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PENGELOLAAN PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN. Dihimpun dan diabstraksikan oleh : Azwar Ali, A. Catharina, Prayitno , Soemarno . PPSUB 2012. PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN.

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  1. PENGELOLAAN PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN Dihimpundandiabstraksikanoleh: Azwar Ali, A. Catharina, Prayitno, Soemarno. PPSUB 2012

  2. PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN Polusi atau pencemaran lingkungan adalah masuknya atau dimasukkannya makhluk hidup, zat energi, dan atau komponen lain ke dalam lingkungan, atau berubahnya tatanan lingkungan oleh kegiatan manusia atau oleh proses alam sehingga kualitas lingkungan turun sampai ke tingkat  tertentu yang menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kurang atau tidak dapat berfungsi lagi sesuai dengan peruntukannya (Undang-undang Pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup No. 4 Tahun 1982). Suatu zat dapat disebut polutan apabila:1. jumlahnya melebihi jumlah normal2. berada pada waktu yang tidak tepat3. berada pada tempat yang tidak tepat Sifat polutan adalah:1. merusak untuk sementara, tetapi bila telah bereaksi dengan zat lingkungan tidak merusak lagi 2. merusak dalam jangka waktu lama. Contohnya Pb tidak merusak bila konsentrasinya rendah. Akan tetapi dalam jangka waktu yang lama, Pb dapat terakumulasi dalam tubuh sampai tingkat yang merusak. DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  3. PENCEMARAN UDARA Pencemarudaradapatberupa gas danpartikel. Gas HzS. Gas inibersifatracun, terdapatdikawasangunungberapi,bisajugadihasilkandaripembakaranminyakbumidanbatubara. Gas CO danCOz. Karbonmonoksida (CO) tidakberwarnadantidakberbau, bersifatracun, merupakan hash pembakaran yang tidaksempurnadaribahanbuanganmobildanmesin letup. Gas COZ dalamudaramurniberjumlah 0,03%. Bilamelebihitoleransidapatmeng-ganggupernapasan. Selainitu, gas C02 yang terlaluberlebihandibumidapatmengikatpanasmataharisehinggasuhubumipanas.Pemanasan global dibumiakibat C02 disebutjugasebagaiefekrumahkaca. Partikel SOZ dan NO2. Keduapartikelinibersamadenganpartikelcairmembentukembun, membentukawandekattanah yang dapatmengganggupernapasan. Partikelpadat, misalnyabakteri, jamur,virus, bulu, dantepung sari jugadapatmengganggukesehatan. Batubara yang mengandung sulfur melaluipembakaranakanmeng-hasilkan sulfur dioksida. Sulfur dioksidaber$amadenganudarasertaoksigendansinarmataharidapatmenghasilkanasam sulfur. Asaminimembentukkabutdansuatusaatakanjatuhsebagaihujan yangdisebuthujanasam. Hujanasamdapatmenyebabkangangguanpadamanusia, hewan, maupuntumbuhan. Misalnyagangguanpernapasan,perubahanmorfologipadadaun, batang, danbenih. Sumberpolusiudara lain dapatberasaldariradiasibahanradioaktif, misalnya, nuklir. Setelahpeledakannuklir, materiradioaktifmasukkedalamatmosferdanjatuhdibumi. materiradioaktifiniakanterakumulusiditanah, air, hewan, tumbuhan, danjugapadamanusia. Efekpencemarannuklirterhadapmakhlukhidup, dalamtaraftertentu, dapatmenyebabkanmutasi, berbagaipenyakitakibatkelainan gen, danbahkankematian. Pencemaranudaradinyatakandenganppm (part per million) yang artinyajumlah cm3 polutan per m3 udara. DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  4. PENCEMARAN AIR Polusi air dapatdisebabkanolehbeberapajenispencemar. Pembuanganlimbahindustri, sisainsektisida, danpembuangansampahdomestik, misalnya, sisadetergenmencemari air. BuanganindustrisepertiPb, Hg, Zn, dan CO, dapatterakumulasidanbersifatracun. Sampahorganik yang dibusukkanolehbakterimenyebabkan 02 di airberkurangsehinggamenggangguaktivitaskehidupanorganisme air. Fosfathasilpembusukanbersama h03 danpupukpertanianterakumulasidanmenyebabkaneutrofikasi, yaitupenimbunan mineralyang menyebabkanpertumbuhan yang cepatpada alga (Bloomingalga). Akibatnya, tanamandidalam air tidakdapatberfotosintesiskarenasinarmatahariterhalang. Salahsatubahanpencemardilautadalahtumpahanminyakbumi, akibatkecelakaankapal tanker minyak yang seringterjadi. Banyakorganismeakuatik yang matiataukeracunankarenanya. Untukmembersihkankawasantercemardiperlukankoordinasidariberbagaipihakdandibutuhkanbiaya yang mahal. Bilaterlambatpenanggulangan-nya, kerugianmanusiasemakinbanyak. Secaraekologis, dapatmenggangguekosistemlaut. Bilaterjadipencemarandi air, makaterjadiakumulasizatpencemarpadatubuhorganisme