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第一章 总 论

第一章 总 论. Chapter One General Introduction. 概 说 Section1 An Outline. 一、中国推拿简史 A Brief Account of Chinese Massage. 1 、 中国推拿源远流长。早在新石器时代晚期(约公元前 2700 年),中华祖先就总结了原始推拿经验,使推拿这一起源于人类自卫防御本能的自发医疗行为,逐步发展成为人类的医学模式。.

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第一章 总 论

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  1. 第一章 总 论 Chapter One General Introduction

  2. 概 说Section1 An Outline 一、中国推拿简史A Brief Account of Chinese Massage

  3. 1、中国推拿源远流长。早在新石器时代晚期(约公元前2700年),中华祖先就总结了原始推拿经验,使推拿这一起源于人类自卫防御本能的自发医疗行为,逐步发展成为人类的医学模式。1、中国推拿源远流长。早在新石器时代晚期(约公元前2700年),中华祖先就总结了原始推拿经验,使推拿这一起源于人类自卫防御本能的自发医疗行为,逐步发展成为人类的医学模式。

  4. 1、Chinese massage has a long history and dates back to the ancient times. As early as the late period of the New Stone Age around 2700 B.G., the Chinese ancestors primarily summed up the primitive experiences in massage. This turned the spontaneous medical behavior that originated from self-defence instinct into a medical mode for the early human race .

  5. 据《史书》记载,黄帝时代的名医俞跗,已将“案扤”这一古代推拿术应用于临床。据《史书》记载,黄帝时代的名医俞跗,已将“案扤”这一古代推拿术应用于临床。

  6. It was recorded in Statesman, Patriot and general in Ancient Chinathat a famous doctor in the reign of Emperor Huang Yu Fu had applied the antient massage technique “anwu” to his clinical practice .

  7. 2、殷商时期,原始巫医盛行。在出土的殷商甲骨文卜辞中,就有女巫婢为人按摩治病的记录。2、殷商时期,原始巫医盛行。在出土的殷商甲骨文卜辞中,就有女巫婢为人按摩治病的记录。

  8. 2、At the time of the Shang dynasty, primitive witch doctors ran rampant. It was recorded in the unearthed oracle inscriptions on bones or tortois shells of the Shang Dynasty that the female witch doctor Bi could treat the patients with massage.

  9. 3、春秋战国时期,昔日的巫医流入民间,逐渐变成操有实际医疗技术的医者。这一社会变革促进了包括推拿术在内的古代医学的发展。3、春秋战国时期,昔日的巫医流入民间,逐渐变成操有实际医疗技术的医者。这一社会变革促进了包括推拿术在内的古代医学的发展。

  10. 3、In the time of the Spring and Autumn,those witch doctors of the old days came among the people and gradually became doctors with practical medical skills.This social change promoted the development of antient medicine,with no exception of massage.

  11. 如在命名上,当时已将用手抑压和揉抚的疗法称为“按摩”;将使患者屈伸手足、呼吸俯仰的疗法,称为“导引”、“跷引”;两法合用,则称为“按跷”或“挢摩”。如在命名上,当时已将用手抑压和揉抚的疗法称为“按摩”;将使患者屈伸手足、呼吸俯仰的疗法,称为“导引”、“跷引”;两法合用,则称为“按跷”或“挢摩”。

  12. Take medical terminology for example,the treatment with hand pressing,kneading and stroking was then called “massage”; the treatment of making the patients flex and extend their hands and feet and breath in prone or supine position was called “leading” or “stepping” while the combination of the two manipulations was called “pressing and stepping’’or “stepping and rubbing”.

  13. 4、至秦、汉、三国时期,诞生了我国也是世界医学史上第一部按摩专著——《黄帝歧伯按摩经》十卷,可惜此书已佚。东汉医圣张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中,首倡“膏摩”疗法。4、至秦、汉、三国时期,诞生了我国也是世界医学史上第一部按摩专著——《黄帝歧伯按摩经》十卷,可惜此书已佚。东汉医圣张仲景在《伤寒杂病论》中,首倡“膏摩”疗法。

  14. 4、Up to the dynasties of Qin,Han and Three Kingdoms,there had been invented in the earlier times,contributing greatly to the publication of the first medical book on massage, not only in the history of China and but also in the history of the world, ten volumes of Classics on Massage of Yellow Emperor and Qi Bo.

