. www.governmentgrants.us
Need for Grants YES!!! NO DATA EMOTIONS www.governmentgrants.us
Need for Grants NO YES!!! SHOWS NEED The data should be current Related to research Supports program purpose, project design, goals & objectives Reliable, valid and ideally public Should be explained in detail UNRELATED TO NEED Data not current Proper study not done Data thinly related to project design Unreliable Inadequate explanation www.governmentgrants.us
Clearly define the program of HOW you will close the gaps defined in Need Section • Why is the program going to WORK? • Explain the program in DEPTH • QUANTIFY the outcome www.governmentgrants.us
What does this mean? Absolute & Competitive Priorities Program Purpose Statutory Requirements Stated Need Project Design & Services Increased Capacity & Sustainable Outcomes Goals & Objectives www.governmentgrants.us
Goals & Objectives • Support EACH goal • State AMBITIOUS goals • Must be MEASURABLE • No GENERAL statements • Significant changes/growth www.governmentgrants.us
Project Design NO YES!!! Detailed explanation, rationale, and target audiences for all activities Matches the stated need Illustrates the relationship to program purpose, statutory requirements, absolute priorities Relationship between activities and scientifically-based research Insufficient detail Unrelated to stated need Does not match program purpose or statutory requirements No relationship given www.governmentgrants.us
MANAGEMENT PLAN YES!!! NO Detailed milestone/timeline that match project design, goals and objectives Job descriptions Project Leadership – Levels of authority (Advisory Committee, Operating Team) Insufficient detail in timeline/milestones Timeline and milestones do not match project design Logical flaws in timeline www.governmentgrants.us
Budget • Don’t wait until the last minute • Prepare a spreadsheet or checklist of budget items • Make sure budget matches proposal exactly • Check and re-check your math • Ensure it is easily read and understandable www.governmentgrants.us
BUDGET NO YES!!! ALL COSTS, with an aggregate total Sufficient rationale for all expenses, particularly travel and subcontractors Personnel necessary to implement project Insufficient detail Items in budget are not explained in narrative, and vice versa Insufficient narrative rationale for large budget items Excessive number of personnel www.governmentgrants.us
Abstract • Key points to make: • Project purpose • Project overarching goals, objectives and activities • Number or bullet each separate activity/objective • Final outcomes expected by end of project • That you will meet each priority and competitive preference (if applicable) www.governmentgrants.us
Formatting: Make it look better • Spelling and grammar • Page numbering • Section/sub-section numbering or lettering • Consistency of appearance of headings and subheadings • Font size and type • Gray-scale (not color) • No blank pages, smudges, sloppiness, extra white space, etc • Add a header/footer if required www.governmentgrants.us
Submit Early www.governmentgrants.us
If you are considered eligible and if LUCK favors you, You will surely win the Grant!!!! YEAH!!! www.governmentgrants.us