air. Akumulasipencemarinisemakinmeningkatpadaorganismepemangsa yang lebihbesar. DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  5. PENCEMARAN TANAH Pencemaran tanah disebabkan oleh beberapa jenis pencemaran berikut ini :a. sampah-sampah pla.stik yang sukar hancur, botol, karet sintesis,pecahan kaca, dan kalengb. detergen yang bersifat non bio degradable (secara alami sulitdiuraikan)c. zat kimia dari buangan pertanian, misalnya insektisida. . The pressure of diffuse pollution on soils: polluted soils will eventually loose their important function as filter and buffer in the water cycle. Soils are the key element in the water cycle determining the quality of groundwater, surface water, and finally drinking water  http://www.eugris.info/FurtherDescription.asp?Ca=2&Cy=0&T=Diffuse%20pollution&e=91 DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  6. POLUSI SUARA : BISING Polusi suara disebabkan oleh suara bising kendaraan bermotor, kapal terbang, deru mesin pabrik, radio/tape recorder yang berbunyi keras sehingga mengganggu pendengaran. Noise Pollution: Definition: Human being can listen the noise up to a level if noise exceed that particular level of noise which is harmful for human health and environment which is called Noise Pollution. Causes: There are so many causes of Noise Pollution some of them describing following Noise which comes from factories, vehicles, airplanes etc. Noise comes from loudspeakers mostly people use loudspeaker in marriages, occasions and festivals. On occasion fire works also cause of noise pollution. Prevention of Noise Pollution: We should not use horn unnecessary We should plant more trees because they absorb noise. Diunduh dari: http://vijayshankarsaini.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/noise-pollution/# DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  7. PARAMETER PENCEMARAN 0 Denganmengetahuibeberapa parameter yang ads pads daerah/kawasanpenelitianakandapatdiketahuitingkatpencemaranatauapakahlingkunganitusudahterkenapencemaranataubelum. Paramaterparameter yang merupakanindikatorterjadinyapencemaranadalahsebagaiberikut : Parameter kimiaParameter kimiameliputi C02, pH, alkalinitas, fosfor, danlogam-logamberat. Parameter biokimiaParameter biokimiameliputi BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), yaitujumlahoksigendalam air. Cars pengukurannyaadalahdenganmenyimpansampel air yang telahdiketahuikandunganoksigennyaselama 5 hari. Kemudiankadaroksigennyadiukurlagi. BOD digunakanuntukmengukurbanyaknyapencemarorganik. Menurutmenterikesehatan, kandunganoksigendalam air minumatau BOD tidakbolehkurangdari 3 ppm. 3. Parameter fisikParameter fisikmeliputitemperatur, warna, rasa, bau, kekeruhan, danradioaktivitas. 4. Parameter biologiParameter biologimeliputiadaatautidaknyamikroorganisme, misalnya, bakteri coli, virus, bentos, dan plankton. Health impacts of water pollution It is a well-known fact that clean water is absolutely essential for healthy living. Adequate supply of fresh and clean drinking water is a basic need for all human beings on the earth, yet it has been observed that millions of people worldwide are deprived of this. http://waterpollutionandlife-shaheed.blogspot.com/2010/03/water-pollution-impact-on-health.html DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  8. TINGKAT PENCEMARAN Menurut WHO, tingkatpencemarandidasarkanpadakadarzatpencemardanwaktu (lamanya) kontak. Tingkat pencemarandibedakanmenjadi 3, yaitusebagaiberikut : Pencemaran yang mulaimengakibatkaniritasi (gangguan) ringanpadapancaindradantubuhsertatelahmenimbulkankerusakanpadaekosistem lain. Misalnya gas buangankendaraanbermotor yang menyebabkanmatapedih. Pencemaran yang sudahmengakibatkanreaksipadafaaltubuhdanmenyebabkansakit yang kronis. Misalnyapencemaran Hg (air raksa) diMinamataJepang yang menyebabkankankerdanlahirnyabayicacat. Pencemaran yang kadarzat-zatpencemarnyademikianbesarnya , sehinggamenimbulkangangguandansakitataukematiandalamlingkungan. Misalnyapencemarannuklir. DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  9. BIOSPHERE MODEL The entire part of earth's land, soil, water & atmosphere in which living organism are found is called biosphere Or The combined area lithosphere, hydrosphere of & atmosphere is known as biosphere. Atmosphere Biosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere Diunduh dari : .

