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CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ? by Dr. Tore A. Torp, Statoil, Norway

DPG-Jahrestagung in Hannover, 24.-28. März 2003. CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ? by Dr. Tore A. Torp, Statoil, Norway E-mail: tat@statoil.com. CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ?. CONTENT :

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CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ? by Dr. Tore A. Torp, Statoil, Norway

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  1. DPG-Jahrestagung in Hannover, 24.-28. März 2003 CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ? by Dr. Tore A. Torp, Statoil, Norway E-mail: tat@statoil.com

  2. CO2 – Store it in the Underground or Use it Commercially ? CONTENT : • The Sleipner & Snøhvit CO2 Injections • The SACS R&D Project • What’s next?

  3. Vision

  4. ST A TFJORD GULLF AKS W A Y NOR FRIGG 15/5 15/6 16/4 HEIMDAL 2 17 SLEIPNER VEST ST A V ANGER SLEIPNER 1 1 SLEIPNER ¯ST 13 16 18 5 9 ULA 10 15 EKOFISK 4 14 15/8 15/9 16/7 3 15/12 16/10 DK. NOR U. K. W A Y 1 1 0 km 10 TEESSIDE U.K. EMDEN GERMANY Sleipner Field Map

  5. CO2 Injection Well in "Utsira" Sleipner A Sleipner T 0 500m CO Injection W ell 2 1000m CO 2 Utsir a F or mation 1500m Sleipner Øst Production and Injection W ells 2000m 0 500m 1000m 1500m 2500m Heimdal Formation

  6. The Utsira Formation

  7. Snøhvit Location

  8. Snøhvit Pipeline Routing Depth: 330 m 160 km

  9. SACS logo++ SALINE AQUIFER CO2 STORAGE PROJECT BGS BRGM GEUS IFP NITG-TNO SINTEF Statoil BP ExxonMobil TotalFinaElf Norsk Hydro Vattenfall IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme Schlumberger Research NO, DK, NL, FR & UK Authorities

  10. SACS Results: Seismic MonitoringWorks ! Simulated picture of CO2 after three years. Largest bubble 800 m wide and the total 200 m high. Ref: SINTEF Petroleum 2001

  11. SACS Project 1998-2002 WHAT WE DID ACHIEVE: • 3D Seismic proven, Gravimetry tested • Reservoir simulation tools partly proven • Geology and Geochemistry of “Utsira” mapped • Reason to expect the CO2 stay for thousands of years WHAT’S NEXT ? • “CO2STORE” 2003 – 2005: - Continued study of CO2 in “Utsira” • - 4 Field Cases in DK, DE, UK and NO

  12. CO2STORE project 2003-2006 CONTENT : * Transfer Sleipner & SACS Experience: - 4 Field Cases * Long Term Behaviour: - Geochemistry - Reservoir Simulation (incl. dissolution) * Monitoring - 4th Seismic - 2nd Gravimetry

  13. CO2STORE project 2003-2006 4 FIELD CASES: * Kalundborg, Denmark * Valleys, South Wales, UK * Mid-Norway, NO * Schwarze Pumpe, DE

  14. EUROPEAN 6FP Proposals March 2003: Projects 2004-2008? Integrated Projects: * CASTOR – Post-Combustion Capture to Storage * ENCAP – Pre-Combustion Power Plants • * CO2SINK – Capture from Biomass and Gas Field Storage • CACHET – Hydrogen Production and Use, incl. Gas TurbineNetworks-of-Excellence • GEOSEQ – Geological Storage • CO2CAP – Capture Technologies+???

  15. Use CO2 Commercially? NEW SITUATION: • Kyoto Protocol – European decision to comply • Emission Trading Directive – from 2005 • Concentrated Emissions from Ammonia, Plastics, etc • Capture Technology - exists for Power, Cement, Steel • Transport: Pipelines - Thousands of km in operation Ships – Small scale to be upgraded • Storage Underground – Sleipner 1 Mt/y since 1996 • North Sea Oil Fields – Several in decline and need boost • Enhanced Oil Recovery – USA/Canada since 1970’s => Opportunities?

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