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Database Systems. Conceptual to Relational Modeling II Lecture # 11 Feb 25 th 2011. ER Model => Relational Model. Step 1: Regular Entities (and Single-valued attributes). Step 2: Many-to-Many Relationships Step 3: Many-to-One Relationships Step 4: One-to-One Relationships
Database Systems Conceptual to Relational Modeling II Lecture # 11 Feb 25th 2011
ER Model => Relational Model • Step 1: Regular Entities (and Single-valued attributes). • Step 2: Many-to-Many Relationships • Step 3: Many-to-One Relationships • Step 4: One-to-One Relationships • Step 5: n-ary (m-way) relationships • Step 6: Weak Entities • Step 7: Multi-valued Attributes • Step 8: Entity Subtypes and Super-types • Step 9: Additional Constraints • These steps may not be followed in the above sequence. You may have to do step 6 before step 2, and so on.
Step 1: Regular Entities • Each regular entity type maps into a base table. • Each simple attribute of the entity type maps to an attribute of the table. • Each composite attribute will be broken into many simple attributes. • We’ll treat Multi-valued attributes later. • Derived attributes, by definition, can be derived, and therefore are not necessary to be represented. • The primary key of the entity type maps to the primary key of the table.
Step 1: Example Department {D#, Dname, City}; Employee {E#, First, MI, Last, Salary, Manager}; Supplier {S#, Sname, City, Status}; Part {P#, Pname, Color, Weight, City}; Project {J#, Jname, City}; • Primary keys are underlined. • How about Employee Name and Phone?
Step 2: M-N Relationships • Each Many-to-Many relationship type maps into a table. • The primary key of this table is the combination of the primary keys of the participating entity types. • These are also foreign keys. • Attributes of the relationship type maps to attributes of the table, similar to those of regular entity types.
Step 2: Example Proj_Work{E#, J#} Foreign key {E#} References Employee, Foreign key {J#} References Project; SP {S#, P#, QTY} Foreign key {S#} References Supplier, Foreign key {P#} References Part; Contain {Cont_P#, Comp_P#, QTY} Foreign key {Cont_P#} References Part, Foreign key {Comp_P#} References Part;
Step 3: M-1Relationships • For each regular Many-to-One relationship type, • introduce a foreign key in the table on the “many” side • that references the table on the “one” side. • Do not need to introduce a separate table. • We’ll treat the identifying relationship of each weak entity type later.
Step 3: Example Employee {Emp#, First, MI, Last, Salary, Manager, D#} Foreign key {D#} references Department; Project {J#, Jname, City, PrjMgr_E#} Foreign key {PrjMgr_E#} references Employee; • Do we need tables for: • Employee Prj_Manage Project • Employee Work_In Department
Step 4: 1-1 Relationships • We treat One-to-One relationship similarly as we treat Many-to-One relationship. • We prefer to extend the entity type that has a “mandatory” participation in the relationship.
Step 4: Example For Manage Relationship: Department {Dept#, Dname, City, Manager_E#} Foreign key {Manager_E#} references Employee; • However, both M-1 and 1-1 relationships can be treated as special cases of M-M relationships, so a separate table could be created for each relationship, no matter whether it’s M-M, M-1, or 1-1.
Step 5: M-Way relationships • The primary key of this table is the combination of the primary keys of the participating entity types. • These are also foreign keys. • Attributes of the relationship type maps to attributes of the table, similar to those of regular entity types.
Step 5: Example SPJ {S#, P#, J#, QTY}
Step 6: Weak Entities • The identifying relationship of a weak entity is of course a Many-to-One relationship, • The weak entity type must have a “mandatory” participation in its identifying relationship. • Each weak entity type maps into a base table. • Attributes are treated as usual. • Introduce a foreign key that references the primary key of its identifying entity type. • The primary key is the primary key of its identifying entity type plus its own partial key.