  10. MODEL EKOSISTEM Solar Radiation Sun provides energy for plant photosynthesis Climate Amount of solar radiation varies with latitude & hence effects climate. solar radiation also power weather systems Volcanic activity ,mountain, ranges etc. can also affect climate Vegetation Animals Climate interacts with geology in soil formation provides water for solar climate. Soil provides water & nutrients for plants together with a physical base in which plants can root themselves. Geology Soil Plants provides food for animals Animals alter vegetation by browsing & grazing. Human have significantly altered vegetation patterns through modification for agriculture. Vegetation gives off water vapour who helps to stabilize the climate of the earth. Climate restricts the type of plants & animals that can survive in a particular ecosystem. Water & temperature are two main climate controls. Dead plants & animals decomposes & return nutrients to the soil. Nutrients are also returned to the soil through animal excrement. Biotic Component AbioticComponent Soil [provides habitat including water & air for many invertebrates addition many animals have evolved specialist cope with different soils for example the feet of camel. Diunduh dari : .

  11. ATMOSFIR Our current atmosphere is a mixture of many different gases & suspended particles. It is almost same every where up to an altitude of 80 Kms.The atmosphere is divided in to 4 layers- Diunduh dari : .

  12. KOMPOSISI ATMOSFIR Diunduh dari : .


  14. PENCEMARAN UDARA PP No.41 ayat 1 Pasal 1 Bab I Ketentuan Umum ”Pencemaran udara adalah masuknya atau dimasukkannya zat, energi, dan/atau komponen lain ke dalam udara ambien oleh kegiatan manusia, sehingga mutu udara ambien turun sampai tingkat tertentu yang menyebabkan udara ambien tidak dapat memenuhi fungsinya.” PROSES TERJADINYA PENCEMARAN UDARA DIUNDUH DARI: ….... 9/11/2012

  15. PENCEMARAN UDARA: Sumber buatan manusia atau sumber anthropogenic Kegiatanmanusia yang menghasilkanbahan-bahanpencemarUdaraa.l. : Pembakaran, sepertipembakaransampah, pembakaranpadakegiatanrumahtangga, industri, kendaraanbermotor, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahanpencemar yang dihasilkanantara lain asap, debu, grit (pasirhalus), dan gas (CO dan NO). Prosespeleburan, sepertiprosespeleburanbaja, pembuatansoda,semen, keramik, aspal. Sedangkanbahanpencemar yang dihasilkannyaantara lain adalahdebu, uapdan gas-gas. Pertambangandanpenggalian, sepertitambang mineral and logam. Bahanpencemar yang dihasilkanterutamaadalahdebu. Prosespengolahandanpemanasansepertipadaprosespengolahanmakanan, daging, ikan, danpenyamakan. Bahanpencemar yang dihasilkanterutamaasap, debu, danbau. Pembuanganlimbah, baiklimbahindustrimaupunlimbahrumahtangga. Pencemarannyaterutamaadalahdariinstalasipengolahan air buangannya. Sedangkanbahanpencemarnya yang teruatamadalah gas H2S yang menimbulkanbaubusuk. Proseskimia, sepertipadaprosesfertilisasi, prosespemurnianminyakbumi, prosespengolahan mineral. Pembuatankeris, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahanpencemar yang dihasilkanantara lain adalahdebu, uapdan gas-gas Prosespembangunansepertipembangunangedung-gedung, jalandankegiatan yang semacamnya. Bahanpencemarnya yang terutamaadalahasapdandebu. Prosespercobaan atom ataunuklir. Bahanpencemarnya yang terutamaadalah gas-gas dandeburadioaktif DIUNDUH DARI: http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/….... 9/11/2012

  16. PENCEMARAN UDARA SUMBERNYA • Combustion of fuel (natural gas, petroleum, coal and wood) • Industrial process • Natural process (Volcanic) Nitrogen oxides alone do not cause ozone and other oxidants to reach damaging levels; reactions with them are cyclic. Diunduh dari : http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html.

