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Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics. Plate Tectonics. Earth is a dynamic planet: its land masses and oceans are in constant motion. Continental blocks split to form new oceans. Plate Tectonics. while oceans subduct to recycle material to Earth’s interior…. Continents rift; oceans subduct. Plate Tectonics.

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Plate Tectonics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plate Tectonics

  2. Plate Tectonics • Earth is a dynamic planet: its land masses and oceans are in constant motion. Continental blocks split to form new oceans

  3. Plate Tectonics • while oceans subduct to recycle material to Earth’s interior…. Continents rift; oceans subduct

  4. Plate Tectonics • Plate tectonics are responsible for: • Earthquakes • Volcanoes • And creates our landforms through mountain building

  5. Plate Tectonics • Plate tectonics is the unifying theory that describes our earth’s dynamics.

  6. Plate Tectonics • Plate tectonics: outer rigid layer of earth consists of about 7 or 8 major plates and many minor plates: some are mostly oceanic crust, but most contain both continents and ocean basins

  7. Plate Tectonics • Lithosphere: • Earth’s outer rigid shell formed of the plates • It is about 100 km thick, and overlies zone of weaker, hotter material called the asthenosphere. • It is thick over continents, thin over oceans • The weak rock of asthenosphere allows lithosphere to move

  8. Plate Tectonics • Plates move as rigid blocks, with all major interactions at margins. Most of earth’s earthquakes, volcanism and mountain building occur at plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, transform

  9. Plate Tectonics • Divergent boundaries: • The plates move apart, creating new sea floor as mantle material pushes up from the pressure below. • These are most commonly the oceanic ridges, which may begin with continental rifting. • Upwelling magma cools to create new slivers of ocean floor, at about 5 cm/year

  10. Plate Tectonics • Convergent boundaries: • plates collide at convergent boundaries, destroying older crust.

  11. Plate Tectonics • When oceanic plates converge, one subducts beneath the other, descending into the asthenosphere and producing an oceanic trench.

  12. Plate Tectonics • When continental and oceanic plates collide, the denser oceanic plate is subducted • Water forced out of subducting slab lowers melting point in overlying mantle, causing magmatism. This is why volcanoes are associated with subduction zones

  13. Plate Tectonics • When 2 continental plates collide, no subduction can occur, and mountain building occurs instead.

  14. Plate Tectonics • Transform fault boundaries: • Often connect 2 oceanic ridge crests. May also connect divergent to convergent boundaries. Most are offshore, but some like San Andreas cross land

  15. Plate Tectonics

  16. Haiti • The January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North America plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North America plate.

  17. Plate Tectonics • Plate tectonics and earthquakes: • subduction explains the distribution of deep focus earthquakes (up to 700 km), at depths much greater than earth’s brittle zone, and their correlation with ocean trenches.

  18. Plate Tectonics • Driving mechanisms of plate tectonics: generation and dissipation of heat within the earth. This can drive plate tectonics through convection

  19. Plate Tectonics • Other mechanisms also contribute: • Ridge push, slab pull, slab suction

  20. Earth’s Future • Over the next 50 million years, Baja peninsula and parts of So. Calif. west of San Andreas will slide past North American plate, such that Los Angeles will pass San Francisco.

  21. Earth’s Future • A new sea will emerge in east Africa, where rifting is currently taking place

  22. Earth’s Future • Africa will collide with Europe to form new mountains.

  23. Australia and New Guinea will capture the Philippines, then collide with Asia

  24. Homework • P. 447 #1 • P. 454 #1, 2 • P. 459 #1, 2, 3, 4 • P. 463 #3

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