Step 6: Example Dependent {E#, Dname, Gender} Foreign key {E#} References Employee;
Step 7: Multi-valued Attributes • Each multi-valued attribute maps into a separate table. • The table has an attribute for each simple attribute of the multi-valued attribute. • Include also an attribute for the primary key of the entity or relationship type that the attribute belongs to. • This is also a foreign key. • The primary key of this table is the combination of all the attributes if the multi-valued attribute is simple. • If the multi-valued attribute is composite, the primary key of this table may be a combination of some of the attributes.
Step 7: Example Emp_Phone {Emp#, Phone} Foreign key {Emp#} References Employee; E.g. Customer has Cust#, name, multiple Credit Cards that have Card # and Expiration Customer {Cust#, name}; Credit_Cards {Cust#, Card#, Expiration} Foreign key {Cust#} References Customer;
Step 8: Entity Subtypes/Supertypes • The supertype maps into a base table. • Each subtype maps into another base table. • The primary key is the same as the primary key of its supertype. • This is also a foreign key. • Treat attributes that belongs to the subtype only as usual. • The primary key of the root entity propagates down a hierarchy of entity types.
Step 8: Example Employee {E#, First, MI, Last, Salary, Manager, D#} Foreign key {D#} references Department; Programmer {E#, Language} Foreign key {E#} references Employee; SYS_Prog {E#, OS} Foreign key {E#} references Programmer; APP_Prog {E#, Web_Based} Foreign key {E#} references Programmer;
The Relational Schema (So far) Department {D#, Dname, City, Manager_E#} Foreign key {Manager_E#} references Employee; Employee {E#, First, MI, Last, Salary, Manager, Dept#} Foreign key {D#} references Department; Supplier {S#, Sname, City, Status}; Part {P#, Pname, Color, Weight, City}; Project {J#, Jname, City, Prj_Mgr_E#} Foreign key {Prj_Mgr_E#} references Employee; Proj_Work {E#, J#} Foreign key {E#} References Employee, Foreign key {J#} References Project;
The Relational Schema (Cont.) SP {S#, P#, QTY} Foreign key {S#} References Supplier, Foreign key {P#} References Part; Contain {Cont_P#, Comp_P#, QTY} Foreign key {Cont_P#} References Part, Foreign key {Comp_P#} References Part; SPJ {S#, P#, J#, QTY} Foreign key {S#} References Supplier, Foreign key {P#} References Part, Foreign key {J#} References Project; Dependent {E#, Dname#, Gender} Foreign key {E#} References Employee;
The Relational Schema (Cont.) Emp_Phone {E#, Phone} Foreign key {E#} References Employee; Programmer {E#, Language} Foreign key {E#} references Employee; SYS_Prog {E#, OS} Foreign key {E#} references Programmer; APP_Prog {E#, Web_Based} Foreign key {E#} references Programmer; • Totally 14 tables.
Additional Constraints However, we haven’t treated the additional constraints. • Weight is a real number in [0, 10000]. • QTY is a real number in [0, 60000]. • QTY must be entered for SP. • Color must be one of ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'White', 'Black', 'Other'). • Sname does not have duplicates and must be entered. • Suppliers in London must have status 20. • No suppliers with status less than 20 can supply any part in a quantity greater than 500.
Step 9: Additional Constraints Supplier {S#, Sname, City, Status} Constraint NOT( CITY='London' AND STATUS <> 20), Constraint Sname UNIQUE NOT NULL; Part {P#, Pname, Color, Weight, City} Constraint Color IN ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'White', 'Black', 'Other'), Constraint Weight >= 0 AND Weight <= 10000;
Data Modeling Tools A number of popular tools that cover conceptual modeling and mapping into relational schema design. Examples: ERWin, S- Designer (Enterprise Application Suite), ER- Studio, etc. POSITIVES: serves as documentation of application requirements, easy user interface - mostly graphics editor support
Problems with Current Modeling Tools • DIAGRAMMING • Poor conceptual meaningful notation. • To avoid the problem of layout algorithms and aesthetics of diagrams, they prefer boxes and lines and do nothing more than represent (primary-foreign key) relationships among resulting tables.(a few exceptions) • METHODOLGY • lack of built-in methodology support. • poor tradeoff analysis or user-driven design preferences. • poor design verification and suggestions for improvement.
Some of the Currently Available Automated Database Design Tools