  15. Unfortunately this book was lost. Later,Zhang Zhongjing,a medical saint of the Eastern Han Dynasty, put forward for the first time the “gaomo” treatment in his book Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases.

  16. 5、两晋南北朝时期,膏摩术有了进一步的发展。 5、The period of Eastern and WESTERN Jins and Northern and Southern Dynasties saw great development in gaomo therapy.

  17. 6、隋唐时期是中国推拿的盛世。如隋太医署内设有按摩博士职位,负责日常医疗与教学工作。唐太医署内增设按摩科,把按摩医生分为按摩博士、按摩师和按摩工的等级。此期的自我按摩与膏摩疗法亦得到更广泛地应用和进一步地提高。6、隋唐时期是中国推拿的盛世。如隋太医署内设有按摩博士职位,负责日常医疗与教学工作。唐太医署内增设按摩科,把按摩医生分为按摩博士、按摩师和按摩工的等级。此期的自我按摩与膏摩疗法亦得到更广泛地应用和进一步地提高。

  18. 6、Sui and Tang Dynasties were a flourishing age for Chinese massage. In the Office of the Imperial Physicians of the Sui Dynasty, a massage doctor was authorized to be in charge of daily medical treatment and teaching affairs.

  19. A massage speciality was set up in the Office of the Imperial Physicians of the Tang Dynasty and the massagists were classified as massage doctors, massagists and massage workers. At that time, self-massage and gaomo therapy were more extensively used and raised to a high level.

  20. 7、宋、金、元时期,政府的医疗机构中虽未设按摩科,单仍设按摩博士职位。由于此期的按摩疗法主要用于骨伤科和小儿病证的治疗,这就孕育了后世推拿学中正骨推拿与小儿推拿的分科分化。7、宋、金、元时期,政府的医疗机构中虽未设按摩科,单仍设按摩博士职位。由于此期的按摩疗法主要用于骨伤科和小儿病证的治疗,这就孕育了后世推拿学中正骨推拿与小儿推拿的分科分化。

  21. 7、Though there is no massage department in the medical organizations of the government in the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the title of massage doctor remained unchanged.

  22. Owing to the fact that the massotherapy of this period was used mainly for the treatment of bone injuries and infantile illnesses, massage afterwards was divided into bone-setting massage and massage for treating infantile diseases.

  23. 8、明代是中国推拿史上的第二个盛世。在按摩治疗小儿疾病方面,初步积累了丰富的临床经验和理论知识。至1601年,中国第一部小儿推拿专著——《小儿按摩经》问世。此外,我们今天采用的“按摩”这一学科名称,正是这一时期首先提出来的。8、明代是中国推拿史上的第二个盛世。在按摩治疗小儿疾病方面,初步积累了丰富的临床经验和理论知识。至1601年,中国第一部小儿推拿专著——《小儿按摩经》问世。此外,我们今天采用的“按摩”这一学科名称,正是这一时期首先提出来的。

  24. 8、The Ming Dynasty was the second age for Chinese massage to flourish in its long history of development. Rich clinical experience and theoretical knowledge were gradually accumulated in the treatment of infantile diseases with massage during this time .

  25. In 1601,China’s first treatise on massage therapy of infantile diseases The Canon of Massage for Childrencame into being.Furthermore “massage”, the term we use today to refer to this academic branch,was put forward right in this period.

  26. 9、清朝小儿推拿又得到了进一步的发展,出现了一批著名的小儿推拿医师和对后世影响较大的小儿推拿专著,如骆如龙的《幼科推拿秘书》。9、清朝小儿推拿又得到了进一步的发展,出现了一批著名的小儿推拿医师和对后世影响较大的小儿推拿专著,如骆如龙的《幼科推拿秘书》。

  27. In the Qing Dynasty,child massage was further developed. There emerged a number of famous doctors of child massage and such professional classics which greatly influenced the generations as Luo Rulong’s Secrets of Massage of Pediatric Speciality.

  28. 此外,清代推拿医师在运用推拿治疗伤科疾病方面,取得了令人注目的成就。如《医宗金鉴》一书,将摸、接、端、提、按、摩、推、拿列为伤科八法。伤科推拿这一推拿分支,此期已基本形成。

  29. In addition,the massagists of Qing Dynasty made striking achievements in treating injuries with massage. Take the book The Golden Mirror of Medicine for example which regarded the following manipulations as the eight methods for treating injuries: touching, reuniting, holding, lifting, pressing, rubbing, pushing and grasping.