  17. Pencemar Udara dan dampaknya thd kesehatan manusia • Particulate Matter • Dust and smoke particles cause irritation of the respiratory tract and produce bronchitis, asthma and lung diseases. • Dust and smoke function as nuclei for condensation of water vapors and produce smog which attract chemicals like SO2, H2S, NO2,etc. Smog not only reduce visibility but is also harmful due to its contained chemicals. Partikel debu dalam emisi gas buang terdiri dari bermacam-macam komponen, dapat berbentuk padatan dan berbentuk cairan yang mengendap dalam partikel debu. Pada proses pembakaran debu terbentuk dari pemecahan unsur hidrokarbon dan proses oksidasinya. Dalam debu tersebut terkandung debu sendiri dan beberapa kandungan oksida-logam. Dalam proses paparan selanjutnya di atmosfir, kandungan metal dan debu tersebut membentuk partikulat. Beberapa unsur kandungan partikulat adalah karbon, SOF (Soluble Organic Fraction), debu, SO4, dan H2O. Sebagian partikulat keluar dari cerobong pabrik sebagai asap hitam tebal, tetapi yang paling berbahaya adalah butiran-butiran halus sehingga dapat menembus bagian terdalam paru-paru. Berdasarkan ukuran diameter partikulat dikenal dengan : Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/ …...9/11/2012

  18. SMOG Smog is the combination of smoke and fog. It is a man made air pollutant in urban areas. The term smog was coined by H.A.Des Voeux There is always a lot of controversy anytime longstanding federal regulations are changed. This time, the uproar came because the Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to increase the stringency of national air quality standards regarding nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions. NO2 forms quickly from the emissions of cars, trucks, buses, power plants, and off-road equipment. In addition, the compound also contributes to the formation of ground-level ozone (also known as smog), and fine particle pollution, which is linked with a number of adverse effects on the human respiratory system. Diunduh dari : http://greenvitals.net/greenvitalsnet/2010/1/26/new-us-anti-smog-restrictions-raising-debate-over-effects-on.html .

  19. Types of Smog Photochemical Smog Photochemical smog is a type of air pollution caused by nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons and sunlight. Nitrogen oxide is commonly produced from the internal combustion of engines. Photochemical smog is often prevalent in some of the sunnier U.S. cities, such as Los Angeles. This smog can have ill effects on the body and cause coughing, heart palpitations, pneumonia and even lung cancer. Read more: The Different Types of Smog | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6950223_different-types-smog.html#ixzz21laFkEG3 Industrial Smog Sulfurous Smog Sulfurous smog results from a high concentration of sulfur oxides being released into the air, because of burning fossil fuels. This type of smog is prevalent in London and is sometimes referred to as "London smog." While the burning of coal is the major reason why sulfur oxides are released into the air, the other causes stem from the production of crude oil and metallic ore. Sulfurous smog had been known to cause respiratory problems and can be a particular concern for those who have asthma. Read more: The Different Types of Smog | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6950223_different-types-smog.html#ixzz21lalMndF Diunduh dari : http://www.ehow.com/list_6950223_different-types-smog.html .

  20. PENCEMARAN ATMOSFIR 21% 18% 14% 05% Is an unwanted change in the quality of earth's earths atmosphere caused by emission of gases caused by emission of gases due to burning of fossil fuel,transportation,industrial institution etc. 21% Transportation Fuel Industries waste Other Diunduh dari : .

  21. BERAGAM PENCEMAR • Gaseous waste: Oxides of nitrogen,SO2,CO2,CO.Cl,Br,I,O3 & smog. • Complex organic chemicals: Benzene, ether. • Acid prop lets: H2SO4, HNO3 • Agrochemicals: fertilizers, pesticides,herbicixles,fungicides, rematicides,weedicides,bectrecides etc. • Fluorides • Metals: Mercury,lead,Cd,Zn,Fe,Ni etc. • Solid wasre:Garbage,plastic etc. • Radioactive waste: Nuclear reacters,uranium,nuclear explosion. • Noise waste Primary Air Pollutants Five major materials released directly into the atmosphere in unmodified forms.- Carbon monoxide - Sulfur dioxide- Nitrogen oxides- Hydrocarbons- Particulate matter Secondary Air Pollutants OzonePAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate)Photochemical smogAerosols and mists (H2SO4) Diunduh dari : http://ecourses.vtu.ac.in/nptel/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20%28Civil%29/Module-1/3.htm.

  22. PENCEMAR UDARA Natural Pollutants: The pollution which comes out from natural sources such as forest fires volcanic eruption decomposition of organic matter & natural radioactivity. Secondary pollutants :These result from chemical reactions between two or more air components. Primary Pollutants: Harmful chemical that directly enters the air as a result of human activity. These are deforestisation burning of fossil fuel industrialization warfare etc. Formation of secondary pollutants 2SO2+O2 2SO3 2SO3+H2O H2SO4 (Secondary pollutant) Air pollution causes widespread damage to ecosystems Posted: July 22, 2008 in environment There is a lot of focus on CO2 when it comes to public awareness about climate change. Apart from CO2 though not being the only factor contributing to it, there is also very little awareness of the effects of air pollution on terrestrial environments, such as lakes, rivers, fauna and flora. The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and The Nature Conservancy in the US has produced the first major research analysing  large-scale effects that four air pollutants are having across a broad range of habitat types. The four pollutants assessed were sulfur, nitrogen, mercury, and ground-level ozone, largely originating from smokestacks, tailpipes, and (of course!) agricultural operations. While initially airborne, these pollutants eventually return to the earth surface, where they contaminate the soil and water. They often travel long distances before reaching the ground Diunduh dari : http://isiria.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/air-pollution-causes-widespread-damage-to-ecosystems/.

