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I will speak about Eminem

I will speak about Eminem. - His name is Marshall Mathers but he is better known as Eminem , he is called Eminem because the first letters of his name are «  M and M » .

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I will speak about Eminem

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  1. I willspeakabout Eminem

  2. -Hisnameis Marshall Mathers but heisbetterknownas Eminem , heiscalledEminembecausethe first letters of hisnameare « M and M » . -Eminemwasborn on 17 October1972 in Kansas City ,it’s a city in Missouri . Hisfatheris Marshall Mathers Junior and hismotheris Debbie Mathers. -Hisfatherlefttheir house whenEminemwas 2 yearsold and hermotherleftKansas City tolive withEminem’sgrandmothertotry to geta job . Eminemat 2 yearsold

  3. -With « Ronnie » the son of Eminem’sgrandmother ,heheardrap music for the first time but hismotherleftwithEminem& went to work in Detroit. In Detroit Eminemhadmanyproblems , childrenpicked on Eminemfor 7 yearsandwhenEminemwas 9 yearsoldhegot hit sobadhefellinto a coma. - Afterthe coma theyleft Detroit to live withhisGrandmotheragain. With Ronnie helistened to rap music. He started to writetextson the sly. Eminemat the DJ Hero party

  4. -But Eminem’smotherleftagain for Detroit but this time Eminemdidn’tencounteranyproblems. He foundedBassmint Production withsomefriends. He was the onlywhite man in the group . At 17 hestoppedschooland heworked on a rap radio station. In 1996 Eminemmade his first album but itwasn’tvery good .So hewent on an American tour and he met Dr dre .Theycreated « SlimShady »a famous album

  5. In 1999 Eminem made a new Album « The Marshall Mathers LP » hewasby then a successfulartistbut hehadmanyproblems in hisprivate life .In 2002 Eminemreleased 8-mile a movie on his life .With the soundtrack « Love yourself » Eminemreceivedan Oscar . The sixth album of Eminemwas « Encore » wherehecriticized Michael Jackson and Bush . During6 yearshedidn’tmakeany more albums becausehehadproblemswithdrugs. But hetookup rap again in 2009 with a new album «Relapse ».Nowheiswritinga new album whichis to bereleasedat the end of thisyear(2012) Relapse Marshall mathers

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