  30. The branch of injury massage had basically taken shape in this period.

  31. 10、近百年来,中国推拿得到了很大发展。1956年,中国上海开办了第一届推拿训练班;1958年又成立了上海推拿门诊部;同年,又开设了推拿专科学校。10、近百年来,中国推拿得到了很大发展。1956年,中国上海开办了第一届推拿训练班;1958年又成立了上海推拿门诊部;同年,又开设了推拿专科学校。

  32. 1974年,上海中医学院首先成立针灸推拿骨伤系,后又专设推拿系;嗣后,北京、安徽、南京、福建、浙江、山东等地的中医学院相继设立了推拿专业,1987年,全国推拿学会成立。 1974年,上海中医学院首先成立针灸推拿骨伤系,后又专设推拿系;嗣后,北京、安徽、南京、福建、浙江、山东等地的中医学院相继设立了推拿专业,1987年,全国推拿学会成立。

  33. 10、In the past century,Chinese massage has undergone great development.In 1956,China organized her first massage training class in Shanghai.In 1958 in Shanghai, a massage clinic opened and the same year saw the establishment of a special school of massage .

  34. In 1974,Shanghai TCM College initiated a department of acupuncture,massage and traumalogy,followed then by a department of massage. Subsequently,the TCM colleges in Beijing,Anhui,Nanjing, Zhejiang and Shandong set up massage specialities. After the nation massage association was organized in 1987, academical activities of massage, nation-wide and world-wide,were carried out and gradually increased.

  35. 二、中国推拿的主要流派 The Main Schools of Chinese Massage

  36. 1、一指禅推拿 One-finger Meditation Massage 2、滚法推拿 Rolling Massage 3、内功推拿 Internal Exercise Massage

  37. 4、指压推拿 Finger-pressing Massage 5、点穴推拿 Digital Point Pressure Therapy

  38. 第 二 章Section 2 按摩的适应症与禁忌症 Indications and Contraindications

  39. 适应症(indications) 随着推拿学科的迅速发展,推拿的适应症也逐渐扩大。在伤科、内、外、妇、儿、五官等各科疾病,都有推拿的适应症。

  40. Massage indications have gradually got increased with the rapid development of massage speciality.There are massage indications in all the departments of traumatology, internal medicine, surgery, gynechology, pediatrics and the five sense organs.

  41. 禁忌症(Contraindications) 关于推拿的禁忌症,亦并非绝对的。有些疾病在治疗中,推拿可作为辅助治疗,能够提高疗效,消除症状。在推拿临床中下列情况应注意:

  42. So far as contraindications are concerned, they are not absolute in massage therapy. For some diseases, massage can be used as an auxiliary measure to increase the curative effect and eliminate the symptoms. In the clinical practice, attention should be paid to the following points:

  43. 由结核菌、化脓菌所引起的运动器官病症不宜进行推拿。由结核菌、化脓菌所引起的运动器官病症不宜进行推拿。 Massage can’t be used to treat motion organ disease due to tuberculin and pus organism.

  44. 癌症一般不宜推拿治疗。 Generally speaking, it is not suitable for the patient with cancer to be treated by massotherapy.

  45. 皮肤病病变损害处,皮开肉绽及烫伤处一般不宜推拿。皮肤病病变损害处,皮开肉绽及烫伤处一般不宜推拿。 Massage is not used for dermatosis with pathologic changes and injuries, bruise and scald.

  46. 正在出血的部位不宜推拿。 It’s not proper to massage at the part which is bleeding.

  47. 脱位处以整复手法为主。 Dislocations should be treated chiefly with taxis.

  48. 妇女在怀孕期和月经期,腹部和腰骶部不宜使用推拿方法。妇女在怀孕期和月经期,腹部和腰骶部不宜使用推拿方法。 Massage can’t be applied to the abdomen and lumbosacral portions of women who are pregnant or with menses.

  49. 患者饥饿时及剧烈运动后,推拿时应防止晕厥。患者饥饿时及剧烈运动后,推拿时应防止晕厥。 Attention should be paid to avoiding syncopy in the massage treatment for patients who are hungry and just after strenuous exercise.

  50. 其他注意事项 (Other Warnings) 男医生在诊治女性患者的某些疾病如乳房疾患髋部疾患 腹骨沟及大腿内侧疾患等,应有护士陪伴,以免引起不必要的医疗纠纷。

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