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Whether you want to learn to use an iPhone or iPad, build an iOS app, or incorporate the iPad in the classroom, our video tutorials can help you confidently use iOS, the operating system for Apple mobile devices.
IOS COURSE CONTENT iOS Course Content Understanding Programming Standards: What are the programming standards Importance of programming standards Benefits of using programming standards Good programming habits Unit Testing and its importance Introduction to SWIFT Language: Variable and Constraints Introduction to Functions (Methods) Arrays, Dictionaries, Data, Date and other basic data types Enums, Structures, closures For, If, Switch Statements Object oriented concepts with SWIFT Type check, Any Object, Any iOS: Working with Xcode Introduction to XCODE COCOA touch framework USA: +1 469 522 9162 | INDIA: +91 955 010 2466 | EMAIL ID: info@onlineitguru.com
IOS COURSE CONTENT iOS Application Architecture Application Life Cycle To learn ios swift course visit:ios online training Introduction to view controllers and Views View Controllers, View, View Lifecycle Basic Controls- Label, Buttons, Text field, Image, View Table View with default cells and customized cells Picker View, Date picker, scroll view, navigation and Tab bar Controller Understanding Interface builder, XIB files Creating Outlets and Actions Handling touch and gesture events Segment and Page control, Switch view, UI Alert view Integrating with Database Introduction to data storage methods in iOS Using Code Data, SQLite database, User Defaults, Property list Web Services: What are web services Why do we use web-services USA: +1 469 522 9162 | INDIA: +91 955 010 2466 | EMAIL ID: info@onlineitguru.com
IOS COURSE CONTENT How apps function with the help of web-services Introduction to different web services JSON parsing, XML parsing GET and POST methods Multimedia Playing audio and Video Capturing images using camera Getting images from gallery Sending mail and SMS from app Map Integration Introduction to maps Working with pin annotations Communicating with other view Controllers Using storyboard to design the app using segues Introduction ot methods used for passing data from one to another view controller USA: +1 469 522 9162 | INDIA: +91 955 010 2466 | EMAIL ID: info@onlineitguru.com
IOS COURSE CONTENT To more info visit:ios app development course Auto-Layout Introduction to Auto-layout Working with Constraints Using constraints to change view sizes Programmatically control the views Deep Concepts of Swift Language Introduction to Multithreading Multithreading in iOS app, using NS Thread, NS Operation, Queue, GCD Push Notification: Introduction to Notification NSNotification and NSNotification Center, UI local Notifications, Push Notification Services Troubleshooting App: Debugging Third-party Integration An overview to setup and use third party libraries Launching An iOS app Introduction to Bundle ID, App ID, Certificates USA: +1 469 522 9162 | INDIA: +91 955 010 2466 | EMAIL ID: info@onlineitguru.com
IOS COURSE CONTENT Making a build Posting app to APP store Using TestFlight To get more information visit:ios online course ---------------ALL THE BEST-------------------------- USA: +1 469 522 9162 | INDIA: +91 955 010 2466 | EMAIL ID: info@onlineitguru.com