  23. TANTANGAN LINGKUNGAN • Green house effect: Increasing global temperature. Scientists predicting that earth's temperature will increase by 3-40C by year 2030 if the pollution continues to increase at the same pace. • Ozone depletion: As ozone layer in the upper atmosphere absorbs incoming harmful ultraviolet radiation but it is now getting thinner & more UVs are reaching in to earth creating different disease like cancer& eye problems. • Photochemical smog: In 1952 London was covered by smog for 10 days .This smog was caused by fog, smoke, ash,& SO2 plus NO2.Sunlight played a great role in the formation of this smog .Though deaths occurring at that time were not directly attributed to the smog later statistics confirmed that 6,000 more people. Acid rain: is caused by oxides of nitrogen & sulphur.It increases acidity of soil & effects the growth of trees & plants. The majestic monument Taj Mahal in India is also affecting by this. Air pollution is a complex problem. Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases from smokestacks and vehicles react in the atmosphere to form sulfate (SO4) and nitrate (NO3) particles as well as sulfuric and nitric acids in clouds and rain. Mercury (Hg) is also emitted to the atmosphere from coal burning and incinerators. Agricultural activities contribute to the nitrogen pollution problem by releasing ammonia (NH3). All of these gases, particles and dissolved chemicals can be deposited to natural ecosystems downwind of the sources. Nitrogen can accumulate in ecosystems and cause nutrient imbalances, while acid precipitation can strip important nutrients such as calcium (Ca) from the soil and mobilize toxic metals such as aluminum (Al). Acid and aluminum harm trees in the forest and fish and other aquatic animals in streams and lakes. Diunduh dari : http://isiria.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/air-pollution-causes-widespread-damage-to-ecosystems/ .

  24. HUJAN ASAM + water SO2 & NOX Solar Radiation H2SO4 (Sulphuric Acid) HNO3 (Nitric Acid) Acid Rain Lake Factories, Transportation Sea SEA

  25. EFEK RUMAH KACA Earth A Methane Carbon Dioxide Nitrous oxide Ozone Earth This natural balance may be distorted by Green House Effect as gases such as carbon dioxide have built up in the atmosphere trapping more heat Green house gases in natural condition insulates the earth against extreme of temperature by limiting both incoming solar radiation & escape of reradiated heat in to space. Contribution of different gases to cause green house effect Less reradiated heat escapes in to space Some reradiated heat escapes in to space sun sun sun More reradiated heat reflected back to earth Infra-red radiation Some reradiated heat reflected back to earth Surface Temperature increases Surface Temperature normal Atmosphere Atmosphere Unbalanced Green House Effect Naturally Moderated Green House Effect

  26. Ozone layer depletion ozone Ultraviolet rays from Sun The Ozone layer in stratosphere blocks these harmful UV rays Chlorofluorocarbons are entering in to atmosphere releasing chlorine. The chlorine than break down the ozone Oxygen Whole in Ozone layer chlorine The chlorine released from CFCs break down the ozone molecule. More ultraviolet radiations are reaching in to earths surface as there is a whole in ozone layer. Diunduh dari : .

  27. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with the hydroxyl radicals and water vapor in the atmosphere to form their respective acids, which come back down either as dry acid deposition or, mixed with water, acid precipitation. Polusi Udara Diunduh dari: http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html

  28. Definisi Air pollution may be defined as the presence in the air (outdoor atmosphere) of one or more contaminants or combinations thereof in such quantities and of such durations as may be or tend to be injurious to human, animal or plant life, or property, or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property or conduct of business. Air Pollution Control Measures The main air pollutants discharged from a thermal plant are sulfur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and soot and dust. We are making efforts to control emissions through fuel measures including the use of high-quality fuel and the facility improvement measures including the installation of denitrification facilities, electrostatic precipitators, and flue gas desulfurization facilities, as well as through the complete combustion management while seeking prevention of air pollution by implementing the operation measures such as monitoring of emission sources. Diunduh dari : http://www.tohoku-epco.co.jp/enviro/tea2005e/05/05a.html.

