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Golden Valley High School

Golden Valley High School. 9 th Grade Orientation. Graduation & College Entrance Requirements. Graduation Requirements English – 40 credits Social Science – 40 credits Mathematics – 20 credits Science – 30 credits Fine Art/Foreign Language – 10 credits Physical Education – 20 credits

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Golden Valley High School

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  1. Golden Valley High School 9th Grade Orientation

  2. Graduation & College Entrance Requirements Graduation Requirements • English – 40 credits • Social Science – 40 credits • Mathematics – 20 credits • Science – 30 credits • Fine Art/Foreign Language – 10 credits • Physical Education – 20 credits • Electives – 60 credits • Total Credits for Graduation –220 • Must meet the NETS & CAHSEE requirements A-G Requirements • A. Social Science – 2 years • B. English – 4 years • C. Mathematics – 3 years • D. Laboratory Science – 2 years • E. Foreign Language – 2 years • F. Visual and Performing Art - 1 year • G. College Preparatory Electives – 1 year *Must complete all A-G classes with a “C” grade or better.

  3. All 9th graders must take and pass these courses. Electives to choose if there is room in a student’s schedule.

  4. 6 Year Plan

  5. Special Recognition at Graduation • White Robe -must be a Life Member of CSF (California Scholarship Federation ) 4 of 6 terms. May also earn a gold stole with 100% membership (6 of 6 terms).Must qualify for one term during senior year. • Gold Cord -must maintain a 3.5 GPA throughout the first seven semesters of high school. • Silver Cord -need to complete 250 hours of community service. • Cardinal/White Cord -serve as an academic mentor for at least 1 semester.

  6. Summer School • Location: Golden Valley High School. • Dates: June 17th – July 24th • Geography/State Requirements will be the only course offered for advancement. Note: Your middle school will have the Summer School applications. Please make sure to fill it out completely and submit it to your middle school front office. Selection of students is through a lottery system.

  7. Special Education Department Offers a continuum of services to students with an Individualized Educational Program (IEP). • Diploma Pathway • Inclusion based program model • Certificate Pathway • Vocation based program model Your child’s program will be designed at his/her transition or “intake” IEP meeting at their middle school.

  8. What if my Child is Struggling in High School? • Golden Valley High School Freshman Advisory - 2 Days of Enrichment Activities • 2 Days of Study Hall • AERIES Gradebook & Communication with Teachers • Student Study Team Meeting

  9. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program

  10. AVID • Students who have the potential to attend a 4-year university, but need extra support. • A class taken during the school day where students learn; study, organizational, test taking and note taking skills. • They are exposed to the college environment through trips and guest speakers. • Enrollment applications are available at our course fair & in our counseling office.


  12. Art Art 1 • Meets the VPA requirement on the UC A-G list • No previous art experience necessary • Learn basic skills using pencils, colored pencils, pen and ink, tempera paint, and much more • Incorporates reading, writing and technology into the curriculum • Yearbook • Produces the school’s yearbook • Page design, photography, writing, and more

  13. Woodshop Woodshop offers students the opportunity to learn valuable skills in craftsmanship. This is a chance to develop your talents in wood design and construction.

  14. Theatre Arts 1 Academic Benefits • Fulfills the Fine Art requirement for graduation. • Fulfills the Fine Art requirement for colleges and universities. • Prepares students to better communicate in other classes. • The gateway to advanced Theatre Arts activities. Social Benefits • Designed for the student who wants to move. • Develops an appreciation for group projects and teamwork. • One of the many fun classes at GVHS – one can’t be stoic all 6 periods!

  15. World Language Learning a foreign language is fun and exciting! We offer Hmong, Spanishand French for students to expand their horizons. *2 years of a foreign language fulfills A-G requirements.

  16. Agriculture • Small Engines • Floral Design • Welding • Ag Earth Science • Ag Life Science • Ag Biology • Ag Leadership • Internship in Agriculture

  17. Fashion & Design Meets the Fine Art requirement for MUHSD, CSU and UC systems!

  18. Foods & Nutrition Learn basic skills of food preparation, the importance of nutrition, and the wise use of the food dollar. Emphasis is on efficient cooking techniques, meal planning, and safety.

  19. Technology • Four Courses To Prepare You • For The Future: • Computer Keyboarding • Digital Media Productions • Computer Applications • Computer Programming

  20. Technology StandardsNETS Students will be assessed in areas for competency in skills that will help them become 21st century citizens. Skills include: • Speed & Accuracy in word processing • Presenting with multimedia • Integration of technology in academic products • Understanding digital citizenship

  21. Athletics

  22. Fall Sports • Womens Golf • Cross Country • Football • Mens Soccer • Womens Tennis • Volleyball • Water Polo • Cheerleading – All Year

  23. Winter Sports • Mens Basketball • Womens Basketball • Wrestling

  24. Spring Sports • Baseball • Mens Golf • Womens Soccer • Softball • Swimming • Mens Tennis • Track & Field

  25. Activities Get involved in Leadership, Yearbook, class skits, and other activities to make your next four years memorable and fun!

  26. Golden Valley Cardinal Regime Encourage your child to become a part of GV’s Cardinal Regime. Learn valuable skills while building friendships and having amazing experiences! Led by Mr. Mike Vasquez.

  27. Clubs on Campus • AVID • Book Club • Cheerleaders • Comic Arts Club • CSF • Culinary Club • Dare-2-Care • DECA • Desi Club • Drama Club • Environmental Club • FHA – Hero Club • FFA & Horticulture Club • Fitness Club • French Club • GV Gives Club • GV Glee Club • I.C.C • Key Club • Legacy • Leo Club • Link Crew • No Limit Lifting Club • Pacific Club • Titanium Creative Arts Club • Ultimate Frisbee Club • X’Quisite Dance Club

  28. Uh, oh . . .What NOT to Wear • All headwear (hats, beanies and visors) must have a Golden Valley High School logo • All skirts and shorts must be mid-thigh length • Shirt straps must be at least one inch thick • Shirts or other garments must not contain suggested provocative images or messages • No drug, alcohol, gang, or weapon paraphernalia on clothing • No spandex or see through clothing • Your child will receive a planner with all dress code policies. This will be reviewed during the first weeks of school.

  29. Thank You! GVHS Parent Website: http://www.muhsd.k12.ca.us/domain/910

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