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Status of work of Russian groups in the ATLAS collaboration

Status of work of Russian groups in the ATLAS collaboration. CERN-Russia Joint Working Group October 2009. A.Zaitsev, IHEP, Protvino. Marzio Nessi 5.10.2009. Inner detector TRT. TRT commissioning and ATLAS runs: (MEPhI, PNPI, SINP MSU, LPI RUN Coordinator A.Romaniouk (MEPHI))

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Status of work of Russian groups in the ATLAS collaboration

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  1. Status of work of Russian groups in the ATLAS collaboration CERN-Russia Joint Working Group October 2009 A.Zaitsev, IHEP, Protvino

  2. Marzio Nessi 5.10.2009

  3. Inner detectorTRT • TRT commissioning and ATLAS runs: (MEPhI, PNPI, SINP MSU, LPI RUN Coordinator A.Romaniouk (MEPHI)) The major effort was dedicated to commission the entire TRT as a complete part of the ATLAS detector and prepare for stable operation with the beam. 14 combined and semi combined runs have been done during this year before start of the continues ATLAS operation. • The main tasks: Minimize the number of the TRT dead channels Stopless recovery Validation of the Full-compression scheme of the TRT operation at high rate. Help to time in L1 triggers using cosmic particles. Detector alignment and calibration with cosmic particles. TRTViewer application. • Gas system TRT operates with a base-line mixture (Xe/CO2/O2) in a CO2 environment. From Sept 25th TRT operates with the CO2 cooling system in a standard mode. A technique of the gas gain stabilization across the detectorfinalized and used as the standard operation mode of the TRT

  4. CalorimetersLiAr • BNPI TERMO project The goal of this project is the monitoring of temperature inside of LAr calorimeters. In July 2009 the codes for temperature monitoring was finally tested and implemented in ATLAS DCS. Noise measurement Special software was developed for noise measurement and monitoring in LAr end-cup calorimeters and implemented in ATLAS software. Simulation of EM end-cap calorimeter. The final version was tested inside ATHENA and approved by collaboration. • ITEP Monitoring of FCal readout and HV channels: - no dead channels, only two channels with high noise, time alignment better than 2 ns Analysis of FCal testbeam data: - shower profiles: agreement with MC, performance well within requirements • LPI Study of LVPS failures • IHEP Beam tests of LiArg calorimeters

  5. Response of LB65 (in B.175) to the Cs source. CalorimetersTileCal • Combined runs (O.Solovyanov – run coordinator) • Taken in April, May-June, Jul-August, September. • Included TileCal + L1Calo + LAr + TRT + Muon system • Cs scan : every 2 weeks. • PMT voltage adjustments to keep gain to the level • established with test beam. • Test of optic fibers & scintillators. • Test modules at bld 175 • Fully operational LB and EB wedge. • Digitizer test-bench. • LVPS and ROD labs. • Cs scan system. • HV monitoring. • Cooling. • Muon scope. • TileCal software

  6. Muon detectorsEEL/EES chambers: 62 pcsNumber of tubes: ~ 16’128 pcs All EE chambers were equipped with electronics, certified and CR tested. Few results below: ASD noise allowed– 40kHz single tube, less 3 tubes with more than 20 kHz in singe chip; dp/dt – cut 10 mbar/day

  7. Muon detectorsEE Installation 10 chambers were installed 52 → installation at shutdown 2010 Sector 13 C Sector 15 C IHEP should finish preparation of remaining 52 chambers before installation Sotiris Vlachos - Athens NTU 7 5 oct. 2009

  8. Muon detectorsCommissioning

  9. Operation tasks 14,2 FTE (Russia) 397 FTE (total) Russian contribution 3,6%

  10. The prototypes of the real time ATLAS remote monitoring system are operational at Dubna and Protvino MOTIVATION • Monitoring of the detector and data flows at any time • Participation of the subsystem experts in the shifts and data quality checks remotely • Training the shifters before they come to CERN • Teaching • Outreach at JINR Control Room at CERN at IHEP 10

  11. Computing and software • DAQ s/w commissioning and update • DCS s/w commissioning and update • Core s/w maintenance (Software Infrastructure Team) • Distributed Data Management

  12. Distributed Analysis TestsATLAS RuTier-2 Four sites which intended to be used for physics data analysis participated in STEP09 exercise. The main (new activity for our sites) part of it consisted in mass data analysis. The corresponding jobs were submitted centrally with the help of GANGA robot Such type of jobs cause a very intensive data exchange between SE and WNs and not all the sites were ready to support the activity properly The aggregated results of data analysis part of STEP09 • The reasons of poor results in some sites were studied and some correction procedures done. Mostly this is reconfiguration in the internal farm networking • Now results in JINR and IHEP are comparable with IHEP results during STEP09. Situation in PNPI is considerably better but far from being acceptable and further improvements are needed. RRC-KI is under testing now • The troubling feature is a rather low CPU/walltime ratio which means effective decrease of available CPU resources in 2.5 times.

  13. Physics analysis • ITEP Validation of Tower and Topo jet algorithms Jet tagging and veto in VBF Higgs production • BNPI Search for heavy LRSM neutrino in electron-muon-dijet final state • PNPI e/ performance Search for the “best” jet algorithm for Top • IHEP Underlying events and MPI in events with Z bosons Deviations from DY due to unparticle exchange and ED • SINP MSU Rare B-decays B±→J/ΨK± Bs→μμ Validation of Fast ATLAS Monte Carlo Simulation Measurement of charm and beauty production using lepton trigger and D-meson reconstruction Associated W and charm production • MEPhI Search for heavy metastable quarks Search for AC leptons (τ’++ , τ’--) Y and J/ψ in HI

  14. Conclusion

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