  29. Pencemar (Polutan) Udara Pencemaran udara diartikan sebagai adanya bahan-bahan atau zat-zat asing di dalam udara yang menyebabkan perubahan susunan (komposisi) udara dari keadaan normalnya. Kehadiran bahan atau zat asing di dalam udara dalam jumlah tertentu serta berada di udara dalam waktu yang cukup lama, akan dapat mengganggu kehidupan manusia. Apabila keadaan seperti itu terjadi maka udara dikatakan telah tercemar. “Polutan” is a substance or effect dwelling temporarily or permanently in the air , which adversely alters the environment by interfering with the health, the comfort, or the food chain, or by interfering with the property values of people. A pollutant can be solid (large or sub-molecular), liquid or gas . It may originate from a natural or anthropogenic source (or both). It is estimated that anthropogenic sources have changed the composition of global air by less than 0.01%. However, it is widely accepted that even a small change can have a significant adverse effect on the climate, ecosystem and species on the planet. Examples of these are acid rain, ozone in the lower atmosphere, and photochemical smog. Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/….. 9/11/2012.

  30. Pencemar Hidrokarbon KARAKTERISTIK HIDROKARBON Struktur Hidrokarban (HC) terdiri dari elemen hidrogen dan karbon dan sifat fisik HC dipengaruhi oleh jumlah atom karbon yang menyusun molekul HC. HC merupakan pencemar udara yang dapat berbentuk gas, cairan dan padatan. Semakin banyak jumlah atom karbon, senyawa HC ini cenderung berbentuk padatan. Hidrokarbon dengan kandungan unsur C antara 1-4 atom karbon akan berbentuk gas pada suhu kamar, sedangkan kandungan karbon lebih dari 5 akan berbentuk cairan dan padatan. HC yang berupa gas akan tercampur dengan gas-gas hasil buangan lainnya. Sedangkan bila berupa cair maka HC akan membentuk semacam kabut minyak, bila berbentuk padatan akan membentuk asap yang pekat dan akhirnya menggumpal menjadi debu. Berdasarkan struktur molekulnya, hidrokarbon dapat dibedakan dalam 3 kelompok yaitu hidrokarban alifalik, hidrokarbon aromatik dan hidrokarbon alisiklis. Molekul hidrokarbon alifalik tidak mengandung cincin atom karbon dan semua atom karbon tersusun dalam bentuk rantai lurus atau bercabang. Hidrokarbon dan oksidan fotokimia merupakan komponen polutan udara yang berbeda tetapi mempunyai hubungan satu dengan yang lain. Hidrokarbon merupakan polutan primer karena dilepaskan ke udara secara langsung, sedangkan oksidan fotokimia berasal dari reaksi-reaksi yang melibatkan hidrokarbon baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Masalah yang dihadapi karena adanya polusi hidrokarbon harus mempertimbangkan juga adanya polusi oksidan fotokimia. Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/…... 9/11/2012

  31. FAKTOR EMISI FaktorEmisiadalahadalahnilairepresentatif yang menghubungkankuantitassuatupolutan yang dilepaskankeatmosferdarisuatukegiatan yang terkaitdengansumberpolutan. Faktor-faktorinibiasanyadinyatakansebagaiberatpolutandibagidengansatuanberat, volume, jarak, ataulamanyaaktivitas yang mengemisikanpolutan (misalnya, partikel yang diemisikan kilogram per megagrambatubara yang dibakar). Padabeberapakasus, faktor-faktorinihanyalah rata-rata darisemua data yang tersediadengankualitas yang dapatditerima. Persamaanumumuntukestimasiemisiadalah: E = A x EF x (1-ER/100) E = A x EF x (1-ER/100) Keterangan : E = emisi; A = lajuaktifitas; EF = faktoremisi; ER = efisiensipenguranganemisikeseluruhan, %. Emisidapatdikategorikanmenjadi: Emisilangsung, adalahemisi yang keluarlangsungdariaktifitasatausumberdalamruangbatas yang ditetapkan. Contoh: emisi CO2darikendaraanbermotor. Emisitidaklangsung, merupakanhasildariaktifitasdidalamruangbatas yang ditetapkan. Contoh: konsumsienergilistrikdirumahtangga. Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/…... 9/11/2012

  32. Contoh-contoh faktor-faktor emisi gas: Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/…... 9/11/2012






  38. GANGGUAN KESEHATAN AKIBAT NOx • Short-term exposure at concentrations greater than 3 parts per million (ppm) can measurably decrease lung function. • Concentrations less than 3 ppm can irritate lungs. • Concentrations as low as 0.1 ppm cause lung irritation and measurable decreases in lung function in asthmatics. • Long-term lower level exposures can destroy lung tissue, leading to emphysema. • Children may also be especially sensitive to the effects of nitrogen oxides. Noxious Air Pollutants Air pollution is putting many things in the air that we’re not supposed to breathe. Among the most noxious air pollutants are nitrogen oxides, highly reactive gases containing nitrogen and oxygen, collectively known as NOx. DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.onewalloneworld.com/bulletin.php..

