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DATE -26 AUGUST, 2015 In Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall NEW DELHI

DATE -26 AUGUST, 2015 In Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall NEW DELHI. Directorate of Agriculture Uttar Pradesh. BASIC STATISTICS- U.P. Reported Area 241 Lakh ha. Divisions 18 Districts 75 Tehsils 314

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DATE -26 AUGUST, 2015 In Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall NEW DELHI

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  1. DATE -26 AUGUST, 2015 In AcharyaJagdish Chandra Bose Hall NEW DELHI Directorate of Agriculture Uttar Pradesh

  2. BASIC STATISTICS- U.P. • Reported Area 241 Lakh ha. • Divisions 18 • Districts 75 • Tehsils 314 • Blocks 821 • Revenue Villages1.07 Lakh • Population (According to census 11-12) 19.96 Crore • No. of Farmers 2.25 Crore • Marginal 78% • Small 14%

  3. Agro Climatic Zone in U.P. Tarai Western Plain Central Western Plain Semi Arid South Western Plain Central Plain Bundelkhand Northern Eastern Plain Eastern Plain Vindhyan

  4. Irrigation Scenario of Uttar Pradesh

  5. Major District of Til

  6. Area Production and Productivity of Til in Uttar Pradesh (2007-08 to 2014-15)

  7. Major District of Groundnut

  8. Area Production and Productivity of Groundnut in Uttar Pradesh(2007-08 to 2014-15)

  9. Major District of Soyabean

  10. Area Production and Productivity of Soybean in Uttar Pradesh(2007-08 to 2014-15)

  11. Major District of Alsi

  12. Area Production and Productivity of Alsi in Uttar Pradesh(2000-01 to 2010-11)

  13. Major District of Sunflower

  14. Area Production and Productivity of Sunflower in Uttar Pradesh(2000-01 to 2010-11)

  15. Major District of Rapseed/Musturd

  16. Area Production and Productivity of R&M in Uttar Pradesh(2000-01 to 2010-11)

  17. Area Production and Productivity of Total Oilseeds in Uttar Pradesh(2007-08 to 2014-15)

  18. Tree Borne Oilseeds Programme

  19. General & Common Constraints for oilseeds crops • Cultivation of oilseed crops on depleted, denuded and undulated marginal and sub marginal lands of rainfed areas. • Oilseed crops are more risky being highly prone to pest and diseases resulting in poor return to farmers. • Moisture stress at critical stages of vegetative / reproductive phase of crop growth. • Lack of crop and location specific short duration high yielding varieties. • Package of practices are not adopted as crop growers are generally resource poor farmers. • Little or imbalanced use of fertilizers. • used of untreated seed and no use of R. Culture. continue----

  20. Continue----- • Poor weed management. • Soils of Oilseeds growing areas are generally poor in organic carbon and deficient in secondary (S) and micro-nutrients (Zn and B). • No use of IPM, IDM and IPNM technology. • Lack of policy and marketing support. • Shortage of quality of suitable verities at proper time.

  21. Crop specific ConstraintsGroundnut • Poor plant stand due to low seed rate and high incidence of white grub, termite, stem/collar rots&PBND. • Use of obsolete and low yielding cultivars. • Lack cultivars suited to specific conditions & cropping system. • Deficiency S, Zn & B.

  22. Crop specific ConstraintsRapseed - Mustard • Salt affected soils. • Attack of white rust, downy mildew and alternaria blight. • Aphid, sawfly and painted bug insect pests. • Poor plant protection measures. • Imbalanced use of fertilizers. • Late sowing. • Lack of institutional support to the farmers in production and marketing.

  23. Crop specific ConstraintsSoybean • Unavailability of quality of suitable verities in a adequate qualities. • Poor handling of soybean seed reduces germination of seed resulting in poor plant population. • The lack of support by the private sector. • Severe problem for disposal of produced by farmers at remunerative price due to lack of proper marketing support.

  24. Crop specific ConstraintsSesame (TIL) • Non Availability of quality seed to the farmers as seed chain of till is very poor. • Little or no use of fertilizers. • High risk involved in the cultivation of sole crop of sesame. • High susceptibility to biotech/ abiotech pressures at initial stage of growth.

  25. Crop specific ConstraintsSunflower • Problem of pollination. • Menace of blue bulls. • Problem of birds if grown in small area. • Farmers are facing severe problem in marketing of their produce as marketing support is lacking.

  26. Strategies to meet the challenges Multi pronged strategy 1- Expansion of area under oilseeds. A- Inter cropping with cereals and pulses. B- By replacing low non remunerative given crops with remunerative oilseeds crops. C- By increasing cropping intensity. D- Extending cultivation of Oilseeds to Rice follows. E- Oilseeds Crops as catch crops in the period left between to regular crops. 2- Enhancing productivity by adoption of improved oilseed production technology. 3- Value addition to oilseeds and oils. 4- Higher recovery of oil by efficient processing of oilseeds. 5- Strengthening the marketing of oilseeds oils and oilseeds. Differential rate of improved duty on the import of palm oil at the time of harvest of oilseed crops like rapeseed mustard.

  27. THANK’S

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