  39. Where are nitrogen oxides involved in atmospheric processes? We find NOx (= NO + NO2) and other nitrogen oxides nearly everywhere in atmospheric chemistry. During the night, nitrate radicals NO3 are formed and are the most active oxidants. Radicals are chemical species, which are very instable and usually react extremely fast.If N2O5 is formed in polluted areas, it can react on droplets or wet surfaces with water and nitric acid HNO3 is formed. HNO3 contributes to the acid character of the rain. Nitric acid, which can also be formed during the day by oxidation of NO2, is the main way how nitrogen oxides are removed again from the atmosphere, either by dry or by wet deposition (wash out by rain).Nitric acid is also part of polar stratospheric clouds. Nitric acid tryhydrate forms the particles on which the ozone hole developed DIUNDUH DARI: http://alchemistviolet.blogspot.com/2010/12/nox.html..

  40. EFEK LAINNYA • Oxides of nitrogen, in the presence of sunlight, can also react with hydrocarbons, forming photochemical oxidants or smog. • Also, NOx is a precursor to acidic precipitation, which may affect both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. HUJAN ASAM Acid rain is a popular term for the atmospheric deposition of acidified rain, snow, sleet, hail, acidifying gases and particles, as well as acidified fog and cloud water. The increased acidity of these depositions, primarily from the strong acids, sulfuric and nitric, is generated as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur or nitrogen, especially  electrical utilities (power plants.) Several processes can result in the formation of acid deposition. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) released into the atmosphere from a variety of sources call fall to the Earth’s surface simply as dry deposition. This dry deposition can then be converted into acids when these deposited chemicals interact with water. Most wet acid deposition occurs when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are converted to nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) through oxidation and dissolution in the atmosphere. Wet deposition can also form when ammonia gas (NH3) from natural and agricultural sources is converted into ammonium (NH4). DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.eoearth.org/article/Acid_rain ..

  41. EFEK LAINNYA • Seriously injure vegetation at certain concentrations. Effects include: • Bleaching or killing plant tissue. • Causing leaves to fall. • Reducing growth rate. • Deteriorate fabrics and fade dyes. • Corrode metals (due to nitrate salts formed from nitrogen oxides). • Reduce visibility. Oxides nitrogen NOx may affect plants in three ways: direct contact with plants; through formed in the air, acid rain; indirectly - By the photochemical formation of oxidants such as ozone and PAN. Direct NOx impact on plants is determined visually by yellowing or browning leaves and needles, what is happening as a result of oxidation of chlorophyll. Oxidation fatty acids in plants, occurring simultaneously with the oxidation of chlorophyll, in addition, leads to the destruction of membranes and necrosis. Formed in this in cells nitrous acid has a mutagenic effect. Negative biological effects of NOx on the plants shown in the bleaching of leaves, wilting of flowers, fruiting and cessation of growth. This action is explained formation of acids when dissolved nitrogen oxides in the intercellular and intracellular fluid. Botany believe that the initial symptoms of damage to plants nitrogen oxides manifest themselves in a chaotic distribution of bleaching stains gray-green shade. These spots gradually coarse, dry out and become white. Oxides nitrogen are toxic at a concentration of 3 million-1. For comparison: sulfur dioxide is affected plants at higher concentrations (5 M-1). Violations growth of plants under the influence of NO2 are observed at concentrations of 0.35 mg/m3 and above. This value is the maximum concentration. The risk of damage vegetation nitrogen dioxide exists only in large cities and industrial areas, where the average concentration of NO2 is 0,2 - 0,3 mg/m3. Plants more stable (compared to humans) to the effect of pure dioxide nitrogen. This is due to the peculiarities of assimilation NO2, which is restored chloroplasts and a NH2-group is included in the amino acids. At concentrations 0,17 - 0,18 mg/m3 oxides of nitrogen used by plants as fertilizer. This ability to metabolizirovaniyu NOx man not inherent. DIUNDUH DARI: http://yqyq.net/82015-Vozdeiystvie_oksidov_azota_na_organizm_cheloveka_i_rasteniya.html..

  42. Sulfur Dioxide Ninety-five percent of pollution related sulfur oxide emissions are in the form of sulfur dioxide (SO2), a heavy, colorless gas with an odor like a struck match. This gas combines easily with water vapor, forming aerosols of sulfurous acid (H2SO3), a colorless, mildly corrosive liquid. This liquid may then combine with oxygen in the air, forming the even more irritating and corrosive sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Anthropogenic SO2 is almost exclusively formed during the combustion of fossil fuels with relevant sulphur content and most important is coal because the sulfur content of liquid and gaseous fossil fuels can be easily removed before combustion. SO2 atmospheric reaction and historical emissions. ( Popescu, 2009 ) DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.intechopen.com/books/air-quality/anthropogenic-air-pollution-sources..

  43. Other sulfur-containing compounds • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas - rotten eggs. • Mercaptans - skunk spray or decayed garbage. (Added in trace amounts to natural gas, providing a leak-detecting warning odor.) Note: The amount of SO2 released from coal fired power plants depends on the sulfur content of coal, normally 0.7% to 2% by weight. High sulfur coal sometimes contains as much as 6% sulfur by weight. In India, sulfur content is quite low. Illustration of the important reaction pathways connecting SO, SO2, SO3 and H2SO4. DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v3/n12/fig_tab/ngeo989_F2.html..

  44. EFEK KESEHATAN AKIBAT SOx • Sulfur dioxide not only has a bad odor, it can irritate the respiratory system. • Exposure to high concentrations for short periods of time can constrict the bronchi and increase mucous flow, making breathing difficult. • Children, the elderly, those with chronic lung disease, and asthmatics are especially susceptible to these effects. DIUNDUH DARI: ..

  45. EFEK KESEHATAN AKIBAT SOx • Immediately irritate the lung and throat at concentrations greater than 6 parts per million (ppm) in many people. • Impair the respiratory system's defenses against foreign particles and bacteria, when exposed to concentrations less than 6 ppm for longer time periods. • Apparently enhance the harmful effects of ozone. (Combinations of the two gases at concentrations occasionally found in the ambient air appear to increase airway resistance to breathing.) DIUNDUH DARI: ..

  46. EFEK KESEHATAN AKIBAT SOx • Sulfur dioxide tends to have more toxic effects when acidic pollutants, liquid or solid aerosols, and particulates are also present. (In the past, thousands of excess deaths occurred in areas where SO2 concentrations exceeded 1 ppm for a few days and other pollutants were also high.) Effects are more pronounced among mouth breathers, e.g., people who are exercising or who have head colds. These effects include: • Health problems, such as episodes of bronchitis requiring hospitalization associated with lower-level acid concentrations. • Self-reported respiratory conditions, such as chronic cough and difficult breathing, associated with acid aerosol concentrations. (Asthmatic individuals are especially susceptible to these effects. The elderly and those with chronic respiratory conditions may also be affected at lower concentrations than the general population.) • Increased respiratory tract infections, associated with longer term, lower-level exposures to SO2 and acid aerosols. • Subjective symptoms, such as headaches and nausea, in the absence of pathological abnormalities, due to long-term exposure. DIUNDUH DARI: ..

  47. Efek SOx pada Tumbuhan • Sulfur dioxide easily injures many plant species and varieties, both native and cultivated. Some of the most sensitive plants include various commercially valuable pines, legumes, red and black oaks, white ash, alfalfa and blackberry. The effects include: • Visible injury to the most sensitive plants at exposures as low as 0.12 ppm for 8 hours. • Visible injury to many other plant types of intermediate sensitivity at exposures of 0.30 ppm for 8 hours. • Manfaat positif pada konsentrasi rendah, dirasakan oleh beberapa jenis tumbuhan pada tanah-tanah yang defisien belerang. Diunduh dari : .

  48. EFEK LAINNYA Increases in sulfur dioxide concentrations accelerate the corrosion of metals, probably through the formation of acids. (SO2 is a major precursor to acidic deposition.) Sulfur oxides may also damage stone and masonry, paint, various fibers, paper, leather, and electrical components. Peningkatan konsentrasi SO2 juga dapat mengganggu penglihatan (visibility). Partikulat sulfat, yang berasal dari emisi SO2, merupakan komponen utama dari campuran kompleks partikulat yang tersuspensi. Diunduh dari : .

  49. EFEK KESEHATAN AKIBAT OZON • Ozone acts as a powerful respiratory irritant at the levels frequently found in most of the nation's urban areas during summer months. • Paparanozondapatmengakibatkan: • Sesaknafas / nafaspendek. • Sakit dada bilamenghirupnafaspanjang. • Batuk-batuk. Paparanozonjangkapanjangdengankonsnetrasitinggidapatmengakibatkangangguanfungsiparu, inflammation selaputparu, dangangguanpernafasan.

  50. PENCEMAR UTAMA DI UDARA Diunduh dari : .

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